Sorry for taking my time with my worm part guys it's just that I didn't like my initial idea and I decided to make three separate idea'. yes I know three. -.-' But I decided that I could upload the three video's and you guys could vote for which one you like most and use that one.
***** please, I know things that you have yet to imagine.
Don't have to m'lady, because I know fact from fiction. :3
To be honest I wsn't suprised. xD Always thought Ace was apable of something like that.
Thanks, well appreciated.
1: You thought wrong. I'm not the person who disappears after a "fight." 2. That's kinda inconvieant. But you didn't answer my question about how much time everyone is allowed. I need to know so then I can hop off what's necassary. And finally, I don't believe that anymore.
Try posting on our group forum I think they'll take you in.
Why would I of left? Maybe if you' pop by and send me a message you could of just asked. I'm choosing Riku for the record. I knows I need a character. >.> I fail at watermarks so I'm not sure. Quick question though how much time am I allowed? Is that sarcasm?
You wish that were true.
For the record, don't wory I'm working on my part of the "worm" So eve nif I haven't appeared in a while it's because I'm working on the video. I say we use KH2 Dearly Beloved, it's much better. Plus I have BBS Dearly Beloved so if you want me to give you that you could use it.
You obtained your so called "raidence" from me.
What you call stupidity, I call brilliance.
I didn't know I should read 30 pages of posts. -_- Give me time to think, my main character was chosen.
How would I know.
I'm perfectly fine. Oh and thanks for just leaving me out this 'lil thing your doing. It's not like I'm a prt of this group or anything..
For the record, Cat come fourth in the Top 5 this week.
Fine, whatever you say.
My attitude? Oh yes with what? The what four things I've said? You have no right to judge others. and for the record disregarding this the only thing I recall saying is "Holy crap a new person" and "What are you?" So your point is barely worth while. A fight? What would be the use. You have no grounds to even start one.
What could I of possibly done? I've barely said anything since you arrived. What you deem "the truth" is what you call an opinion and opinion I deem bullcrap. The only one who would make me believe otherwise would be you.
And that's a good thing? I disagree with your second point. ALOT. I suggest you take it back. You personally just struck a nerve. I feel ya brother.