Well she does base herself after him. Wouldn't surprise me. Sounds good!
In terms of whut?
Do we know a return date On the clans YT she posted a video and in teh description she says this stuff.
Agreed. Almost forgot about that.
Lets see if we can finish all the projects we start as well. Happy New Year guys!
Merry Christmas! I hope you believe in Santa because he knows if you don't! D< Merry Christmas Alex!
Hey, your dad tried at least right? Yeah saw that, I wondered and was like wth. YOU KNOW ALL. D< I don't care. xD My Samsung Tocco Lite does the job like a boss.
I'm sure you did. -.-
Who knew Cat kept us alive. O__O
Thread bump virginity stolen.
Well no, not really. I've made soem stuff I just haven't uploaded them really. My We Are Kingdom Hearts video just keeps on racking more views everyday, it's almost made me think I'll live off of that, but I have a couple of secrets to share. I'l get to work now boss. xD
I don't know what that is either.
.___. Ok, that's it. Next time you do that, I shal; retaliate with a fanboy/ actual friend attack. Should I even ask what or who that is?
that We may as well tie up any loose ends that we should before Cat comes back. I bet she'll be back for Christmas. We should surprise her or something to show we missed her. Hmm, it is. Agreed.
Well chosen. And Lulu only ever visits when she is around. Hmm. Looks like te abundance of fangirls might not be a good thing.
C'mon, I'll make it worth your while? I know what you mean with that also. Sometimes I get loads of idea's from listening to a song but I start working on it, and then I'll get distracted and make up idea's in my head like I'm taking a break or I'll come back to it later and what not. Take a break. Giving up just leads to loosing a kinda valuble skill. Trust me, I've been there.
Choose one of my AMV's and do it for me. xD
I wish I could enter. O_O
Back, back, back, BACK UP I say. But go ahead.
Wait, I thought Cat was doing that oh supreme leader.