I'mma doin' gooooooooooooood. c(: How's 'bout you? xD I'm just awaiting the return of my buddeh so we can hop onto the ol' Skype-o.
Oh, and by the way, I got something important to tell you and my other buddehs. GET ON SKYPE WITHIN THE NEXT FEW HOURS. Do it. Seriously, my...
I read your convo with Atira. My PSP broke, (*sniff*), so I can't join you guys. I wouldn't have been able to anyway, though -- my LAN switch...
Sora's Buddies are Ganging Up On Him!!! Dx Someone! Quick! Check this out! I had a great idea about boss replacement. Rather than try to explain it, here's a list of codes that I put together from the front page: Code: [B]Allies are Big Bosses:[/B] 2037A3D0 0016EB04 [COLOR="Red"]SO, THE TWO ALLIES, (ROXAS ANS SORA), JUST STOOD THERE, NO HEALTH BARS OR ANYTHING. THEY WERE HITTABLE, BUT NOT TARGETABLE, NOR DID THEY RETALIATE[/COLOR] [B]Sephiroth replaced by... Riku?![/B] 11C50510 00000819 [COLOR="Red"]JOKERED A CODE TO JUMP TO THE SEPHY BATTLE, BUT IT FROZE WHEN I HIT THE JOKER AND LEFT THE CURRENT MAP. (THE MUSIC IS STILL PLAYING. "VENI VENI VENIAS, NEMI MORI FACIAS, SEPHIROTH!" LOL)[/COLOR] [B]Sora/Roxas Solo Boss Mods...[/B] Max HP 11C94F04 0000FFFF Strength 01C95088 000000FF Defense 01C9508C 000000FF [B]Ally Roxas:[/B] 11CFA3FE 0000005A 01CB992C 00000001 21CB9974 00010002 2037B890 626D6973 2037B890 00000001 [B]Ally Sora Code...[/B] Ally Sora Enabler: 200F9014 24010003 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F000D Use w/ Ally Sora Code: 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010003 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F000D 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Goofy = Sora: 01CB9A4F 00000001 11CB9A54 00003031 11CB9A74 00003031 21CB9A94 00010003 2037B898 61729F73 2037B89C 00000000 103400A8 00000029 That should just about do it! Credit to the creators. (I didn't keep track of who made what code, so sorry for not crediting specifically.) I'm about to test it out. If it doesn't work, I'll update here with the results, (BSOD, etc). If this post isn't edited in three hours, then it probably worked for me! xD Laters! - Ol'Sephy EDIT: Check the RED, ALL CAPS text for the edits! I also forgot to mention a "Full Party for Sora/Roxas Solo Boss Fights" code. That was among the codes that I used. Others were "Infinite Drive/MP/HP," "Full Party During Drive," and "Drive w/out Supporting Party Members." Any suggestions on getting this set of codes to do what I want them to do? If you don't know what that is, take a look at the title of this post... xD
[B]Allies are Big Bosses:[/B] 2037A3D0 0016EB04 [COLOR="Red"]SO, THE TWO ALLIES, (ROXAS ANS SORA), JUST STOOD THERE, NO HEALTH BARS OR ANYTHING. THEY WERE HITTABLE, BUT NOT TARGETABLE, NOR DID THEY RETALIATE[/COLOR] [B]Sephiroth replaced by... Riku?![/B] 11C50510 00000819 [COLOR="Red"]JOKERED A CODE TO JUMP TO THE SEPHY BATTLE, BUT IT FROZE WHEN I HIT THE JOKER AND LEFT THE CURRENT MAP. (THE MUSIC IS STILL PLAYING. "VENI VENI VENIAS, NEMI MORI FACIAS, SEPHIROTH!" LOL)[/COLOR] [B]Sora/Roxas Solo Boss Mods...[/B] Max HP 11C94F04 0000FFFF Strength 01C95088 000000FF Defense 01C9508C 000000FF [B]Ally Roxas:[/B] 11CFA3FE 0000005A 01CB992C 00000001 21CB9974 00010002 2037B890 626D6973 2037B890 00000001 [B]Ally Sora Code...[/B] Ally Sora Enabler: 200F9014 24010003 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F000D Use w/ Ally Sora Code: 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010003 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F000D 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Goofy = Sora: 01CB9A4F 00000001 11CB9A54 00003031 11CB9A74 00003031 21CB9A94 00010003 2037B898 61729F73 2037B89C 00000000 103400A8 00000029
Okay, okay. F**k the Simple and Clean thing! It's getting annoying!!! I can't get anything to sound right, at all! *sniffs* The Passion one...
Well, I think I've just realized that I am one of those poor saps who falls in love with someone online after having a broken relationship with someone in "real life." Here's my story... I joined KHV almost a year ago and, around the beginning of the year was taken in by the [KHV] 358/2 Days Fandub Crew. I stuck with them through thick and thin, making friends, supporting my new friends, contributing to the dub, coming up with solutions to problems... You get the picture. But, I got one thing that I didn't bargain for. As many of you have probably been witness to, relationships can suck. I mean, MAJORLY BAD times, right? So, I think that it goes without saying that any guy in his late teens who has any charisma or assertiveness can go out and attempt to get a girlfriend. Apparently, I'm more physically attractive than I thought, because a girl who I had met once or twice saw me at a cafe/market on my computer, playing MapleStory and decided to come over. She wasn't the picture of my "perfect partner." Heck, she was a ways away from that! But, as I was 18 and, (gasp), had never had a girlfriend before, (I lived in a group home for 90% of my life, so you can't blame me), I started getting a little giddy when she started hitting on me. I kept blushing and giggling like an idiot as she kept brushing her knees against mine. We hooked up a little less than a week later. That was in August of 2008. In November, we broke up. She had her issues, and I had mine. Thing was, I felt fine about it. The relationship had been growing more and more distant for the last few weeks and we both decided to separate. Two weeks after we broke up, I started really feeling the hurt. At the end of those two weeks, I was in a crisis house and she was in a mental hospital. We had both gone slightly insane after we went our separate ways. So, the week of Thanksgiving was spent in a crisis house for me. I got out the Saturday after and stayed at a friend's house. Then, I went home. Done. I was still hurt. But I was fine. I would live. In January/February of 2009, Mike, (Reporter/Video Producer for KHV), started a project that piqued my interest. It was a fandub group that would dub the Japanese scenes from the then upcoming release, Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. I joined, as I pride myself in being able to act fairly well. I met all kinds of people. Mike and I, as well as several others, starting chatting and planning right off the bat. It was great! Then, near the beginning of summer, some things started happening, not only with the dubbing group, but in my life, as well. I had been single for going on six months. I had jokes with people about how I'd get my "perfect partner" as my next girlfriend. I didn't. I had known a girl for a while who was going out with someone who I thought was a friend, (please, don't ask). They had been going out for a while, but, like me and my first partner, this girl and her first partner were starting to grow apart. So, they broke up. Then, as I had hung out with the guy for a while before the two had been together, I started hanging out with the girl. We fell in love and are still together. But, even in love there might be problems. I, apparently, am a little too flirtatious. I just realized a few days ago why it was that I hadn't been updating things on my forum accounts and MySpace/Facebook, etc. I have a crush on someone who doesn't come on much anymore. She was fun to talk to and I'm starting to realize that I am obsessed with her. It's not like I'm going to track her down, or anything creepy. She's fascinates me. I don't know how many of you have seen the movie "American Beauty," but I feel a lot like Ricky must have felt about Jane. Minus the creepy video recording crap. Hell, take the camera out, completely! At one point during the movie, Jane confronts Ricky and says, "You were the creepo who was video taping me last night." Ricky just smiles and says something like, "Don't take it personally. I find you interesting." And he walks away. That sums up how I feel about this girl. It sometimes comes across as, "Whoa! What the hell? That's creepy!" I can assure you -- it's not. So, I have three questions that I'd like to leave open to you, the forum-goers of KHV: 1.) How can I keep from getting into harmful relationships? I want to meet new people and maybe become close to some of them, but I don't want to get hurt again. My very first girlfriend was kinda, shall we say, "unstable." I don't plan on dating a nut-case again. Unless they're lovable. *glances at current girlfriend* 2.) How can I deal with the emotional spiral downward after breaking up with someone with whom I've just had a really intimate/emotional relationship? Once again, I don't want to get hurt that badly again, if I can help it. 3.) What should I do about my "crush?" I know that crushes are natural, but what about when you're already with another person? I want to be faithful to my girlfriend, but I have feelings for someone else! I have so little experience with this kind of feeling that it's like being lost in the woods on a moonless, starless night with no map or flashlight. By the way, I refuse to tell who it is to anyone I don't trust, so keep these things in mind before you ask: 1.) Are you in my friends list? 2.) Did you know me in March of 2009? 3.) Do I talk to you on a regular basis? That should about do it! If I have anything else, I'll just either post it in this thread or edit this post! Discussion opened! - Ol'Sephy
I didn't think that you would, anywho. xD I don't need the music when you sing it. I just need the lyrics. I will be making the music, myself....
xDDD Thanks! Again! xD Now, on your hands and knees and kiss mah foots!
Whenever. I'm going on a trip for my birthday this week, (today is, officially, my 20th birthday), so don't worry about it until Wednesday or...
Thanks in advance. The main thing is that I want it to sound relatively like the original, but not completely like it. So, using just the first part for sampling is great. I'd think that you'd be able to get good enough ideas for leads by listening to the rest of the song, right? Good luck! - Ol'Sephy
Straight up to the Googleness! xDDD
Well, there should be tutorials on Google... Check it out!
LMFAO... Sarcastically. My PSP won't turn on now. I HAVE A REASON TO GET A NEW ONE! xD Hopefully, I'll be able to replace my old piece of...
Hehehehehehe... I'm so going to help out by doing some graphic art for it... Fufufufufufufufufufufufufufu... I probably can't compete with...
Xlink Kai is a program for PC that allows people to play Adhoc games on their PSPs over an internet connection. So, using Adhoc, you connect to...
Title(Optional): End of the World, (same as the original) Sample(Optional, Provide Link to download): Blake Lewis' End of the World on "downloads.nl" Genre: techno/hip-hop Tempo: med./slow Additional Details/Requests: I was kinda hoping that you could do a lyricless version of this song. I'm doing some of my own basic music mixing, and was going to sing along with a friend as a fun little project. Problem is, I don't know how to sample, and can't find a good karaoke version of this song. Thanks, in advance! - Ol'Sephy
If you have a PS3 or a way to use Xlink Kai, I might end up being able to play you...!
BTW, what the heck is going on in your profile pic? Did Axel fart? :-}
MSN, person!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU NEED TO SIGN IN MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD