lol thanks kiddo! :D my laptop is still in the hospital lol but i should have it back any day now! tryin my best to stay updated!
haha i will work on it within the next week. my laptop has a virus right now so i need to take it to someone and get it fixed ASAP. a bill i was...
RAWR!! :glomp:
Goldwin entered her parents chambers and her heart dropped even further; they both lay in bed, more gaunt, tired looking, and pale than ever. Neither of them noticed she had entered until she stood at the head of the bed, inclining her upper body in a short bow. "Are you feeling, my lord and lady?" Goldwin asked, more loudly than her normal speaking voice. "We've been better, dear," her mother replied quietly. "An emissary from Moraning arrived this morning," Goldwin began quickly. "I spoke with him... he wants to raise the taxes ten more percent, and that we have spies and mercenaries out in their lands trying to corrupt them because we're unhappy! I couldn't persuade him otherwise, and it's so upsetting-" "No one could have," her father interrupted, his voice a little stronger than her mother's. "Nor is there anything you can do." "Nothing?" Goldwin growled. "Honestly, they are starting all these problems and then blaming them on us so they can start a war and do whatever they wish! It's ridiculous." "I'm sorry, dear, but if you make a move that's what they want. You cannot respond unless they are at our gates. Understand?" Goldwin bit her lower lip, hard, swallowing all her retorts. "Yes. Of course," she managed. Gabriel thought for a moment. "If this is an order, persay," he began now, "when do I leave?" "Tomorrow," the man said, satisfaction in his eyes. "Don't worry, sir; this task will be to your benefit." "Yeah, we'll see," Gabriel muttered, uncomfortable with being forced into this "job" by the Lord of his country, just after his latest victory on the streets. "Now would you mind going, please? If I leave so soon on such short notice, you should let me sleep." The man nodded curtly and left the room.
OOC: pezz, youre adorable, rawr :<3: but its hard to pick between you and jeffrey-kun cause he's super cute too haha "I think that we couldn't stop any of them if they tried," Eleanor replied quickly, still feeling uncomfortable speaking normally in front of the the child-looking warriors. "They aren't something I'm used to, but I think I'll have to deal with it. Let's go."
OOC: pezz, i love you lol what we need to jeffreypoo to post... but he's busy partyin with his college buddies... grrr...
OOC: omg pezz just the other month i was in a similar situation using a PSP to try and post! its awful, so i understand :D dont worry about us too much, just enjoy your vacation, kiddo! love you!! :glomp:
Goldwin let Boromir take their horses back to the stable when the reached the castle once more; the three had rode in silence, all seemingly deep in thought about the turn of events. Rumors spread like wild fire in any city, perfectly run or not, all the way from the rich, gossiping courtiers to the peasants and farmers. Goldwin didn't know why, but if the people were already thinking of rising up against Moraning's awful dictatorship-mentally of ruling, she felt herself on edge; in her heart, she knew for a fact that both her parents were unable to command an army, run the country, and keep order in their state. The timing was horrible, and she found her hands shaking with anger and fear at her sides as she walked up the steps into the main receiving room of Numenor castle with Trys. "Mi'lady?" he asked, his tone even as he observed her mood and brooding expression. "I understand you're worried, but don't push yourself too hard; it won't help anyone." Goldwin gave Trys a forced, cold smile, hoping it portrayed some kind of confidence. "Of course. I'll go speak with my parents. Meet me in the salle when I'm done?" "You're up for more sword practice?" Trys asked. "You've been at it every free minute." "And you're to do what I say," Goldwin snapped, a little harshly. She swallowed and continued with a warmer smile, "Besides, you've been my sparring partner for my entire life; you're the only one that poses a challenge now." Trys bowed and took his leave, and Goldwin squared her shoulders, sighed, and started up the stairs to her right, to the top rooms of the main section of the castle, to see her ill parents. ------------------ It was becoming clear to Gabriel that, no matter how insistent he was with the messenger on his currently neutral, undecided status, the man would not leave or take no for an answer. "Tell me what would be required of me," he began with a sigh, "should I consider this." “You would go to Numenor Palace," the man began, his tone almost relieved happiness, as if he had been told to tell Gabriel the details from memory. "Do not let anyone know of your origins; make up whatever story you see fit. At this point, you seem to have a creative enough imagination and more than above par skill at lying to make up a tale that will not raise suspicion. You will get connected with the princess somehow; both her parents are older, ill, and will die soon… either naturally or by another… accident. If they start a war… I’m sorry, when the country starts a war, if you’re close enough to the girl to lead her into a trap to make their defeat easy, Lord Michael will officially be able to rule over Moraning and Numenor… the rest of the world will follow quickly.†“Again,†Gabriel began, though he had to admit he was interested that he was being suggested for such a seemingly-important job, “what exactly is in this for me?†“You’ll be paid more than enough money to live as you see fit for the rest of your life,†the man said as if it were obvious. “A chance to make a difference in the upcoming, inevitable events that will shape this world… and,†he added with a sharp grin, “a good amount of time to practice and hone your skills with blood magic. Dark Summoning is something best learned with experience.†“How is Summoning the dead, manipulating souls, and causing immoral damage with ghosts have to do with seducing a princess?†Gabriel frowned. “I don’t see how I am the only one that meets the requirements for this job of yours.†“The request is also a formality,†the man laughed bitterly. “Lord Michael has ordered this job for you; no more pulling off wanted posters and murdering spies and thieves in alleyways to pay for your food each night. But if I must explain, you befriending the princess and making her trust your judgments up to a crucial point in war is what matters most. When our army and blood magic is on their doorstep, you will be the key to inishing her, and the rest of her rebel country, off for good.â€
"Children?" Eleanor repeating, the strain in Lanan's voice making her a little on edge too. "That one," she said with a jerk of her head, her voice a little lower, "he spoke to me like an adult; says they're all pretty pissed about being stuck here and are willing to fight... seems we've found an army to fight the army, huh?"