Kay, good. I are a total word freak. Just warning you. Heh...whatever you say. ;D Actually, to be honest, I am kinda freaking out. Everyone is...
Awww. Thank you. I have a soft spot for drug names. They are so cool!
...Someone told me your the Queen of Roleplaying around here.
I shall go look. YES. Even in texting I type almost all of it out. It bugs me. Sorry. I am a crazie like that. >_> Me? Ummmmmmmm. Well...I came...
Oh...um...thanks. <3
Um...no, I don't. XD Your shorting yourself out. And Last of the Organization is amazing, so was Firekeyblade. But your on par with many of...
What bout my name?
? Fanfiction is...heh. No, but I mean, I totally get a vibe from you that your like this awesome writer irl and these RP's are just warm-ups for...
It is /quite/ well written. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It had a dreadful cliffhanger, though, which is irksome. ;D Do you write non-role play?
Mmm? Honestly, you don't strike me as uninspired, so Imma just assume you always write like that.
Random comment: I absolutely love your writing style. XD
I was walking to the park today, and I heard a bush rustling. A transformer jumped out, scared me half to death, and ran off saying, "Suddenly, bannanas!" Username: morphine and lollipops Character name: Jex Age: 17, although he has a tendency to act much younger. Number: Nine, please. Appearance: Jex is tall-ish, and lanky, at about 5'10". A thick shock of dark hair hangs over his face. Recently he added one lone silver streak through his hair. He is rather white, though not as pale as some. Think sun-kissed, but not tan. He has clear skin, though he once had horrid acne. He holds himself with an air of importance. His eyes are gray, with specks of blue. Ability/Element: He is gifted with the sword, and quite a poet. He has a small gift of manipulation using words. Using his gift of words, he can sometimes convince others to see things his way, or to feel differently about a situation. Weapon: A damn creative sword. Bio: Jex tends to keep to himself about his past. Honestly, he doesn’t remember much. He does, however, remember a girl of whom he feels a strong connection with. He wants his heart back to find this girl. Personality: Jex is like a butterfly: pretty, vain, and with his head in the clouds. He is normally a happy person, though he contains a rough sarcastic streak. When faced with a serious problem, Jex can and will be serious. He is quite loyal, but also a prankster. At times, he can be slightly angsty. Text color: Is this taken? Is it too light?
I was gonna try adding you as a friend, butbutbut...I fail at this website.
Um. Dude. Your icon is scaring me. KIDDING. It is, however, scaring Edward Cullen.