Taralynn frowned to herself, frustrated that things weren't as black and white as she always tried to see them. Swearing under her breath, she drew a circle around Jack's name several times, the ink almost sinking through to the next level of paper in the diary. A sudden voice broke her out of her thought process: "Hey, Tara!" She looked up from her book to see a nervous student standing in front of her. The girl must have been a first or second year, judging by her huge, frightened eyes, giant sack of books, and disheveled look. Taralynn let out a slow sigh, biting the inside of her lower lip to keep her temper. The little girl's school robes were too big on her, dragging and catching under her dirty old shoes. How the hell did an ugly thing like this get into Slytherin? she thought. And why did she call me Tara? No one gets to do that and not walk away without their nose in several pieces... Taralynn swallowed her anger, however, and raised her eyebrows at the girl, waiting for whatever she had to say. "I, uh..." the young student began uncertainly. She looked over her shoulder for a moment, and then continued, "I was told that you could help me find one of my classes. I know I'm already late, but they said you could help me. Please!" Taralynn glanced over the girl's shoulders at the group of sneering sixth year boys that had obviously pointed the poor kid in her direction. She gave them the most dangerous look she could muster, but they were all a lot bigger than her, several of them laughing and flipping her off when they saw her face. "Listen, honey," Taralynn began, turning her attention to the young student in front of her. "I'm the last person you'll want help from, okay? And from the looks of you, I think the Sorting Hat made a bad decision." The girl's eyes widened further. "But... can you just point me in the right direction? And... what do you mean, a... b-bad decision? That's quite rude coming from someone with your reputation!" Taralynn's temper flared, and her hand dove into her robes next to her, grabbing the end of her wand. "My reputation is more than you could ever hope or dream to aspire to, you little brat," she snapped quietly. "Look at yourself; someone like you... blood like that... a pathetic family like yours should have been snuffed out a hundred years ago. Now... turn around and wander this castle until you starve for all I care. If you're lucky I won't send anyone after you with a few special spells in mind." The little girl choked on her reply, tears now running down her face. She turned around to leave, muttering, "bitch," under her breath as she went. Fuming, Taralynn whipped her wand out, letting one of her favorite curses fall from her lips in the tiniest whisper. The stupid girl began screaming a moment later, everyone near her in the common room jumping and turning her way. Taralynn gave the girl a sweet smile when she spun, staggering on her long robes, to look at her in shock. The girl's skin had turned a bright red, the solid, almost blinding color of a freshly smarting sun burn. As the girl put her hands up to her face, she shrieked further, finding the skin there just as crimson. "Oh, please," Taralynn sighed, looking back down at her diary as the girl ran out of the common room, still yelling at the top of her lungs. "It doesn't hurt; now you just look the nasty Mudblood color that you are on the inside."
Aveline gave the woman a smile, hiding her frustration that the man in the suit decided to ignore her so easily. My story? she thought, a small smirk rising on the corner of her mouth. Analyzing in her head as she always did, Aveline swallowed her smirk. She doesn't seem like the motherly time by the looks of her... so why reprimand me at the beginning of a conversation? Buying time to form an answer appropriate to the situation, she raised an arm to the bartender, motioning two fingers for two more drinks. "Just got old enough to come in here, actually," she started, turning in her seat slightly so she could face her new acquaintance and speak without having to put too much volume into her voice. "My family's pretty poor," Aveline continued her lie, "so drinking in a place like this is exciting for me. Pretty sad, huh?" She took another pull on her cigarette, half gone now, and the bartender set the two beers down she had called for. "But it's nice to see another pretty girl in here for a change!" she finished with a laugh, smiling.
Taralynn woke up with a start, catching herself before she banged her head on the book in her lap. She was sitting on one of the stiff, high-backed couches in the Slytherin common room, dozing off frequently. Her school robes were bunched up on top of her school bag next to her; she wouldn't put them on until she absolutely had to. She wore a dark green tube top today, with tight, black skinny jeans and leather stiletto heels. Not hungry, Taralynn hadn't gone down to the Great Hall for breakfast, and everyone else that had free periods or were skipping class knew well enough to keep a good distance from her seat. She had several potions textbooks with her, but only one was open in her lap that she'd fallen asleep on, and the pages were covered anyway by her diary. Her father had given the leatherbound book to her in her first year at Hogwarts, telling her that, being the youngest, she had the potential and expectation to be the best: watching all her brothers and sisters before her, Taralynn should be perfect by their example. This diary was where she was supposed to put her ideas, feelings, and extra thoughts, he had said; anything that would cloud her mind needed to be put on paper to keep from distracting her. Over the years, Taralynn had used it as she had been told, but lately all she wrote were her feelings, nothing important or more detailed. She would seal the book shut with a charm when she finished. Glancing down at the page in front of her now, she righted her ink bottle (charmed to not spill when knocked over) and straightened her quill, staring at the last word she had written before falling asleep: "Jack." How did she actually feel about the boy? Sighing, she put the end of her quill in her mouth, thinking.
Aveline tried to hide her shudder of surprise and fear, putting the filter to her lips and taking one quick, shaking draw. Exhaling a moment later, she gave the man small nod of wordless thanks. Now what? Do I speak to him... to her? What do I say? She rolled her shoulders, trying to shrug off her fear. Focus... you want to be stronger? You need information, Ave... ask something! Aveline turned her head slightly to her left. "Nice lighter," she managed, flicking the ash off the end of her cigarette into her empty beer glass. Lightning ground her teeth for a moment, slowing her steps so she could still hear the conversation between the two. She took a smooth sidestep down a hallway to her left, leaning against the wall, curious as to what Zack would respond.
Okie dokie... better late than never! :D Here's might try... Username: mrsbaggins Name: Taralynn Marie Age: 17 Year: Seventh Gender: Female House: Slytherin Wand type: Walnut, Hippogriff feather, 9 inches Biography/Personality: Taralynn comes from a long line of Pureblooded older siblings: with four elder brothers and three elder sisters, her last six years at Hogwarts had been nothing but doing what all her family had done before her: get into Slytherin, get top grades, and make sure that she upheld the honor of her family's blood and history. She'd done as well as she could so far, but this was her last year, and she was going to do things her way this time; she knew all her fellow students that had potential (one of them being Jack, a fifth year that she had been friends with for a while now), and which lesser students didn't deserve her attention. And, with everything that had been going on for the last few months at school, she was more than ready to show her true colors. Taralynn is very proud and not afraid to show her feelings, either with a rude spell or just a punch to the face. She has a hard time controlling her emotions. Appearance: Tara has bright, bleached blonde hair that barely touches her shoulders. Her eyes are dark blue, almost black. Underneath her school uniform she usually wears black skinny jeans and tube tops of various colors that show off her shoulders. She always wears heels, inside and outside of class. Taralynn's classes: *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50 --Free period 9-10 --Potions 10:05-11:05 --Divinations 11:10-12:10 *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10 --History of Magic 1:15-2:15 --Muggle Studies 2:20-3:20 --DADA 3:25-4:25 *Dinner for everyone* 6-8
OOC: I <3 you, jeffreypoo :D BIC: Aveline smiled, the buzz she had going giving her the courage to speak more easily. "I have a question for you," she whispered to the man next to her, keeping her voice low. "What do you know... about Sephiroth?" The old man pounded the bar with a huge laugh, followed by a nasty burp. He shook his head slowly, as if the answer he was too drunk to voice was "are you kidding me?" Aveline frowned, grinding her teeth. Figures... that's what you get for trying to ask a serious question in a place like this... better pick someone else to speak to... She finished the last mouthful of beer in her glass, grimacing at the bitter taste, before looking over the man's shoulder, down the bar as far as she could see. A man in a suit caught her eye, and her heart skipped a beat. That outfit... my father's spoken to me about men and women like that before; no one wears suits like that in a place like this... She lowered her gaze quickly, putting up a hand to the side of her face. Someone like that shouldn't see or hear me poking around for SOLDIER information... just stay calm. Aveline glanced quickly down the bar past the man in black and white to a woman sitting alone, covered in tattoos. Thinking quickly, Aveline barked, "Hey, girl. Can I bum a smoke off of you?"
Aveline sat down at the end of the bar, making sure there were at least three seats between her and the nearest patron. The man a few chairs down from her looked her way immediately as she situationed herself on the chair, straightening her short-shorts only slightly self-consciously. She wore what she wore for a reason, and one of those was to get attention... and information. "Hey, stare much, mister?" she snapped, but kept a smile on her face. She tried not to cringe when he grinned back with only seven teeth. A minute and a couple more lines later, she'd gotten the old bastard to buy her two beers. Sure, he probably didn't know anything important, but he'd be easy to get rid of if he got annoying, and the free drinks were nice. Lightning barely noticed the young, blonde boy that walked past her, rolling her eyes at how he held himself. For just coming out of a training room that difficult, he sure doesn't look like much, staring at his feet and mumbling to himself. Is this what the standards and prospects for SOLDIER is becoming? How pathetic... Nevertheless, she glanced over her shoulder just barely, her bangs falling her front of her eyes. When the boy stopped and addressed Zack, however, her frowned increased. They know each other? And he never mentioned the puny kid? How embarrassing...
Aveline headed to the closest bar she could find, one she hadn't been to in a while, actually; she tried not to frequent any one too often when she was searching for information, to be safe. The building was simple enough, slammed between to larger, towering structures that dwarfed the bar in both size and quality. Yes, the area was hard to find through several winding alleyways, but Aveline found that, the worse the neighborhood smelled like sewage and metal, the better the rumors were. Lightning scoffed under her breath at Zack's optimistic attitude. I don't understand how unfocused he can be sometimes... she thought skeptically. As he walked past her, she landed a hard-enough punch on his shoulder. "Hey," she added, one side of her mouth rising in an emotionless smirk. "Meet me for a drink later, okay? We need to talk. Once you're done... gathering your thoughts." Before he could respond, she turned and headed directly for the training room at the very end of the hall, empty of any other SOLDIER members. My head's always clear, focused, ,and centered; I know what I want... and that's to kick some ass right now.
OOC: Yay, it's Zack! <3 Lightning turned immediately, fist raised to hit back whoever had bumped into her, but she stopped when she saw Zack, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Watch it, idiot," she snapped, eyes narrowed. "You're not protecting anything walking like that." Aveline thought of heading back to the training room upstairs, but knew better; her hands were sore and she was getting tired already, even though it was still earlier on in the day. I know, she thought, suddenly coming up with an idea. I'll head to the best place I can to get information: the bar.
“You’re just not good enough, girl. It’s as simple as that; how could you think differently?†Aveline’s usually-neutral expression turned to a frown for a moment, her fists clenched tightly around her daggers at either side, still soaked with sweat from the training she’d done for the last few hours. Her superior’s words hurt, especially after all the work she had put in. Why, after all this time, could she not be promoted to 2nd Class SOLDIER? “I don’t understand,†she whispered, staring at her feet. “I’ve been in 3rd for three years now…†She cut herself off quickly, wanting to blurt out, for some reason, that her father and her uncle, all 1st Class SOLDIER members, would not be happy to hear this… but blackmail and b.itchiness was not her style. “Dismissed,†the man muttered, and waved her out the door. Aveline went without another word, knowing better than to speak again. F.uck giving up, she thought viciously. I’m going to keep it up… not because I really want to… being 1st Class isn’t that big of a deal; I’m going for it to prove I’m better than everyone else here: my family, my partners, my superiors… I’m taking them all down. But there’s only one way I can do that: Sephiroth.
Hi there! Long time no see!! I'm trying to get back on here and thought I'd say hi! :D
http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/m628/NANAKIRYU/Final%20Fantasy/frozen-love-by-mario-wibisono.jpg 'tis for joo.
Holy **** it's been forever since I've been on here... yikes lol umm I haven't even finished playing through VII all the way but I'm working on it. I don't know how much I can do but I'm happy to help! This is gonna be a lot of reading, isn't it? Sigh... oh boy!!!
ooh ok... ill watch the epic lightsaberness then :D
i thought you wanted to watch him play!
:'( ray's playin star wars instead
poo face. everyone's waitin for you!
Goldwin could have ordered Trys to stop, to leave her new companion be, but for some reason she just watched the two men leave. She would follow in a minute and see what Gabriel would do, what other lies or ideas he would come up with... or if he was telling the truth. "So..." Gabriel began, not glancing back at Trys. "What's your... relationship with the princess?" "Shut it," Trys snapped, shoving the back of the man's shoulder forward so he stumbled a couple steps. "I'll question you properly in the castle and relate the interrogation to the king and queen. Then we'll see what we do with you." "Come on, man," Gabriel whined, grinding his teeth. "I didn't do anything to the girl... you're being-" Trys kicked him in the lower back this time, cutting off his sentence. "Move. We're almost there." The officer frowned, looking the stranger up and down again. "You aren't authorized to practice anything but Dragon hunting in these battle domes, sir, and you clearly are not of that profession. If you refuse to leave I can have you escorted out of the Domes immediately."
OOC: aww you're meaningless post is suddenly sweet now! :D BIC: Gabriel saw the princess open her mouth to protest but he spoke instead: "It's fine, big guy, settle down. I'll go... but you're wasting your time with any interrogations you may have. I merely traveling-" Trys grabbed Gabriel's right shoulder and spun him around roughly, shoving him toward the door. "Walk in front of me... toward the castle. Now." Gabriel shook his head slightly, biting his lower lip to keep back a sharp blast of anger that coursed through him when the princess's man touched him. This is what it takes... go through him, make yourself known... she likes you enough... that's a start. I'll finish this Trys later. He shrugged off his rage and turned to give Goldwin a wink before slowly walking out of the salle. One of the Dragon Battle Dome officers spotted the man, obviously standing on his own, out of place, in the middle of the practice area, his clothing and large weapons clearly showing he didn't have a pass to be in this designated area. "You," he began suddenly, walking over to the stranger. "Where is your pass to be inside the Dragon Battle Domes? I don't see your Dragon armor on or the proper training blades. Answer quickly."
OOC: Holy **** everything IS messed up lol That's my welcome back line for myself. Anyway, thank you guys for waiting for me, I've been super busy with work and now that I've come back a good bunch of our thread has been eaten by hackers! Agh! Well, at least some of it survived and we have something to work off of, as I'm sure every other thread master in the RP forum is saying. SO... let's see what we can do. I'll write a nice recap for everyone just to refresh our memories and what we lost, and then we can set up where to begin again. Sound good? Well, I'm doing it anyway so here we go! xD Ok, Goldwin and Gabriel are still in the practice building and Trys has just come in, upset to find the princess alone with someone he doesn't know or trust. He has just demanded that Gabriel come with him to be questioned at the castle for being suspicious and promiscuous with Goldwin :D Atreyu and Keiran have decided that, in order for the two of them to stay together and not get hunted down in Numenor, they will join the country's army for the looming war under the protection of the princess. Right now they are at the battle domes with Goldwin's watch as admission and passage to be left alone by others until training officially starts the next day. Pan has also joined them, currently searching for Gabriel because his summoner powers made the voices that haunt her temporarily disappear. Alice is currently speaking with and accompanying a stranger she ran into that has intrigued her. We will learn more as we go! I think I've remembered everything, but please let me know or post yourself any details I might have forgotten. I hope everyone is still up to continuing :) BIC: Goldwin sheathed her sword and glared at Trys, thinking, at the same time, that she had no reason to defend Gabriel. "Let him be, Trys; he's done no harm." Trys frowned, still staring at Gabriel. "No, princess; he comes with me."