Omfg hax!!! Title unrelated. xD I'm on Day 296, or something like that. I was playing through every mission, but they got too hard to do all of them at around Day 277... DAMN YOU, CRIMSON PRANKSTERS!!! . . . Is that considered a spoiler...? xD
DISCLAIMER: First of all, I must warn you that this story uses strong language and suggestive themes. Not TOO bad, but you get my point. Be aware of this while reading. If you find such things offensive, then don't come crying to me when you get offended. I warned you -- you shouldn't have read it if you don't like what it contains! Okay, a while back, I started writing some Kingdom Hearts fan-fictions that, apparently, were very good. I didn't get much feedback in the threads, themselves, (the two threads in question are lost somewhere in the forums), but I got a LOT of PMs saying how much of a talented writer I was. Some people even offered to host my stories on another site! But, being the idiot that I was at the time, I declined. I should have realized that ANY publicity is GOOD publicity... Regardless, those two stories, (links to them are in my siggy), will be revived in due time. I still have am incredibly elaborate storyline to play out. If you've read them, then good! But anything that you may have thought about Adrian is about to be blown to pieces. Seriously. And, I must say, Chaotic Brink is about to get veeeeeeeeeeeery interesting, indeed... But enough about that. If you wish, read them. I will be making those stories more "available" soon by making each chapter a new post. For now, however, I want to tell you a story that takes place in Final Fantasy VII's storyline... The storyline of FFVII extends over twelve years. That's right! If you haven't noticed that, then let me explain. PSP's Crisis Core, the first part of the story, (chronologically), happens seven years before the original release, Final Fantasy VII, for the PSX/PS1. Then, the next part of the story, the CG movie, Advent Children, (alternately, Advent Children COMPLETE for Blu-Ray), takes place two years after that. That's nine years, so far. Then, the "final chapter in this tale of life," Dirge of Cerberus, was Vincent Valentine's story, taking place three years after AC/ACC. That's twelve years. If Cloud was 21 in FFVII, that means that he was 14 at the beginning of CC and 17 when he and Zack went on missions. So, he was 23 in AC/ACC, meaning that he was 26 in DoC. So, it is a long story, right? But what about the "secret ending" to FFVII, which is also the beginning of AC/ACC? It takes place 500 years after FFVII, (495 years after the whole story ends). The scene shows Red XIII, (or Nanaki, if you prefer), with two of his cubs running through the Wasteland toward Midgar's ruins, on which Edge City was built. When the giant ruins come into view, they are covered in plant life: trees and bushes; grass and flowers. A flock of fowl fly overhead, evidence that the Lifestream has begun to flow normally in the area again. The bay that had once been full of polluted water and dead animals was washing up to the edges of the city, pure and blue. We don't know anything of the people who live there, now. Only that the city is being filled with life and color -- things it was lacking in the time of Cloud, Tifa, and the other heroes who made this sight possible... But, after 500 years, how many of them are left? None of them are alive except Nanaki and, (quite possibly), Vincent. Questions are left unanswered. Mysteries, unsolved... And those will be the subject of another tale. This story, which takes place in Edge City during the time when the flowers and other plants grow freely. When animals flock to the area, as opposed to scattering away. When people could actually live, love, and be at peace. This is the story of Ador Strife -- the great-great-grandson of Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockheart... Enjoy! - Ol'Sephy LOVE WITHOUT BOUNDS Chapter One 7th Heaven Bar Central District Edge City "STRIFE DELIVERY Service! You name it, we deliver!" As Ador Strife listened to his next customer's request for his services, he mentally checked off all the things that he done for the day. He was very good at listening to everything that was said, while also being able to think about something completely different. Probably another trait that he had inherited from his great-great-grandparents, Cloud and Tifa. He was proud of the Strifes who had come before him. Even his parents were not something he was ashamed of, unlike how other people his age viewed their parents. He respected his father and loved his mother, both of whom had run their respective businesses in tandem. 7th Heaven bar was now run by his sister, Rose, who was the best barmaid that the establishment had ever seen. And Strife Deliver Service was his charge. He used the Neo-Fenrir, only a single step up from the founder of the company, Cloud. Cloud had once used a Hardy Daytona, the very first vehicle manufactured by Shin-Ra to only make use of two wheels. Then, after the Fall of Shin-Ra, Cloud abandoned the Daytona for a new model of motorbike -- the Fenrir. It was not originally called the Fenrir, though. It was called something else, but nobody cared what that was. All anyone cared about was that Cloud Strife had a personalized model called Fenrir. And the name stuck. Cloud's bike had been customized to accomodate his famously large, disassembling sword, the First Tsurugi. Reeve Tuesti, the Director of the WRO, (World Restoration Order), had had it built specifically for Cloud. To "keep him out of trouble," he had said. Now, many people have Fenrir-like bikes that had everything that the original had had. Well, except for the slots for a huge sword that breaks into multiple OTHER swords... The WRO had dissolved after the Omega Crisis, which happened five years after the Fall of Shin-Ra. The Director saw that world was on the road to rejuvenation and saw fit to allow the next "government" to take his place. Now, there was no ruling company or order. The city of Edge had taken up the practice of democracy, the form of government that was used by the other, smaller cities and towns across the globe. After this relinquishing of power to the people, the WRO became known as the IMCE, (the Industrial Manufacturing Company of Edge). They were still around, inventing easier ways of life for the people through technology and science. Mako energy is a thing of the past as the IMCE discovered how to harness the power of the sun and the wind and the countless rivers around the world. Even crude oil was barely used! Everything was solar-powered, and the Planet thanked the people for this. It was healthy, comforting. Anyway, back to Ador's bike, there were three newer models that were available to the public, all seemingly faster and sturdier than the Neo-Fenrir. The Nova-Fenrir, the model immediately after the Neo, was sleeker, with smaller design and a much more powerful punch. The Ultima-Fenrir was the epitome of automobiles when it came out. It was the same size as the Nova, but packed an incredibly stronger engine. It also was the first to sport a shell that extended over the driver, making for easier transport in the rain. Then, just when people thought that the idea of the motorbike had reached the prime of its life, the Ultima+ was released. It was so expensive to make, however, that only 50 of them were ever built. It ran off of solar power, while also being powered by the rush of air that blew past it while in motion. Thus, it had a never-ending supply of thrust. You could drive thing for days on end and it would never slow down, stop, or overheat. And, the part that was the highlight of its design was how it could actually collapse in on itself to become as small as a large backpack. It had straps that could connect to the collapsed form and the person could take it everywhere. If they were to drive into the mountains, they could drive as far as they could, then collapse the bike and carry it. When they could ride again, they would simply press a button and Voila! Instant motorbike! Ador didn't want all of this flashy stuff, though. Plus, the Neo was the last Fenrir bike to have the ability to be customized with the slots for First Tsurugi. So, he customized it himself and put in the engine and the shell from an Ultima. (He would have used one from an Ultima+, but he would get assassinated if he even thought of taking one apart.) So, with the combination of the Neo-Fenrir's design with a Fenrir's slots for his sword, (whish was passed down through five generations of his family), and the shell and engine from an Ultima-Fenrir, he had a suitable mode of transportation for his job. Speaking of which, he was just finishing up with his current customer and was about to head out. He hung up the phone and scratched his spiky, black hair. What was he forgetting...? "Ador!" His sister was calling from downstairs. "Do you have any more deliveries today?" Shit. He mentally slapped his forehead. It's her birthday today... He tried to play it cool. "Uh... Just one!" He called back as he picked up his keys and pulled on his gray cloak. It was looking like rain. "How long will that take? Is it here in the city?" He thought about it. It was in New Nibelheim, the city that was rebuilt from the ashes of his great-great-grandparents' hometown. He didn't like the stories about how it came to be destroyed, as it had to do with someone who he'd rather not think about. But that's where he needed to go. He could deal with that, regardless. Problem was, it would take at least seven hours to get there with the package, which he had to pick up at the Chocobo Farm near Edge, and a little less than six hours to get back. He would have to stay in New Nibelheim over night so that he didn't get tired on the way back and crash into a rock or drive off a cliff. And, even if he came back immediately, it would another thirteen hours until he got home. She would be asleep by then... "Ador?" She would come upstairs and see him panicking if he didn't think of something soon... "Uh, yeah! About..." He couldn't lie to her. He'd just have to cancel the delivery. "Y'know what? Never mind. I'll cancel it." "Ador? You okay?" She started coming up the stairs. He could tell her the truth. It wouldn't hurt. He grabbed the phone and hit the redial button. The phone dialed as Rose came in. She smiled as he told the customer that he'd have to wait until tomorrow. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your business!" Before hanging up. He turned to her. "Alright. What shall we do for your special day..." He walked over to her and stood in front of her. She had been begging thier parents to take her to see the Northern Cave with Barret Wallace IV, the great-great-great-grandson of Cloud's companion, who bore the same name. The Strife family line was stonger than the Wallaces', as Cloud had been a SOLDIER experiment. He hadn't actually been in SOLDIER, the elite fighting force of Shin-Ra, but he had been mortally wounded by... Him. That evil bastard who had killed so many innocents. Anyway, Cloud had been hurt badly, as had his friend, Zack Fair, who actually was a SOLDIER, 1st Class. They had both been bathed in large amounts of mako, making them a higher level of human. SOLDIER members are showered in a little bit of mako. Cloud and Zack, however, soaked in it... For over four years. That's gotta do a little bit of something to you, and no mistake! Presently, Rose was staring expectantly at Ador as he paced slowly in front of her, pretending to think about what he should do for her birthday... "Aha!" He cried suddenly, making Rose jump. "I got it!" He turned to her. "We'll go..." Her eyes glowed. "Yes...?" "To..." "Uh-huh...?!" "The Golden Saucer!" She stared at him, then down, looking crest-fallen. He laughed. "Pack your things. We're going north." She looked up at him with such happiness and glee that she looked like she was going to melt. "Really?!" "Yep! Go call Barret. He's coming, too." "Oh, my GOD!" And she took off out of the office, carreening down the hall and into her room. Ador just smiled. And, that night, they three of them piled into the family car and drove to the Airport on the outskirts of Edge. As Ador watched Rose flirting with the young man, Barret IV, he suddenly got a chill. An image flashed into his mind of a girl with brown hair and a pink bow... "Could it be...?" He muttered as they all filed into the airship's passenger bay, "Could it really be..." "Aerith?"
*Falcon Facedesk* jsdfha rhqfuie rh fhveruytu43yruiuweriferquit OMFG SPAZMOTIC TWITCHING!!! xD I am getting paid today, so I'll be picking it up within the next few hours. I have it pre-ordered at GameCrazy. If I'm among the first ten people to pick it up, (doubtful), I'll get a free poster! If I'm not among the first ten... I BUY the poster! xDDD Sadly, though, the mail that will be bringing my check will probably be late today and come at some ungodly hour like 6pm tonight. *sobs* . . . In eager anticipation of the release, I have been making sketches of Keyblade-like swords for my Halloween costume... xD *goes back to drawing them*
MSN! Whenever you get back one here! DO IT!!! Actually, I'll probably not be on. xD
When are you going to be back on, dude? I just got here, and I'm not leaving for a while, (unless I decide to take a nap), so meh! c(: Well,...
OMFG. HE LIVES. xD How have you BEEN, man? It's been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time! I hope that everything is going well. Don't think...
Anyone Available for a Quick Code Test...? Hey! I decided to work on a cool idea that I've been wanting to work on for a while. I just finished up and would like to know what some of you think... Code: AntiFinal Form Party: 11CFA3FC 00000057 – Normal Sora = [COLOR="Yellow"]Master Form[/COLOR] 11CFA3FE 00000057 – Donald = [COLOR="yellow"]Master Form[/COLOR] 11CFA400 00000057 – Goofy = [COLOR="yellow"]Master Form[/COLOR] 21CB9814 5F303031 – [COLOR="yellow"]Master Form [/COLOR]Model = [COLOR="Navy"]Antiform[/COLOR] 21CB9818 58455F50 – [COLOR="yellow"]Master Form [/COLOR]Model = [COLOR="navy"]Antiform[/COLOR] 01CB9856 00000005 – [COLOR="Yellow"]Master Form [/COLOR]Moveset = [COLOR="Silver"]Final Form[/COLOR] Anybody want to test this for me? If not, I'll just test it when I get home... Thanks in advance! - Ol'Sephy
AntiFinal Form Party: 11CFA3FC 00000057 – Normal Sora = [COLOR="Yellow"]Master Form[/COLOR] 11CFA3FE 00000057 – Donald = [COLOR="yellow"]Master Form[/COLOR] 11CFA400 00000057 – Goofy = [COLOR="yellow"]Master Form[/COLOR] 21CB9814 5F303031 – [COLOR="yellow"]Master Form [/COLOR]Model = [COLOR="Navy"]Antiform[/COLOR] 21CB9818 58455F50 – [COLOR="yellow"]Master Form [/COLOR]Model = [COLOR="navy"]Antiform[/COLOR] 01CB9856 00000005 – [COLOR="Yellow"]Master Form [/COLOR]Moveset = [COLOR="Silver"]Final Form[/COLOR]
DAMNIT!!!! I can't rep you because I gotta rep other people, first! It says I already gave you rep... *sobs* Well, (*sniffs*), I guess I...
And WHAT is in it for me...? xD I'll rep you if that's what you want... . . . ///>.> <.<\\\ . . . =D
Hey! I looked through the last dozen or so posts and am wondering about something. Two people mentioned Drive Form allies and I would like to know if any of those work. I am not at home, so I can't test them out. However, I can get codes printed out to test out when I get home... I'll reply with results tomorrow, if I get any codes that I want to use. Specifically, I would LOVE to have an party of AntiFinal Form allies! Basically, (if you don't know what AntiFinal Form is), you would take Antiform's model and apply Final Form's moveset to it. I THINK that's all you'd need to do. I'll post the codes tomorrow, for those of you who want it. I use it all the time. Or, at least, whenever I use my files that have Final Form unlocked... Which brings me to my next subject: unlocking all the Drive Forms. I used a code that maxed-out all of the Forms that I had, while also unlocking them. However, I used it when I only had Valor Form. So, whenever I went into the "Items" menu, it would show white question marks in red circles, (or something along those lines), for Master Form's and Final Form's left hand Keyblades. I suppose this is because I only had two Keyblades at the time, (Kingdom Key and Star Seeker), and, therefore, it couldn't equip anything for the other two DW Forms. Problem: when I got more Keyblades, it STILL didn't automatically equip them! So, I tried to equip them manually, but it froze whenever I tried to select the slot... I'm thinking that I can possibly use a UWM to mod their left hands, but I'm not sure if that would work. I'm going to try it later, when I go home, but for now, I'll see what any of you have to say about it! =D On a side note, in the future, how can I avoid this problem? I would think that either waiting until I have at least four Keyblades or using a code for having all the Keyblades would work... Well, I'm off! Thanks in advance for any help that you may be able to give me! - Ol'Sephy
'Sup, dude? I disappear for a couple of days and the whole site gets updated while I'm gone?! WTF?! xD It looks good, even in crappy...
Just to let you know, I try to keep my personal life, (i.e., meds and what I'm working on in myself), off of these forums. I deleted that picture...
Spoiler That's the original post that released any codes for the "Bolt Tower replacement" idea. Looks like it's from a member called "JLHack7." Thanks in advance! - Ol'Sephy
'Sup, Sam? Long time no Skype-o! . . . And it'll be a little bit longer. I'm not at home right now. xP But we can still chat on...
Yep! Use that one all the time. In fact, I don't think I ever NOT use it... I'm always trying something with bosses and bosses/enemies/cool party members to make it interesting. I beat the heck out of KH2, but I still love it! So, I try to keep myself hooked! Custom forms seem to be the popular way of doing that, though, I'm afraid, and they never work for me... At least, none of them but AntiFinal Form! That one's awesome! Wait... Is that a custom form? I don't think it would be considered as such... At first, I tried to replace Sephy with an Ally Riku, but make him an enemy/boss. Then, I tried it with Final Xemnas. Neither worked, as it would BSOD whenever I went into the map using the joker to warp to the fight. So, if you could try to replace either Final Xemnas with either Riku, Sora, or Roxas, or replace the FIRST Xemnas boss with the same characters. It doesn't matter who you pick, as long as I can also have the other two to be there and either fight whoever I'm playing, (be it Mickey, Roxas, Riku, or Sora), or randomly attack, like I saw in a YouTube video of Sora fighting Sora in the Gathering Place, or whatever it's called, (where you fight Terra). He wouldn't go specifically after the player, but randomly do powerful magic and melee attacks. That might still need to be ported, though... Whew! And thus ends another long, falling wall of text! Late! - Ol'Sephy EDIT: Oh, yeah! Almost forgot! I was browsing the beginning of this thread, (the first 20 pages or so), and I saw something that piqued my interest. Whatever happened to that person who was holding back codes for replacing the Bolt Towers in Disney Castle's Audience Chamber during your very first visit there? I want to replace a bunch of them with Ally Cloud and a bunch more with Sephy! Or, maybe a few of them with Cloud, a couple Sephiroths, a couple Xemnas's, and a few Roxas's... Any ideas on this?
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I just finished making a cardboard/ducktape replica of Cloud's Advent Children sword! It's the very base of the blade, the one that he has when he goes to see Rufus Shin-Ra for the first time in the movie. The one that expands? Yep! The one and only! xD I'll upload a few pics of it in a minute...
Question...? Is there a way to replace a big boss like, say, Sephiroth or Final Xemnas with an ally or partner? I want to have Sora be able to drive into TheVader74 and Nathaniel's Spirit of the Wind Custom Form and AntiFinal Custom Form, (whoever made it), while fighting a Sora ally/enemy, a Roxas ally/enemy, and a Riku ally/enemy all at once. Or maybe a way that, when you replace an object on the field, (say a skateboard or chest), with a party member, they attack you, instead. I'm about to try the suggestion that was made to change my allies' roles to "enemy" rather than "boss" or "large boss." I'll edit this post with the results! Hopefully, it works! Laters! - Ol'Sephy
@xXRhian+RoxasXx: Ah. Moment of stupidity. I thought that you were referring to the Kingdom Key. c(: If you had been, (which, apparently, you hadn't been), then there wouldn't have been any difference. The Kingdom Key is the Kingdom Key. There ya go! xD Disregard my moment of complete reversion to infancy. @AxelRedHot: In that picture that you posted in the group, (which I thank you for), are you the Sora? I'm guessing so... It's funny. Almost every Sora that I've ever seen who has actually done a passable job at it looks exactly the same. Every time. Without fail! It's rather... Scary. Like they're all gonna rise up and start a cult that takes over the world... . . . ///>.> <.<\\\ . . . xD
Blah! En tus webos, amigos! *puts cupped hand to ear* Blah! En tus webos, amigos! Heh heh... Vacant group echo!
Quick question: is there a way to get allies to retaliate when you change their role, (using the Role Mod), to an enemy role? This would be used in conjunction with the idea put forth in my last post... By the way, to thecoder180... Have you tried PMing a coder? Like Erkz or iwantedtoexplode? I would think that they'd have an answer to your question... - Ol'Sephy