"Right. I know where it is." He answered, feeling suddenly idiotic. Of course it was in the meeting room, where else would a meeting be held? He mentally chided himself for being an idiot. He vaguely knew of the meeting room’s whereabouts; he had passed it before. It wasn't too far, but he should leave soon, as to be there early. If he was late... he didn’t want to consider the humiliation he would force onto himself. He couldn't feel humility...but he shoved that thought out of his mind. ‘Don’t dwell on what you lack.’ He told himself. This was often the approach he took when confronting thoughts that were distressing. Avoid, not confront. How weak he was, when you thought about it. Incredibly weak. Ridiculously weak, at least in the head. Physically, he wasn’t too bad off. The solution? He would force himself to be strong. He would force himself to be brave. In the back of his head, a small bit of his mind disagreed. In reality, he was trying, against all odds, at being human. Getting back on topic, he glanced at the door. He would wait for a cue from Xinamar to leave. He didn’t want to appear insolent twice in one day.
Lucky! I have only read parts of it, but I am planning on getting a copy as soon as our library gets one. Yeah, I bet that would have been fun. It...
Yeah! I am surprised, honestly, someone here knew. <3
Is that a bad thing? =_=;;
Aww. Thank you. I don't consider myself good, but I do know I have worked with some of the greatest RP-ers there are. That makes me happy. I...
Heh. Dying bread? Depressing thought. I dunno. I think there are plenty of mediocre RP-ers (me) and always will be. But I do agree with the elites...
Hehe. Gatekeeper. But I did see some of your posts, and they are for sure quite impressive. And I have noticed. There are several people here...
Oh my. I cried in the Harry Potter books ALL the time. When ever someone died. /Spoiler in whitetext/ I did not, however cry when Harry died. iI did cry when his parents and Sirius came back from the grave, and when Collin died. Any book that is deep and sad, I cry in. It isn't too rare for me.
Jex eyed Xinamar. “A...meeting?” He questioned, musing over this slightly. This would be his first chance to actually meet people. Talk to people. To be stimulated. He grinned at the thought. Finally, something to do. Someway to prove himself. A way forward, a way to get back his heart. This was exciting! At the same time, he was oddly, and unusually, nervous. He must make a good impression, these were to be his comrades. The people he would depend upon and rely upon in his time of need. His...family, of sorts. How he met them today would determine his friends. He glanced over himself. ‘I look fine,’ he chided to himself. ‘In fact, I look absolutely excellent.” With this vain piece of thought he suddenly became confident. He rose from his chair and shot Xinamar a giant grin, like a puppy. “Name the place, and I’ll be there.”
Hmmm. I am glad someone has common sense. And thats good! I bet you aced your English stuff. Your a writerrrrr. And it's nearly four. Thats...
Heh. I know a kid who wanted to blow up some rockets in a pipe in a construction zone. Yeah...what a friggen' tard. I dunno if he did it, or not, but either or he is super stupid.
Ho snap. Your a junior, talking to a freshman? Miracle! And how did you do on your finals? Better than me, I hope?
I had like 100% before the final... /shrug I think I did well on the essay, and BOMBED the multiple choice. Heh...
It's cause our teacher was a friggen...ugh. Lets just say I know more about th LAKERS then Newton thanks to him...Friggen obsessed. And...
If you do your listening to Smooth Criminal I will instantly love you. Cause I am curious. And ho' shizzzz. I BOMBED my science final. Crap....
I guess everyone is different. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Are you listeing to music?
Now I am going to be paranoid... What a cool thing to happen though. He's lucky he wasn't hurt.
But that guy also posted A LOT. Even if he had super bad grammer and spelling, (if we are talking bout the same dude) he had good, full posts...
Yessir. And I dunno. They aren't that bad. Its not lyk they r typing lyk dis w/ out any grmmr stff.
If your seriously drunk, know that I have half a mind to walk all the way to your house in the schorching heat, slap you, and eat your cookies....