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  1. ajk515
    Will I ether do 640x360 or 1280x420
    640x360 if I want a quick preview on my computer/youtube
    1280x420 for the final video
    But really the size is up to you
    640x360 = size of small youtube player (Default is 360p)
    1280x420 = size of big youtube player (Default is 480p)
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  2. ajk515
    It's not that complicated actually lol
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 28, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  3. ajk515
    there's multiple ways, one is to do a real quick fade to ether to a white or black background...Or put a frame or two in of black or white...or make a video track and put it above your other tracks, make sure it's selected then go to insert/video envelopes/fade to color Fade to color will make video tracks below it fade to ether white, or black depending on how you use it. To use it just right click on where you want the flash to begin *on the track with the fade to color* and place a point. then at where you want the flash to end put another point and another one followed right after that, now drag the center dot up, for white, or down for black. you can move the dots wherever suits your video best.
    Any who that's all the ways I know how to fade o.o
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 28, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  4. ajk515
    Its at about 0:04
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  5. ajk515
    I actually hate twilight with a passion lol

    This computer sucks for watching videos D: but from what I saw, it wasnt half bad, I would of gave it though a 7/10 ;o
    But like I said this computer loads videos really slow *I think its a ram problem* So, I'll have to re-watch it on my other computer sometime tomorrow.
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  6. ajk515
    22 days till what?
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 26, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  7. ajk515
    Well for your track problem I have no clue what to tell you, try googling around, you might find it.
    As for my clips I used...
    KH BBS- htt://
    KH1 [I believe is HQ]-
    KH Com/RE:COM [HQ] -
    KH 365/2- I beleive frome acually o.o
    KH 2 [HQ]-

    ----KH1 FMVs is in the descripton of KH 2 [HQ]
    *Sorry if anything is mispelled, I fail at spelling and this is my dad's computer so I don't have my spell checker D:*
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 26, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  8. ajk515
    Really? Does it load the player? If so, see if it'll buffer *red line*, if it does buffer, let it buffer all the way through, and then see if it works o.o
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 24, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  9. ajk515
    I rather liked the video actually, its very nice ;o

    Heres what I've been working on ;o
    I think some of the timing is off, and it ends at 0:36, idk where all that black came from, its not on the file on my computer.
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  10. ajk515
    yeah, that might be hard o.o
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 22, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  11. ajk515
    I agree about contacting him.

    I'm working on a few Amv's one is progressing quite well :o but I doubt if I'll get done with it before Friday sadly D:
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 21, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  12. ajk515
    The audio was probably killed by the uploader that the user portal uses. I had lots of problems with that earlier when I was uploading them onto the user portal instead of just hosting the video on youtube.
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 20, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  13. ajk515
    Fixed that problem and another one that was bugging me.
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  14. ajk515
    Yeah, looks like it lol

    Btw here's my part for the collab, anything that looks wrong or such just tell me haha :P
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 18, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  15. ajk515
    1G? o.o man that wouldn't cover me at all. I use mostly HQ clips, so my archive for clips is pretty large in size. I know its well over 10 gigs easily. O.o I need a bigger hard drive xD.

    Sorry that I haven't been posting much, I've been busy, so whats up with everyone?
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  16. ajk515
  17. ajk515
  18. ajk515
    D: yeah, that could be a problem
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 11, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  19. ajk515
    ah okay =D I have lots of songs to choose from xD
    Post by: ajk515, Jun 11, 2010 in forum: Forum Families