Awe this looks so interesting X3!! I wish I can do it for this game...Oh well I'll go for the next KH game I suppose lol
I shall go check it Out!
Nothing much ^_^ & u?
Hey! How are u?! Nothing much on my side of the screen lol
.:OC:. Accepted Great! your in! Thanx for joining!!
Nothing much just working on some stuff on manga studio and trying to apply to sum colleges :3. And You?
Awesome gun blade :P!!!
I was looking at your birthday and it seems like it past so happy belated b-day :)!
Awesome Layout :)!
Hey welcome to KH-Vids ^w^!! Have a awesome time here :3!!
[IMG] Join Today :D!!
Hey Welcome to KH-Vids!! enjoy your stay here ^w6!!
Thanx! I know I will ^w^!!
Yes you can be Kairi ^w^!! and your OC is approved :D!! Yes you can be Sora, and your OC is approved :)!!
Okay! Anytime!
Destiny Islands: Sora and Riku have been back from their wild adventures with the Heartless and Nobodies for a month. Relaxing and hanging out was their plan until one day both their parents's time to get up and get their butts to school!! They both never been to DI High (Destiny Islands Highschool) in all most 2 years and don't know what to expect! A real normal teen life is about to begin!! ---------------------------------------------------- Twilight Town: Summer is over and Hayner, Pence, and Olette are not ready to go back to school. Teachers, ugly lunch ladies, girls/guys, and Seifer's gang are the last things they wanna face. Twilight Town High can't get any better then that!! Can it? --------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1)Do not go OOC. 2)Minor cursing is allowed 3)Don't start fights! (between other users I mean) 4)You can only be 2 people at a time (your own character and a KH character) 5)If RPing Destiny Islands High make your RP Sky Blue if you are RPing Twilight Town High make it Orange 6)No spamming!! 7)Have Fun! 8)You can beONE character from TwilightTown High and ONE from Destiny Islands High 9)You can have as much Original Characters as you want just make sure you but their profiles up. 10)Will add more rules if need. (I shouldn't have to though.) ------------------------------- Destiny Islands Characters: Sora:lolliluvsgummi Riku:Bluelazor Kairi:keybladewarrioroflegend Tidus: Wakka:BaseSebastian Selphie:TwilightTownShadow ------------------------------ Twilight Town Characters: Hayner:TwilightTownShadow Pence:Lovely Phantasmagoria Olette:kingdom_hearts_soras_girl Seifer:dragonkid_ofhearts Fuu:MandyXRiku4ever Rai:BaseSebastian Vivi: -------------------------------- Original Characters: Name: Gender: Job: (ex.Student, lunch lady/guy, teacher, etc...) Grade: (remember, Highschool) Likes: Dislikes: School you Attend: Nice or a Bully? (If you want to be a teacher or and school faculty, please let me know personally.) ----------------------------------- RP has started!! Feel free to jump in any time you want!! Any more Idea's to make this rp more awesome please let me know :D!!
May I be Zexion :3?
Thanx :D!! Thanx so much!! I'll love to rp with you some time!!
OMG Riku X3!!
I lof course like drawing kingdom Hearts but right now I'm drawing my own thin like Oc Kingdom hearts and my own works. I'm slowing down on the fan art lol