HOLY! That's a big Roxas! o.o Me be scaried nows! D:
I do hate the unloader here D: It kills the audio...
No clue xD Go get a keygen for Vegas xD Its so easy to do with youtube x.x
That's where I come in ;D I got Sony Vegas free *Lets not talk how*
Get a different editor is all I can say
o.o damn, wtf
That's weird o.o Are you saving the video, by using Save as and Save? Cuz what it sounds like to me is that you're just hitting the Save Movie File, which finishes the video and saves it as a .mp4 where as Save as and Save, save the file as a project file, where can be open and then edited for later
I say the second video, the third one seems more like a begging more than a middle part and the first one, I really didn't care for *seemed as if there was suppose to be a story* I would say though that he should really just make the first one into a full amv and make sure theres some sort of story :D...So anyways my vote has to go with the second video
Yeah, it has a part from Rebirthing (acoustic version), but it's mainly E For Extinction by Thousand Foot Krutch
Sounds good to me :D
o.o; I just reformatted one of my computers so it's back to Windows XP, I was getting sick of not being able to use Sony Vegas on Linux =-=;, any who, I agree with the fade out and in :D *time to download clips D:*
Ive done it many, many times, and I still have my account, no problem.
Thats simple do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P2cupCExhc
We started it before you were part of the group o.o;
The video is bad. The song is alright in my opinion.
I've actually seen that one once, I also use to listen to that song over and over again @.@ I cant even get passed the first 16 secs its so bad xD
Who ever said it was long distance? She lived in town and we hanged out like everyday. But oh well thats life, I'll get over it.
I know how you feel, I was hanging out with my Gf over the weekend in another state *who dumped me yesterday D: Fak* and I get on here and that whole page is like that, I didn't even bother reading it xD
Idk, I was like half asleep when I typed that up o.o It just looks a little off I guess? Idk
I dislike Norton with a passion lol Cascada? Sweet :D The only problem I have with your video is the lip syncing, in my eyes to much o.o