*sigh* i kinda wish one of my amv's had made it, but hopefully some of my future ones might! ^_^ *maybe i should stop using japanese songs and use english ones instead? 0.0 +blink+*
awesome the first one represents how amv's SHOULD be made! ^_^ i really want to make amv's as good as them. i put it on my myspace so i can watch everyday! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!......^_^' hee, i can get over enthusiastic. lol. but really, that first one is awesome. they are truly a good amv maker. :D
0.0 man, some ppl have screwed up senses of humor. did you see it or know the person? if i knew the person i would hunt down the prankers and give them a piece of my mind! hmph. yep.
0.0 did someone seriously do that. omg. 0.0
...you make feel bad now. im sorry. T.T
i kno. that was not funny, telling people what they want to hear and then saying it wasn't real. T.T that really was not funny *runs away from all the horrible april fool's day jokes*
o.o plz...don't kill anything. lol. *hids away kittens and puppies*
i actually believed at first, but now im angry for the joke and relieved it's not true. ^^
yeah, that's how i felt...in a way. ^_^'
0.0 *jaw drops* are you serious, i mean yeah, good joke, but it was a bit...extreme.
yeah, me too. ^_^'
are you effin serious! that was seriously a bad joke-a good one in the sense you got us-but a bad one indeed, getting all us kh fans worked up, really!
gosh i hope so. T.T
0.0 oh my gosh, please tell me this is a really bad april fool's day joke. T.T no, no, no, NOOOO!!!!! and i just recently started making amv's too. not fair. plz tell me it's not true!!!!!!! T.T *scared to think it's true*