Whats up :)
Is a camper when it comes to Nazi Zombies
Would you happen to know any glitches to get good weapons
Has been on khv for four years and only has 14 posts
My friend and I mainly always do that but we run out of ammo and barely ever get max ammo and we get sh**y guns from the random box :(
His last reply made no sense at all
It think it is zomic / zomig / zebra
Is correct and I apologize
Obviously doesn't know what ROFL stands for
Wants to know can I dig it Ans = no
Doesn't live in Ireland
Thinks I'm confused ( and your wrong it was about a second )
Beauty of annihilation
Posted 1 second before me
Said I was a vehicle not a truck argh
Has just said what I did
Is ment to be revising or doing work
I need help getting my last zombie achievement/trophy on Shi no Numa the big baller one I've tried the Morris and Vandz method... If you know an easier way Orr a glitch ( not patched ) please leave a reply... Another thing it doesn't help me by saying " I got it on my first try " or saying " its easy "
Hi nice avatar
Not much I started to play World At War again :)