Whoa, please tell me you aren't going to sacrifice my gf o.o
Panda Cloud is a cloud based anti-virus lol :P its american I believe lol
I have Panda Cloud (:
Im going to to guess that the program that is poping up telling you that is ether a virus or spyware, whats your anti-virus?
I knew they had KH, I didn't know that they had Kh2 o.o
I love the cold :D I'm a true Wisconsinite! =] As for rule 34, HELLZZZZ YEAH :D
Lol, that is very true xD
Lmao you two are so entertaining :D
Wolf? D: lol
Haha yes, I'm Alex, ajk is my initials actually ;o As for your Skillet Amv, I LOVE THAT SONG =D lol I've actually used Animal I have Become once =[ Cat, I'm kinda scared now o.o BUT THAT SO MADE MY DAY =D *Doesn't help that I was sleeping all day ether xD*
AJ? Well thats a first. xD And you're a bird Ace? o.o The things we learn o.o they scares me. =[
Haha, why not? :P
Oh sorry, lol I was half awake when I read your post ^^; I'm not the top dog, that would be Ace actually :P As for your question, I would have to say Second Chance by Shinedown. But all and all, it all maters really on how you edit it.
Sup Ominous :D I'm Alex, but no one knows that here xD So everyone calls me ajk =[ lol :P
LMAO! epic =3
Cat posted that video earlier
kk done ;o
o.o I don't even know where this is lol
Not to sound mean or anything Cat, but I must correct you on something, GIMP is not part of google in anyway. Actually the company that owns it, is in fact, GIMP. Anyways I saw your video Cat, it's quite nice, the only pointer I could say is to maker blink, it looks kinda unnatural without the blinking...I'm not trying to sound mean at all D: I hopes I don't come out that way =[
*For 640x360* When you hit render as, you'll see a button that says Custom.. on your right, click on that. Then go to the video tab, and on the Image size drop down menu, look for (Custom) and then the two text boxes under it will allow you to type in them. For width put in 640 and height put in 360. Then click ok, and render. *For 1280x720* When you hit render as, make sure your "Save as type:" is "Windows Media Video V11 (*.wmv)" then select your Templet as "4.8 Mbps HD 720-24p Video" or you could do what we did for the 640x360 option, but in the drop down menu instead of (Custom), pick "High Definition (1280x720)" To change your preview box to the desired aspect ratio while working on the video go under file/properties, the video tab should be up, change the Template to Custom and put in the width as 640 and the height to 360. To make it so all your new videos start off with this template just check the box on the bottom that says "Start all new projects with these settings"