It is indeed! A heartfelt card and some merchendise from the said person can make a person very happy.
Yeah I assumed so. My idea is that we get somebody to make a video advertising said contest and we put it on each of our accounts and see what we draw in. Might as well all have the same video no point spending ages making one.
Yeah I guess, everybody needs to grow somehow. Your tune sure changed from when we were walking home Chris. xD But go ahead! I won't put you through 'cause your my best friend though. >.> xDD
Well it's not fair really I mean he already had to make an intro and video just to get in last time. he just finished it and now he's gotta work all over again.
Hey yourself. I'm rather happy, I just got something through teh post which made me very happy for once so I'm in a very rare good mood.
Well I was rather mesmirised by the letter & stickers I got from Jessica Nigri. O___< Thank me for making him post, yet again.
mhm as hmph that grunt kinda noise to signfy agreening. I don't really know how my posts turn out while on here so yeah.
Being on my psp right,now I can't do much, but what mhm, what he said.
No, infact it's fine. I understand everything now.
How very convinient. I must say a lot of things that leave you speechless. I can partially believe the other two but you said you'd stop ignoring me so you must have a reason. Just tell me and I'll be done.
There isn't any need to over exaggerate.
Hmm, I don't know whether to believe you or not.
Tell me why you were ignoring me. Infact why you all were. What have I ever done wrong to any of you? Supposedly friends don't ignore each other.
What are you talking about? Reason for existence? Your not making any sense. But you admit it then you have been ignoring me for no reason, because seriously what have I done? Nothing. This is the first time I've said anything concerning the latter andyou've all been doing it for a while but quite frankly now it just bugs me.
It's just as if everybody ignores my posts, jeez. You wonder why I left for a while.
How very conviant, I threw this idea out not so long ago, I guess nobody noticed. Didn't actually think you notice I'd gone for a while. I was always around, just never posted. Didn't see I was needed anywhere. Yet again, I brought up an idea like this.
Well I never post anywhere on the forum other than the AMV makers/family I'm in and well that's it really.
Just realised it's the first time in ages anyone actually aimed a post at me. >.> Each to their own I suppose. ut you didn't deny Eva Mendez at least. It'd like saying Jessice Nigri isn't a great cosplayer. (LOOK HER UP.) Just 'cause I'm guy I wont understand? Dude, you sound kinda angry if you put it that away. Hurrah for sexism. And all out of those fangirls what are you exactly? Well how can we decide for ourselves? I mean I believe I'm unattractive being inside and out and that I'll end up dying alone but even I know everyone has a different opinion. No I was gonna say I want to hold an AMV contest and if so we could make so the whole family hosts it. .__. I already had like a draft list of the first round songs people could use a well rules and junk, but when you put it like that I shouldn't bother. ._. I swear you seem like your angry at me.
Yay for pretty boys!
Anybody speak fangirl here? A. Agreed. B. Agreed. C. Oddly enough disagree. O_O Eh, he's just another pretty boy to me.