OOC: true, that would be best since she is the threadmaster... oh and princess needs to POST on another thread sometime soon.... XD
David frowned and stood, still rubbing his sore bottom. "Like Peter does," he mocked under his breath, frustrated. "Oh boy, oh boy..." He turned and decided to try again, making his way back up the little hill with the drop.
Goldwin finally lowered her blade, bending over with her hands on her knees, breathing heavily. "Again," she gasped. But Trys shook his head. "No, mi'lady," he said. "You need to rest... I'll go up to the castle and get you some water." Goldwin nodded and sat at the base of a post in the salle, too tired to argue. The room became silent and, despite her efforts to exhaust all her emotion in the last few brutal hours, she still put her head in her hands and tears came to her eyes. Gabriel walked through the main town, not making eye contact with anyone he saw; there was a decent amount of people out now that the sun was up, and he found that every here was still minding their own business. He made his way up the path to the castle, glancing over at the practice salle. Impressive, he thought, looking at the size of the building. The way they talk about this place one would think they didn't have any military-like training facilities, but I'd like to see the inside of that... from the stories, the princess is said to spend lots of time in there... who knows why... He chuckled to himself and made his way off the main path toward the practice building.
David wrinkled his noes and curled his hands into fists. Determined to show up Rebecca in any way he could, he threw himself forward and launched himself off the cliff. He wavered for a moment, flapping his arms desperately, and then fell, hitting the ground on his bottom, all the air knocked out of him. He cried out and collapsed on his back, rubbing his sore backside. "Ouch," he muttered.
By the time the sun was a normal height in the sky and everyone was out of bed, had their shops open, and were beginning their day, Goldwin and Trys had been at it for almost two hours. Trying to clear her mind, Goldwin refused to stop or let up her attack. Trys, as always, met her blow for blow. Gabriel slowed to a stop after what seemed like an eternity, even though his ride was relatively short; the toll of holding himself up and on the spectral horse at such a speed for the entire day and night made his arms and legs feel like lead when he sat up. He groaned, rotating his arms in circles and cracking his neck. He reached the main road going into Numenor, and decided he should walk from this point on; anyone seeing the beast now was the opposite of the kind of attention he wanted. If anyone asked, he'd walked or hitched rides with traders up from the south for the past week.
OOC: omg what's goin on here?! some person needs to pooter!!
OOC: hooooo boy... lol that lady took forever to post! xD BIC: Goldwin finally got up and dressed when she couldn't stand just sitting anymore. She made her way out to the salle to practice, desperate to do something despite the early hour to take her mind off the problems she would soon have to face. She was halfway there when she felt someone behind her and turned. "Good morning, mi'lady," Trys said with a smile. "I hope I didn't startle you." "You'd have to try harder," Goldwin replied with a yawn. "Let's get something done before it gets too hot, ok?" Gabriel shook himself awake, blinking several times before he noticed where they were. A smirk rose on his face when he could see Numenor Castle in front of him, not half an hour away. "Perfect," he muttered to himself. "Once I get there, it should be easy to find the stupid princess."
The messenger nodded at the boy, glad that he could think of accepting the princess' terms; he himself was very doubtful of the situation. "Very good," he said, eager to leave as quickly as possible; the sun would be up soon and the princess had been very firm about delivering the message and returning with a reply as soon as possible. "I will take your reply to Princess Goldwin, and when you return to the city, word will have spread throughout the hunters not to harm you... I'm sure she would like to speak with you when you do arrive." Goldwin got out of bed when the sky was dark; she couldn't sleep anymore, and any rest she had gotten was uneven and stressful. She sat at her desk, knees drawn up to her chin, staring out at the horizon, waiting for the sun to come up.
The messenger sighed and through himself up off the edge of the cliff, catching his breath. He tried to keep his eyes on the boy, but he knees were still shaking, and it was extremely hard to resist the urge to draw his sword. "The Princess sent me to give you this," he said, getting right to the point, and handed the boy the information that Goldwin had given him. Before he even had a chance to read it, he began to explain the message: "She wants to grant you access to every area of the country without threat from Dragonhunters... under the condition of the two of you joining the army. The county's in a tough spot, if you didn't notice, so it'd be to our advantage..." Goldwin did not sleep well; too much seemed to be on her mind, and she kept glancing out her window every time she opened her eyes from a rough dream, hoping the sky had lightened, but each time it was still dark. Gabriel was beginning to weaken; he couldn't stay on this invincible horse forever, and by the time he even got to Numenor, his power would be drained to a point that he could even Summon a simple, newly-dead ghost. He glanced up at the horizon in front of him, but could only see the dull outline of mountains far north of him. Getting there... he thought. By dawn if I don't make it I'll have to stop...
The messenger Princess Goldwin had sent grumbled angrily to himself as he made his way up the steep, worn, winding paths into the mountains. He understood why this boy and the Dragon had to flee beyond the border for the time being, and why it was so high up in the terrain, but the job was a pain for him. "Just a couple more hours," he muttered to himself, trying to make the job seem easier in the dark. "The damn thing can't be hard to find.. give him the papers and you're good to go home." A little while later, he saw what had to be the place the Dragon and the boy were staying in: trees and rocks the size of men had been displaced all over the mountain side, a small cave exposed just above him. He couldn't see anything from where he stood below, but he would climb and find out for sure. As he started forward, scaling the almost-vertical cliff, he began to think: if this was the right place, and there was indeed a deadly Dragon and some kid that was somehow friends with him above him and he just barged in, in the dark, what would happen? "Hello up there!" the messenger decided to shout suddenly. "Message from the King and Queen of Numenor for a Dragonrider! Anyone there?"
hey, so you wanna post jessie or shall i eat him? xD
Goldwin sent the messenger on his way a little while later, with strict instructions to find the boy where she had told him to go with his Dragon. She looked down at her food and frowned; she found herself not hungry anymore. "Trys," she began, and found that the man was already standing by the doorway, silently awaiting anything she may need. "Mi'lady," he replied quietly. "You're not afraid, are you?" she asked, staring out the window at the setting sun now. "I mean, things are going to change as soon as Moraning finds out we refuse to pay the higher percentage on the taxes... war is something we can't stop; we just have to brace ourselves." "There's more to it than that," Trys commented, shaking his head. "You strategize, account your allies, build defenses, and prepate logically. Bracing won't solve anything, especially if it's Moraning against us." Goldwin smiled ruefully. "You're always right, aren't you?" She stood and walked over to her bed, lying down on it with her hands behind her head. "Wake me at dawn," she said, shutting her eyes. "I want to practice as soon as it's light." "Of course," Trys replied properly, and exited her room, ready to stand guard at the other side of the door for the evening. Gabriel kept his head down, his eyes shut, unaware of how far he'd traveled at this point. He knew it was getting dark, but he would ride through the night, ready to impress everyone with how perfectly he'd managed his seemingly impossible task. Every time he opened his eyes to try and see where he was, a heavy wave of neausea rolled over him, and he flattened himself against his undead horse again. Soon, he'd have to slow down but for now there was enough time to let a few hours pass. I'm just glad I haven't hit anything... he thought, the idea suddenly coming to mind. Not many travelers on these roads, but there's no way I could see any... or if they'd even notice me... I don't know.
"It's getting dark," Trys commented, glancing out the window. "If you want to write that decree to that boy and have it sent out by tomorrow morning you'll have to start now and make preparations before dawn." "I know," Goldwin returned. "But what would I do without you reminding me?" They walked silently back into the castle, and, since the king and queen were unable to get out of bed, there was no formal dinner scheduled. Goldwin sat down at the writing desk in her room and had Trys find a messenger for her and bring her some food despite how late the hour was getting; her hours of unending practice had her starving. Gabriel was amazed at the speed of the horse when it finally started moving; the spectral beast was draining his power considerably and steadily as they went, but within an hour he had already covered almost five times the distance he would on a living animal; trees and houses, landscapes of barren hills and distant rivers rushed by him in blurs of colors that made him slightly sick to his stomach. He found that shutting his eyes and mentally telling the ghost of a horse to transport him to Numenor would be the best way to stay on the amazingly fast beast without throwing up or falling off.
Goldwin nodded, swallowing the rest of her water and letting her breathing slow to a normal pace. "I need to ask Mother and Father about that boy and his Dragon, but I couldn't bring myself to talk to them anymore. I think... I think I'll have a letter sent to him telling him and he and his beast will be allowed within the country if they join the Numenor Army. Think about it; that seems to be a suitable contract for their situation, right? I mean, the people will feel more easy about the Dragon being here and not being killed, plus it will hopefully scare the living hell out of the damn Moranens... make them think twice before starting a war." "That's possible," Trys replied. "But it's not your place to decree an order like that-" "It is now," Goldwin interrupted strongly. "Trust me... we don't have a choice; I can't banish the boy and make him live somewhere else because he's found an exception in the species... nor can I just give him free reign to do whatever he wishes. The balance is the contract, the deal for his situation. I'll write it out and have a messenger find him up north before he runs out of food and provisions." Trys nodded swiftly, not arguing further. He had his doubts, but voicing them would not make a difference in this situation. Gabriel shut his eyes and thought; there were no famous warhorses he could think of that had died in the service of anyone well-known in Moraning... but that didn't matter; any spectral horse fueled with dark magic and without the limitations of a living beast were good enough for him. He walked out into the courtyard south of the castle and stretched out a hand, extending his strength and magic focused in his palm on whatever spirit was closest by him. He could feel dozens of ghosts pulling at his power, draining it into themselves to use to make themselves visible, solid, useful... but Gabriel viciously yanked back the magic, waiting for the spirit of a horse to come his way... and the beast finally found it. He opened his eyes, shaking droplets of sweat off his forehead and blinked twice, amazed at what was in front of him: A tall, black stallion, his color slightly tainted and hued a sickly, glowing green as the only sign showing the beast was not alive. He could smell the old leather of the tack and saddle on the animal, and laughed aloud when he reached out to grab a handful of its course, black mane. "This is unbelievable," he smirked as he mounted the horse and wheeled it around to face north. The beast made no protest or sign of pain at the rough, uncalled-for movements of its rider; the only response were his muscles functioning as if it were alive. "Perfect," Gabriel muttered, and then bent low to whisper in the horse's ear: "How fast do you think we can make it to Numenor? An hour? Less? Let's find out."
OOC: yay, a good, ol' fashion jeffreypoo post! <3 nice! BIC: Eleanor froze, her eyes widening when she followed Lanan's direction of sight. "*******s," she muttered. "Alright," she added loudly, turning to the group behind her. "Everyone needs to move; there's no option of staying here anymore. Everyone else get out here before me; I'll follow once you're all able to find cover."
OOC: yeah, go for it. whatever is easier for ya :D BIC: "Mi'lady," Trys finally began hours later. He lowered the long sword he had borrowed from one of the salle's walls and shook his sweaty hair from his eyes. "We need to rest." Goldwin shook her head, standing her ground, remaining in the same ready stance she had silently insisted in staying in after each fight. "No," she countered, her breath just as ragged as Trys'. "We're not done... the sun isn't even down; there's still light left." "Regardless," Trys countered softly, "you have proven you're more than capable of lasting a battle, if one ever comes... and much more. Now you need to rest your body so you can keep up your mental strength. Does that make sense?" Goldwin rolled her eyes, but lowered her weapon anyway, nodding curtly. Her arms ached and her legs were on fire from all the footwork she'd be practicing, but she held herself tall nonetheless. "This feels good," she muttered, gazing in front of her at nothing in particular. "The pain, I mean... it's better than standing around just thinking about what the hell I have to do and how much is coming... this is better." "Till you can't make it back up to your room," Trys teased lightly, moving over to a bucket of water and dipping a cup chained to the side of it into the liquid. He offered it to Goldwin, who took it gratefully. "Don't push yourself too hard, Mi'lady." Gabriel clenched his fists for a moment, and decided not to add anything further to the conversation. He turned and exited the castle, walking briskly down its steps and in the direction of the stables; he either had to buy or steal a horse now, though there was none fast enough that could possibly get him to Numenor so fast- And then the idea hit him, and a grin cynical spread across his face. "No living horse, that is," he muttered happily. He'd never Summoned the spirit of an animal before, but the idea seemed to be brilliant; the ghost of a beast that was strong in life would have no worry for fatigue or need for food once it was under his dark magic's command. He could ride the damn thing faster than a speeding falcon, no, ten times faster, with nothing to stop him but his own body's exhaustion. The idea brought new excitement to Gabriel's quest, pleased with his newfound idea to use his power with.
thanks, kiddo... its actually super tough but hopefully i should be better by the end of this week and back playin a little bit more. hope you're...
Goldwin left her parents room feeling more depressed than angry at the moment. She headed down to the salle to practice with Trys like she said she would. All her energy had to be put somewhere. When she arrived, her man was waiting for her already, and the two of them sparred for hours, with and without their weapons. Goldwin felt sweat run down her back and her vision start to blur, but she didn't let up. Trys was silent, matching her strength blow for blow, just has they had down for years. He knew her limits, and he knew very well when she was pushing herself; he would be there to catch her if she pushed herself to exhaustion, knowing their was no way he could talk her into taking a break. Gabriel gathered his things for his journey reluctantly, still feeling wary about being forced into such a mission. He was surprised to find the messenger who'd brought him his instructions last night waiting for him at the castle entrance. "Come to see me off?" he muttered skeptically, raising an eyebrow at the man as he drew his gorgeous new cloak around him further against the cold air, his pack of supplies and several spare weapons resting over his right shoulder. The man shook his head, his face unreadably neutral. "Just one more request; you need to reach Numenor by nightfall." Gabriel almost doubled over laughing. "Are you out of your mind?" he snapped through his grin. "That damn country's border is three days away, Numenor itself another few hours in! How the hell is that sensible?" The man raised his eyes. "You've plenty of tricks up your sleeve; figure it out, Summoner."
lol sorry ive been super distracted lately, lots of stuffs goin on in the life, but.... lol no i dont have any plans yet. its all up to you if you...
umm which prince? lol :D