I had a thought when I was going through the DarkDays Theme Released thread... I know that suggesting new themes is on the "rejected suggestions" list, but it was also stated that this is "not necessarily denied," (as quoted in a post by Snake Eyes/Repliku in the Rejected Suggestions thread). So, as this is the case, I was thinking that the older themes that were used in the last version of vBulletin could be modified to work in the current version. Also, if the members of KH-Vids.NET helped out, (as in, a few coders, graphic designers, and testers), couldn't they come up with a theme to be used as a secondary option for those who don't like the themes we have now? I know that a common problem with the last theme, (FunKy2.0), was that it was too bright for many people's eyes, which made them turn the brightness down on their monitors specifically for this site, and, eventually, complain. I have also read in the release thread for DarkDays, (as awesome as it is in most other ways, RvR), that someone said that they don't like how the colors of this new theme don't match with very many colors outside of what is used in the banner. So, many profile customizations and signatures don't "look good" in this new color scheme... What I am proposing is similar to what was proposed in the thread that is linked under "Suggestions regarding skins" as "Multiple skins" in the "Rejected Suggestions" thread. I want to gather up a few members who have coding experience, (like RvR, but not necessarily him, seeing as he worked so hard, already), and graphic design experience, (like Misty), and make a few new skins for the site, to be used as secondary options to the new DarkDays, which would remain the default. I was thinking of a Heartless theme, a Nobody theme, an Organization theme, a theme with the 7 Princesses, a Castle Oblivion theme, a theme for each world... That kind of thing. Heck, we could even do a Final Fantasy character theme! The possibilities are as endless as the stories that are created from the Kingdom Hearts saga, itself! And we don't have to make one for EVERYTHING that we think of, either. We can pass it by RvR/Identity Theft for approval before we make any themes, to begin with... So, Admins, Mods, and other members of KHV... What do you think? - Ol'Sephy
Cool. I'll ask Snake Eyes now... But I have no clue who "RvR" is! xD I DO remember someone by the name of "Roxas-versus-Riku" or something like that, though. Is that the guy? I'll check the members list for that, (or something similar), and edit this post if I find an Admin who fits the bill. Thanks for the info, too, Misty. - Ol'Sephy EDIT: Yep! Found it! Apparently, Identity Theft used to be Roxasversusriku... LOL Name change!
I have faith in you. =D *thumbs up*
Time is not a problem -- I got plenty of it. xD And don't worry about me rushing you. I'll only do it if I get bored with my other things to...
Hey! How are ya? I finally got a computer in my apartment again! (You can thank mah Schnuffle Bunny for that...) I'm so excited!!! So, down...
Well, maybe if the people who were working on the newer themes were given the source code, (or whatever it uses), to the older, outdated themes, they could work on modifying them to be compatable... THEN we can work on new themes. Maybe? Just a li'l bit? xD Thanks for your thoughts on the subject... And for agreeing with me. xD - Ol'Sephy PS: I'll make a thread in the Discussion area for recruitment to working on the themes. For the time being, it will be just what people think about it, so as to not assume that we'll get the okay to do it...
Thanks for the info! Holy shit, dude. That's crazy. I've never seen a dead body, but I can imagine that it would be kinda traumatic... But you totally nailed what I meant. I'm kinda glad that my experience doesn't include that level of sadness. Actually, I usually crave strong emotions, but that sounds horrible. Hopefully you can deal with the trauma. Good luck with that, man.
Oh yeah! . . . xD
*pulls The True Key into the circle, too* Fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufu...
*facedesk* Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...
Okay, I've come across this a lot in my life. I'm just wondering what your guys' opinions are on it... The following paragraph contains spoilers from Cirque du Freak, by Darren Shan. I wrapped the whole thing in "SPOILER" tags to be safe: Spoiler When I was reading the Cirque du Freak series, I found myself listening to a lot of Live, Creed, and Evanescence -- three bands who all pride themselves in making meaningful music. So, when I got to the part in the middle of the series when Mr. Crepsley dies, I was listening to Evanescence's song, Tourniquet. After that, and on-going today, whenever I hear that song, (or think about it in any way), I think about the unfortunate end of Mr. Crepsley. What do you think about this? Does it happen to you? Here's an explanation, if you need it: You experience a strong emotion while reading a book or other form of text. During the time that you are experiencing this emotion, there is a song playing on the radio, on your headphones, through your computer, etc. At a time when you are no longer feeling the strong emotion, you turn on the music and it happens to be the song that was on while you were having that strong feeling. You feel it again, maybe a little weaker, but you remember all too well why you felt it in the first place and the cause of that emotion comes back like a tidal wave, strengthening that emotion. From then on, every time you hear that song, your mind brings back that emotion, and it never gets weaker. Or at least, not at first. This will go on for years to come. Sound familiar? Then please, enlighten me on what I don't know about it. I'm curious to know more about the way people's minds and hearts work.(LMAO, like Ansem the Wise and Xehanort -- which one will i end up like, I wonder?) Any help is appreciated! - Ol'Sephy
Out of all the people complaining about the trailer, (and I do not mean this to be rude or condescending), how many of you thought that maybe Darren Shan wanted the changes to happen? . . . Just a thought. Anyway, I thought it was... Strange. For one, did anyone else notice that there wasn't any music on that particular trailer? Did my speakers/headphones mess up? Or is that how it really is? I heard the talking and the thudding of the fighting/falling, but no music. It really killed it for me. Plus, the description said that it came out on the 23 of October, 2009, did it not? Did that mean the trailer? On a side note, (and I'm making a thread about this right after I'm done here), I remember really accurately what I felt when I read the parts in the "SPOILER" below when I listen to Evanescence. Specifically, the songs Tourniquet and My Immortal. Does anyone else have that? Feeling exactly what you felt in one moment when you hear a certain song? Spoiler Tourniquet: When Mr. Crepsley dies in that one place. I cant remember where, but it had a pit in it... Wasn't it in the Vampire's Mountain? My Immortal: The ending of the last book, when he becomes one of the creatures that are sewn together and alters time so that he never became a vampire's assistant. "Good bye, Darren Shan!" Kind of a crappy ending, but still emotionally written... It looks good, though. The movie, I mean. Fufufufufufufufufufufu...
Hey, Identity Theft... Got a proposal for you and/or any Admins who are in charge of this kind of thing... If some of the members were to come up with a new theme for the site, would it be an option for use? It can be one of the secondary themes, like FunKy 2.0, not the main, default one. I have a couple ideas for themes, but I'd have to get an clear picture of what the other themes have been in the past... As I don't have a solid computer that I can code or do graphics work on at the moment, I would probably be testing and coming up with ideas, but I could probably get some people together to work on it with me... So, what do you think. You would be included, of course, and have the final say on whether or not you like the completed theme, (as, apparently, you have full access to the theme-changer thing, whatever it is). You can PM/VM me with your thoughts on that. On a side note, I think it would be nice to create more options for people who don't like FunKy 2.0 or DarkDays. Maybe a theme based on the Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts, or a "baddies" theme, or a Keyblade theme... The possibilities are ample for a group to come up with something good. Just a little something to think about. - Ol'Sephy PS: By the way, nice job on the skin. I like how it looks with the softer-looking image as the header. I found it funny how you used the KH:CoM/Re:CoM card in the graph of where in the forums you are. It looks good, a nice touch!
I believe this line said a bit more than that originally... Why did it change? Did you not truly mean what you said...? No matter. Fluffy, the Destroyer of Worlds, is at your door. Allow him to eat your soul and he might ally with you... . . . By the way, burnitup, (can I call you something shorter?), don't you have that Bag O' Souls? I think you might have to check your mailbox a little closer than usual to find it. It is the size of this period: . . . . Did you find it? xD
LMFAO You ARE messed up, Mags. Just not as much as yours truly. xD BTW, do you like the new layout?
Can I watch? . . . O_O Disregard that.
Okay, all that I got out of what I missed is that Kirby is the master of crossdressing, and Kiryu is going to have a dress and make-up on. . . . o_O WTF is your guys' problem? In other news, what are you frea-- I mean, beautiful people doing for Halloween? Me and a bunch of my buddehs are going to a skate park and having a Nerf war, (I bought my Nerf bow and arrows today, huzzah!), then crashing at my GF's parents' place. I am also going to a party tomorrow at 5 pm until 8 pm. Stupid thing is, the hosts are requiring that you be in costume for the party. Thus, almost none of my friends are going. It's going to be just me and my GF, pretty much. *sigh* What are you guys dressing up as/doing to celebrate? Did I mention that my Almighty Lord Satan will rise from the pits of Hell and terrorize the populace of ages 18 and older? (He would go younger, but he kinda has a legal restriction on that matter. Last year sucked for him. He spent the better part of it in jail for... Uh... Nevermind.) . . . <.< >.> Imma go hide in the corner... *jumps into the elevator shaft and hides at the bottom*
Yo. You talkin' to mah gal? . . . xD
Hola. How're you?
Agreed. Foofy!