/snort That's cruel. And thanks. It's weird portraying a Nobody. D:
/snort I actually haven't heard that one...>_< And I fail at writing. XD Lol.
Heyyyyy. My text color is super light. Can I change it to something darker or somethin'? Or is it fine the way it is?
Uh-huh. Okay, good luck with that. ;D And the color is so light. Gonna go ask Near if I can change it......
Jex was feeling lethargic. That is, if he could feel lethargic, he would be feeling lethargic now. No, wait. That’s not right... Jex sighed. Sometimes thinking made his head hurt. All these thoughts; how could one deal with feelings and thoughts and still not combust in a fiery display of sparks? Now that was a mystery worth thinking about, and perhaps hurting your brain over. Jex was lounging in an arm chair, trying to feel bored. It was a slower than normal day and he had no idea of what to do. He wanted to go for a walk, but he also wanted to stay put and await for someone to relieve him of this nothingness. Of course, he doubted the small prospect that anyone could help him. Everyone was off doing their own thing, and he was stuck. Alone. Pity, wasn’t it. He was usually so social... Stretching himself out to his full height, he stood. Well, there was no point in just lazing around. There were preparations to be made, hearts to find. He smiled. The future held so many adventures; it was Jex’s responsibility to himself to be there for them all.
Don't sound so smug. And okay...I shall try. Duuude. This will be epic fail, I swear.
Not even that. Just, underestimated, I suppose. Sick of it. And hah. See, everyone is older than me. .../grovel ANYWAYS, I have no ideas to make...
Is it? And good, because I am sick of the freaks who assume I am a typical...Well nevermind. I don't feel like ranting.
Ahhhh. Hahaha. Wow. Oh, bet yep. I am a girl. /snort Ummmm...14. Why? Just because I am young-ish doesn't mean anything, okay?!
OHHHH. So thats how you figured it out. /snort You probably thought I was gay, didn't you? You have no idea how hard I am laughing at the moment....
/snort I was wondering when you'd figure it out. Actually, I am used to it. XD Name is August, go by Gus, I get a lot of confusion. And don't...
Heh...I am sorry. I would post, but idk if she wants me or not.
Unamuse? How so? I am fine. I just started blaring metal through my house on the radio, so I am in a good mood.
Nah, I just joined [here] yesterday. I still can't frigure out how to work this site. XD Ubar pathetic. How are you today?
/coughcough Imma sound like a total geek, but someone I kinda worship in the fanfic world found a fic and PM'ed me and told me it was "the best...
Crap. I just lost. Fudge you and Near.
I love Near. <3 And sorry I poofed...I just got really awesome news. And thanks for the warning. XD
I know that. I like you. Bur I worry bout some other people. And I wasn't aware I got accepted. XD
Yeah, see. Not used to that. AT ALL. Like, it's super serious here and dramatic and I just like writing so I can write. I write so I can get...