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  1. morphine and lollipops
    Tornados. Cyclones. Hurricanes. Severe storms. Tsunamis. They were, coincidentally, the last thing he can remember studying at his old science class. They were also the exact way his stomach felt. Parker didn’t have a fever, and he wasn’t any more pale than usual. And yet, his stomach felt so nauseas he was considering missing class. And he NEVER missed class.

    “Damn airplane food,†he muttered under his breath, pulling himself out of his dorm. English had passed by uneventfully, until his stomach started acting up. He had gone into his Dorm to lie down a bit, and was surprised to find it still empty. Perhaps he wouldn’t have a roommate. This was comforting. He had lay down for a few minutes, and realized he needed to get to class. His schedule, unlike some of the others, simply said “Hacking†with a room number. “Hacking?†He asked himself. “What the hell?†This school was certainly not run of the mill. Oh yes, there was your classic English, Math, and Science. Then there was Parker saw, Weapon Instructions, Infiltration, Code Breaking, Interrogation Techniques, and several others. It was like they were being trained to become a cop. Whoa there.

    Parker had never been on good terms with law enforcement. That’s what happens when you grow up involved with all the wrong people, he thought sullenly. Not that he held a grudge or anything’, just… Well, it was a perfect way to redeem him. He smiled. Still glancing over his scheduled, he noticed some classes lacked room numbers. Particularly the one he had after Hacking, which was Disguise. He decided against going to Hacking and instead going to work on finding out where the Disguise class was located. He only had it for an hour, and only for a quarter of the year, but it still sounded interesting enough. He took his schedule and began heading to the library.
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. morphine and lollipops
    Parker had finished packing at record speed. It was a dorm for two, and he wasn’t quite sure if he should be excited or nervous about having a dorm mate. He glanced at his dorm number; 3A. He wrote it on his hand in sharpie; it wouldn’t due to forget. Grabbing his bag, he hurried back onto the main campus. He would be slightly late, but not too badly, to English. Besides, it was his first day, he would be excused.

    He walked the halls, humming to himself. He felt so hopefully, so happy. He was in freakin’ Japan. He surveyed his surroundings with a careful eye. He meticulously noticed every detail with startling accuracy. All types here, though most didn’t seem too talkative. That could be bad for him.

    He made his way to the English hall and wandered inside. Finding his classroom he paused, and reached for the door handle. ‘Here goes nothing,’ he thought, and walked inside.
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. morphine and lollipops
  4. morphine and lollipops
    ooc// Thank you for the add. :D

    Parker waited patiently in line. He had been directed by another student to the office, where he would supposedly be able to pick up his schedule, and dorm key. He didn’t bring much, as he didn’t own much, but a simple suitcase, a duffel bag, and a sling backpack had accompanied him across the world. Across the world, it was really a mind-boggling thought. Here he was, in JAPAN. On a scholarship. At a school for the gifted. The sheer realness of it all made him dizzy. The girl in front of him finally moved out of the way, and he leaned over the counter, his shirt tightening across his torso. It fit snugly, but still comfortable, like most of his clothes.

    “Hello.” He said, smiling openly. “I am here to pick up a schedule? And my dorm information?” He shot the lady another smile, knowing all to well that she would smile back. People were predictable, that he knew. Normal people, anyways. Sober people, he thought with a grin. Five minutes later, he was walking out the door, heading towards the dorms. If he unpacked quickly, he would probably make it in time to get to English. Parker loved English; it was his favorite class. His black suitcase rolling behind him, he set off with an ever-present smile. The future was looking up for him.
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. morphine and lollipops
    ooc// Is this all right? :)

    Played by: morphine and lollipops
    Name: Parker
    Real Name (Last, First): Newrim, Lysander
    Gender: Male
    DOB/Age: 5.29.92/17
    Appearance: Dark, messy hair. 5'11. Has glasses, though he rarely uses them. Lanky. Moves like someone who is used to not being noticed.
    Backstory: Born to a maid and a dealer father (who is no longer in the picture) in a bad part of Chicago, he soon found out that the cake is a lie. He was involved with the wrong crowd, particularly druggies. He had been called Parker by his friends for his uncanny ability to run Parkour style from the police. It took his sister nearly OD'ing to make him realize his life was going no where. He started going to school, and found out he was, in fact, quite intelligent. He took this scholarship to save his mom some money, and to start down a new path. However, he is still quite worried for his sister.
    Personality quirks: He uses slang, and still runs Parkour. He is dramatic, and enjoys laughing. He is a complete and total flirt, though when in school and in study he is quite dedicated and serious. He writes in cursive, and drinks his coffee in an odd manner. If he doesn't have coffee, he goes beserk. When he gets nervous, he sucks on hard candies.
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. morphine and lollipops
    OOC: Sorry. I am super slow. ;_; I get distracted, too. :D

    He nodded at his comrade. "It looks nasty."He offered, not sure what to do. He had little to no medical experience, but it didn’t take an expert to tell that the cut was deep. And obviously painful. He winced. Jex didn’t like the look of it. It could get infected. And then, amputation. Yikes. Maybe he was jumping the gun.

    "I am Jex, by the way." Staring blatantly at the wound. "I was training, too," he added, with a wry smile, "But I haven’t suffered any casualties." And he hadn’t. His training didn’t really require any risks on his part, perhaps overworking his mind to insanity. But that was it. I mean, he was a wuss compared to some of these guys. He should work on that...
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. morphine and lollipops
    Jex heard a sound from behind him. Turning slowly he walked quietly, stalking like a cat, towards the source. He felt like a cat. Lean, and ready to pounce. Agile and well balanced. Yes, he was a cat. A black as the night-sky cat. His pale skin, glinting in the moonlight, glistened softy from a shean of sweat. He hadn’t been working hard physically, but mentally he was forcing himself to the near max,. He would need to find a partner to work with, it would be the only way.

    Finally he saw him. Another member of the organization, Rexy0something or other. Jex had heard him speak in the meeting. He had his shirt wrapped around his leg, and he saw blood. He also saw the guy was poised, and ready to attack with a sharp axe. He stepped out into the clearing, and raised his hands in truce.
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Jul 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. morphine and lollipops
  9. morphine and lollipops
    Jex was in his room. ‘Training...oi.’ That wasn’t exactly what Jex was planning on for the big master plan. Not in the slightest. Sure it wasn’t too far fetched but at the same time he was slightly baffled. ‘How does one with my sort of ability train themselves? Honestly.’ He would need a partner, that was certain. A partner implied socializing, and searching. It implied, boring, busy work. Ugh...
    Mayhaps he could work solo on his weaponry. He patted his sword, his joy and pride. His skills with it were mediocre, so it would make sense to strengthen his arm. Ah, what a brilliant idea. He smiled and set off along the hallways, wandering.
    Soon enough he found the door outside. He surveyed the grounds carefully, and smiled. It was really quite lovely. Finding a quiet spot he pulled out his sword. ‘Now or never,’ he thought wryly to himself, and with that his training began.
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Jul 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. morphine and lollipops
  11. morphine and lollipops
    Profile Post

    Hmmm. Good idea.

    Hmmm. Good idea.
    Profile Post by morphine and lollipops for Near, Jun 25, 2009
  12. morphine and lollipops
    ooc:: The. Friggen'. Computer. Ate. My. Post. GAH!!!!!
    Jex watched these exchanges, still playing with his hair. 'Kingdom Hearts,' he mused silently to himself. 'I wonder...' Jex was quite uneducated on the subject. he did, however, get the faint feeling that this was of utmost importance. He wish he knew more, but alas. He was rather lazy when things did not interest him. Though, Jex had a feeling this would end up being interesting.
    A small problem irked Jex in the back of his mind. This organization; there seemed to be more enemies then friends. And that could end up being deadly, and a mistake to everyone. He mused over this thought to himself. Perhaps Xinamar should tighten her reigns on the group. No, she had a firm grasp on the mostley assortment. She held his respect, if not his trust.
    Pushing thoughts of trust and enemies out of his mnd, he waited patiently for the leader to continue. Perhaps after this meeting he should go and introduce himself...
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. morphine and lollipops
  14. morphine and lollipops
  15. morphine and lollipops
  16. morphine and lollipops
  17. morphine and lollipops
  18. morphine and lollipops
  19. morphine and lollipops
    I tear up at everything!
    Well, no, not really.
    But me crying at movies isn't that rare...

    Bawled. For. Hours.
    Post by: morphine and lollipops, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. morphine and lollipops