Yays for double postage!!!
Blah. En tus webos mucho gusto!!! I suck at Espaniol, huh? xDDD
*calls up from the bottom of the elevator shaft* Yeah! I totally agree! @Sai: Ah. Makes sense. So, they give me rep, but my rep points don't change... Did I get the right?
Hai, Mags!!! xDDDDD
Holy wow. I missed the most epic thing on earth... A Sora Circle Dance. Holy shiza... . . . *looks around* Fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufu... *starts another Sora Circle Dance by grabbing Ultima, moshi, Rhian, and Cloud* Don't ask how I grabbed four people at once...
This Fred Phelps sounds like the kinda guy who makes ANYONE who believes in God sound like idiots and nutcases. He seems to me to be the kind of guy who LOOKS for things to get mad about, just so he can pull the "holier-than-thou" card on anyone who "thinks they know anything about life," (in the words of an religous nutcase with whom I had to live for a week -- worst week of my life). He needs to get bitch slapped.
Go on msn. Nao.
Blargh. En tus webos.
Chapter Two Lodge The Great Glacier Slopes of the Crater It had been a six hour flight from Edge City's Airport to the Icicle Inn Area. Bone Village, what had been the closest town to the rest of the world during Cloud's time, had been buried in an avalanche about a century ago. The whole population had been buried alive. So, they'd had to switch to a ice cruiser at the Gold Saucer. They'd been cramped up in that damn plane for a while, and were glad to be free of it. They had stepped out into a world of white. Everything was soft, and bright. Too bright for Rose's and Ador's sensitive eyes. They were descended from a SOLDIER experiment and a seasoned fighter. It was only natural that they be more attuned to their surroundings. They put on their snow goggles and got onto the snow mobiles that would take them to Icicle Inn, and then, the Lodge on the Great Glacier. They made it to the Lodge, where the descendent of the man who had helped Cloud and his group when they had made their way to the Northern Cave had let them stay. He ran a mountain climbing business, taking the daring adventurers up to the top of the crater. Then, they could either come back down, or, as was the case with a lot of richer climbers, they could get picked up by airship, plane, or balloon. Ador told him that their group would be going to the bottom of the crater. The man had nodded. A group had come just the other day to inspect the crater. They had been picked up at the bottom, which was easy enough to get to. It was a long walk, though, at least four hours. TO BE CONTINUED!!!
MegaFlare. No question. It basically incinerates any and all enemies in range! It only takes, what a Mushu and two Fires? That's a great sleight! Granted, it has its downside. It takes a little longer to cast than other attacks, but it's faster than most. A great attack against Marluxia, too! (If you can pull it off in time...)
((O~O)) You... Are... Strange... Don't scare me like that, Mags! Dx And I did NOT deserver to get punched. T_T It was uncalled for...
*grins evilly* Goooooooooooood... Fresh meat for the torturing! *blinks at HB and B's familar way of acting toward each other* Uh... HB isn't exactly, "fresh" meat. Am I right? *blinks again* Shit... *tries to run out door that HB kicked in, but trips on the trail of epicness left in his wake* *lies bleeding at the bottom of an elevator shaft* Owie...........
My Action Replay's broken. *sobs* I'd have it down in a heartbeat if I could only use those codes that I just found in the Code Vault......
Dude. I must have fallen asleep. All I know is that I was blind folded, my armpits are shaved, and I had no clothes on when I woke up... . . . Me: AXEL!!! ROXAS IS OVER THERE!!! Axel: Oops! I just thought... Um... Wait. Roxas? . . . *chases Axel out of the room* DOES ANYONE WANNA WARN ME WHEN A GAY STALKER IS TRYING TO DO STRANGE THINGS TO ME?!?!
If you ARE on, go on MSN. Nao. xD
*facedesk* Please be on...
OMG, I thought that this account had been hacked. I logged in on the 6th and there was a VM that had been deleted by ME on my own profile. I'm...
I'm a lurker. What? Haven't you noticed? xD I know! Let's argue about... Um... Nevermind. *dances around again* By the way, Sai. I didn't notice something until somebody derepped me recently. At least, I think it was a derep -- it was a black box instead of red or green, so I don't know what it was. Anyway, you gave me rep for joining this family... So, uh... Thanks! [/really late gratitude] Fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufu.........
*ears perk up* Did someone say "depressing?" I think a dramatic return is in order... Hehehehehe... *dances around randomly* BTW, I won't be that active, but I'll try to start posting here a little more... I'm getting kinda annoyed with getting updates in my e-mail and reading your conversations while not actually replying... So... Yeah. xD
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=91479 That story that I told you about. Enjoy!