Ehhhh...All the gamestops in my town only have Gameshark 2. I'll look online.
Yeah, My gamestop says AR for PS2 isn't being shipped. But i can call the other ones. BTW how do you make your own codes? Being a coder must be fun.
Aight they have it Gameshark for PS2, might go pick it up in a couple days. Do the AR codes work for it as well? And can you make your own codes?
Yup, so my idea might be true, and I'm trying to hit 300 posts today so i can change my name :) Yeah, exactly my idea- Mickey and Pete were friends, tryed to overthrow the last king blabbity blah blha blah xD
Aight, Lemme call my local gamestop and Ask if they have one. And Thanks :D
Lemme just say: Conerstone hill isn't real because Donal and Goofy don't remember anything, it's just a plain world like the others.
True, but ages might be years. Besides how the **** would a Mouse, Duck and Dog-******ed thing live for ages? ::L:
Hmmm..where would I get this?
Hey man. DO you know how to put the codes for KH2? I'm new at this XP
No...look at my post that was above......I think this-
What I said-
Goal- To overthrow the current king and Rule, then forget about Pete and banish him..then Malificent found him and he swore revenge. How about that :D
Possibly he sided with Pete for awhile , then saved the kingdom as he did in the events of cornerstone hill. xD
Who knows, wait for the game to release. xD
Hm..I have a question do you have a modded Ps2, swap magic or is it a JAP Ps2?
Hey, I'm done recording just doing some minor editing.
Ohk. Well go fight Terra.
Try it out, press X for Yes, coz O is usually No.
You're gonna have to wait 2-3 years, then 5-6 years for KH3 :P
Yeah, Ansem (Xehanort's Heartles) Is a heartless not a human. He just has the look of his human self except more evil.