I don't know how many of you know this, but the word "sora" means "sky," or "air..." "Ventus" means wind, which is close to the same meaning. So, perhaps the theory of Sora and Ven being connected by Ven's heart and memories isn't too far off. I mean, when Aqua "erases" Ven, perhaps they didn't foresee him getting transferred to another person. Maybe Sora's and Ven's names being similar is a sign that they share some of the same kind of power...? I'm kinda shooting in the dark here, as I have only played KHI and KHII. I didn't really get into CoM before the disc got destroyed. *sniffs* But, seeing the theories here, I get most of what's being said... Just thought I'd contribute a little bit... |D
Durnit! Don't jinx me! Dx
My head feels like something horribly mangled it. I have a massive headache and I have some kind of rash on my ankle. I'm also coming down with...
Well, keep at it. You'll get it eventually! I'll be putting up pics tomorrow, so maybe you can get some inspiration from them. I only spent...
God! I can't get used to your new avatar! I keep thinking that you're someone else! Dx Well, tomorrow, (or, rather, today), is the big day!...
BTW, I still think that your profile pic is really cute. Just look at Sora's face! He's so... Shnugglable. =D
Long time no VM? LOL Guess what? I just put you, Atira, and Mike into my favorites on MSN. And guess what I noticed? Here's a hint: Your...
I just put you, KH2Riku1, and Atira into my favorites on MSN. And guess what I noticed? Here's a hint: Your avatar + KH2Riku1's avatar +...
Nyu! =D By the way, I just put you, KH2Riku1, and Mike into my favorites on MSN. And guess what I noticed? Here's a hint: Your avatar +...
I can't wait! Good report, Mike. xD I just got another PSP so that I could play Dissidia, (got it yesterday!), but I would LOVE to use it for BBS. I got a DS and a reserved copy of Days when it comes out, so... I could get both! xDDD Yays! *breakdances*
I don't wanna die. I just got here! Dx I'll guard the door... *sits by the door and pulls out a copy of Dissidia and a PSP* Hehehehehe... Prepare for the PAIN!!!
*looks confused some more* Seriously. How did I miss Demyx and Saix getting here? *sees Demyx staring at me* Oops, I mean... Saix puppy... *rolls eyes, mumbling* I'm just gonna go sit in the corner and play Dissidia... *takes out old, jankety Fat PSP and starts up game* Hehehe... Take THAT, Cloud!
What's the difference between Roxas' Keyblade and Sora's? O.o
7 more to go... >.< >.> <.< *hacks computer system and deletes group* Hehehe...
Demyx: *looks up from David Bowie biography* Be nice, Saix Puppy. You can share, right? Ol'Sephy: *looks around* When did THEY get here? O_o
It won't let me register. It keeps taking me back to a log-in page. I'd like to sign up, but you apparently need an account to do so. Dx Kinda pointless to make a registration page that requires that you be registered to view it... c(:
Good answer! NEVER give up your cosplay stuff, no matter how CRAZY it is! xD I'll take a look at it... =D
It's Terra from Final Fantasy VI. She's the cutest little character in Dissidia, the Final Fantasy fighting game that's set to come out in North America next Tuesday. There was a picture of her dressed up in the costumes of various "bad guys" from Dissidia. My favorite is Terra dressed like Tidus' father from Final Fantasy X. He's usually topless, so the pic of Terra dressed like him shows her covering up. It's freaking hilarious! Check it out, if you want... http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/254/3008422.jpg Enjoy!
Got a small dubbing job for ya. You interested in voicing Elmyra, Aerith's mom, in my Cloud/Aerith dub? I'd like it if you would... Later, SK8ER!!!