Search Results

  1. Ol'Sephy

    *points at elevator shaft*

    I was down there. I just got back up here...

    *looks sideways at you*

    Are you gonna kick me back down?
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Ol'Sephy
    Wow. I agree. That was freaking insane. I added it to my music playlist, too! xD

    By the way, I've only seen people doing either one solid color or, like you said, alternating colors in their text. You're the only one, Sai, who does it like that...

    . . .

    Good job?



    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 24, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Ol'Sephy
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Ol'Sephy
    I haven't played many RPGs outside of the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy sagas, so the Halls of Fame and Phail are going to be pretty empty for a while. At least until I've played more games...

    So, to get to it...


    A lot of people who know me would probably start thinking, "Oh, he's gonna pick Cloud. No question." Well, if you think that...

    Then you don't know me half as well as you think.

    Because, for my Best Main Character Award, I picked the one who stands head and shoulders above the competition, (yes, Felix, even you)...

    Link - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    I mean, he never says a word, yet has made an archenemy, saved the princess, killed countless bosses, travelled all over his world, AND, to top it all off, has been making fan-girls swoon since Ocarina of Time's release in 1998. Only one word can describe him:


    Runners up include Rydia from Final Fantasy IV, (NDS), Felix from Golden Sun: The Lost Age, (GBA), and Penelo from Final Fantasy XII, (PS2).


    Sadly, I had to choose this one...

    Isaac - Golden Sun/Golden Sun: The Lost Age(GBA)

    He doesn't talk at all in Golden Sun, but is a totally smart-ass loud mouth, (much like his best friend, Garet), in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Plus, Felix is the a passionate guy in the first GS game, (specifically at the end, regarding Sheba's presence in Venus Lighthouse), but doesn't say a word in GS:TLA... Except NOT. He actually gets a single word during gameplay, (in Shaman Village, just before the Trial, he asks "Why?" regarding an aspect of the Trial), AND he makes a touching performance at the end, (see SPOILER below). Felix is just overall a better character. Hence the choice of Isaac for this. Also, Garet kinda kills the silent protagonist thing with his echoing of everything that you decide in-game. You pick "yes" or "no" to something and Garet has to elaborate as to what you just said. Why, Garet? Why?

    When Isaac, Garet, and Kyle are standing at the edge of the crater where Mt. Aleph and Vale had once stood, Felix calls out to them and tries to reason with them.


    Above all else in my eyes is a single game in a great series, (for the most part).


    The dungeons are simple enough that they're easy to understand, (except for Pharos Lighthouse -- hooooooo boy!), yet filled with enough monsters to keep your mind from focusing on getting from "Point A" to "Point B." The only dungeon that did NOT make ANY sense to me is the Sky Fortress Bahamut. I mean, you land in it after an awesome CG cutscene, only to see that you have about 5 minutes worth of dungeon to get through and only 10-15 some-odd enemies before the final bosses start. Kinda funny, if you ask me... But the last bosses make up for it -- Gabranth and Vayne's three forms, the last of which, (the Undying), is a BITCH to fight, as you can't see how much health it has left!

    Runners up were Golden Sun, (GBA), and The Legend of Zelda, (N64/NGC/Wii).


    No question about this one...


    OH. MY. GOD. I freaking HATED how you had to have certain cards to unlock doors into new areas. If you don't have the right ones... Oops! Gotta go fight monsters IN A HORRIBLY-MADE CARD BATTLE SYSTEM to get them! I mean, come ON... Cards? I was sure Square Enix was better than this... And as the game progressed, you got stronger cards -- but they bosses had an unlimited amount, it seemed, while you could only have 99 at the most, and you NEVER got that much. Noooooooooo... That'd be to easy! Instead, you work your arse off trying to get cards, you almost die fighting monsters... Only to get a card OF THE WRONG TYPE with a card level OF ONE. Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

    Runners up included... Oh wait. ANOTHER KINDOM HEARTS GAME? Yeah, 358/2 Days didn't have DUNGEONS, per se... But the areas that you used were recycled from other games. The only area that was new, (besides the Neverland maps), was the Grey Area, where you accepted missions...


    This one was hard. I had to make it a tie between two games...


    Kindom Hearts II: Final Mix+ had some of the best music I've ever been graced with hearing. Utada Hikaru is freaking hot, and the music fit the mood of the game SO WELL it was like you were a part of the action. The battle music made the real-time battle system all the more enjoyable. I swear, I'm glad that they have an OST for this game, 'cause it's awesome!

    Crisis Core has a lot of music that is recycled from the original FFVII, as well as some new music that is the same song done in different styles. This would normally be a down-side, but the way that they remastered the FFVII music and the way that they changed up that one song to fit multiple scenarios... Amazing. The music in this game illicited the right kind of emotion for Zack's story -- hope that is bittered with sorrow. A great OST, to be sure!

    Runners up included Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age, (both GBA).



    Same composer as Golden Sun, but the music didn't match the mood of the surroundings, AT ALL. I mean, I understand that this is far, FAR in the future, (I mean, look at the intro!), but that doesn't mean that all the dungeons should have distorted guitar riffs for BGM. Plus, every dungeion had THE SAME EFFING MUSIC. It got annoying, even if you're still in the first dungeon! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.

    A runner up were Marvel Ultimate Alliance, (PS2), as the sound quality just SUCKS in that game.

    BEST PLOT...


    Flawless story. Granted, it DID use the same villian as ALWAYS, but what the hey, right? You were led to believe for a whole 1/3 of the game that Zant was the bad guy, but it was actually Ganondorf CONTROLLING Zant! Fancy that! They also made this one a continuation of Ocarina of Time, which was cool. Centuries later, and Ganondorf is still an *******... Great. Now I gotta stab him with the Master Sword and maybe stick a few bomb arrows down his throat... Persistent bastard...

    Runners up included Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Kingdoim Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.


    Wow. This game got two spots in the HALL OF PHAIL...


    Recycle, reduce, reuse.

    Recycle: It's the same thing over and over -- you just learn new things about the characters along the way.

    Reduce: You lose interest in the stuff that WAS interesting, like how this game takes place in the distant future and that this kid can make swords using an escape pod.

    Reuse: And we do it again!

    Runners up included Final Fantasy XII, for the Star Wars rip off.

    Well, that's it for now! Hope you liked it!

    By thw way, these reviews are SOLELY MY OPINION. Play the games yourself to form your own.

    Also, if you want to debate something that I put here, please feel free. If you're polite about it, I don't see a problem with it...


    - Ol'Sephy
    Thread by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 22, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Ol'Sephy
    Hey! Just wondering if anyone would be interested in battling me in Golden Sun: The Lost Age on VBA Link. VBA Link, for those of you who don't know, is a GameBoy Advance emulator that was modded by someone to have multiplayer capabilities. It can play locally on one computer or over the internet. I must warn you, though, that it is INCREDIBLY SLOW when playing a linked game. Just like a normal GBA, you can have up to four players. Check it out here:

    Anyway, I would like people who are interested in GS:TLA battling over a VBA Link connection to PM me or post here. We'll set up a time that will work for both of us. I am usually available everyday but Thursday, pretty much all day. I got to bed late and get up late, so keep that in mind. I live in California, so that's PST.

    By the way, cheats for stats ONLY are allowed. No hidden Psynergies/enemy attacks allowed. You can, however, max out your stats however you want. I will be, that's for sure!

    Also, don't ask me where to get the roms. I won't tell. Google it. That's all I will say.


    - Ol'Sephy
    Thread by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 22, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Ol'Sephy
    Hey, KHV-goers! I have been planning for a long, LONG time to make a LARPing video. It would entail multiple people from around KHV cosplaying as their favorite characters, (or just dressing up in random costumes), and LARPing on camera. We could all agree on the story and then, we'd act it out while taping it. After that, we could e-mail it/upload it so that I could get it, and BOOM! I'd edit the video with background music, (which I may ask some of you to get for me), and effects for the final product.

    In place of auditions, I would like anybody who's interested to send me an e-mail via my profile here on KHV with a description of the immediate area in which they would be LARPing, a picture of their costumes/who their costume is based on, and a couple ideas for a story. If you have a really poor quality camera, (like me, but that could change soon), then it will be up to you to make it look good enough to be in the production.

    If or when I ask you to possibly re-take a shot, please, PLEASE do not argue with me. I will be lenient the first couple of times, but a third or fourth infraction of this simple request will result in a "booting out" of the production.

    That doesn't mean that you can flame me or the rest of the crew afterwards, though. We will use your character's name, (possibly), in a couple videos at the most to let the audience know that he/she/they are no longer in the story.

    And this doesn't mean that I am kicking you out permanently. If you come to me with sincere apologies and promise not to do it again, then I might let you back in. Key word is "might."


    You were warned.


    Here is an example of the e-mail that you should send me...

    Send in something like that to me or post it here. Either way, I will consider it for participation.

    I will be accepting up to, and no more than FOUR OTHER STORIES besides my own. That makes five storylines. We will have to describe somethings that happen off camera, such as a certain character from, say, the Midwest coming to visit my character in California. So, for a couple of videos, take a character out and have the others say that he/she went to go visit a guy named Adrian.

    Our stories must intertwine at some point, so we should pool our idea as to how to make it work well with the actors being so far apart...

    Hopefully, we can get a good product out.

    - Ol'Sephy

    Here is the list of submitted applications and their status...

    Red means that the application has been recieved and was NOT approved.

    Green means that the application has been recieved and WAS approved.

    Yellow means that the application has been recieved and is pending approval.


    That's it for now! Send in those applications!!!
    Thread by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 20, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  7. Ol'Sephy

    *zaps with Thundaga*

    Nope, still no pulse.

    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  8. Ol'Sephy
  9. Ol'Sephy
    Profile Post

    Nice! E-mail it to me?

    Nice! E-mail it to me?
    Profile Post by Ol'Sephy for Maggy, Nov 19, 2009
  10. Ol'Sephy
    Hey! Was wondering if anyone else on here has tried making D&D into a Final Fantasy version. I'm in the process of doing that right now and am looking for people who might want to help me! It would entail converting Powers and Abilities into Magicks and Technicks, converting Classes and Races to Final Fantasy Classes and Races, and building pre-made campaigns/encounters/characters. For example, making an encounter for the final battles of Final Fantasy VII or a campaign to get through the Sky Fortress of Bahamut from Final Fantasy XII or other such scenes from the various installations of the series.

    Anyone interested?

    . . .


    PM me for details/offers...

    - Ol'Sephy
    Thread by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 18, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Ol'Sephy


    My girlfriend, (her KHV name is "YummyBvorshkee"), got me into that sort of thing for a while, but we discovered fast food.

    . . .

    JK, but we did get a little bit pudgy, so we don't do it anymore. It's those damn meds!

    I want to get back into it so I can get back in shape... And 'cuz it was the funnest part of my athletic activities! Any pointers as to how I can start off again? What should I wear? Where should I practice? Y'know, those kinds of things.

    Thanks in advance!

    - Ol'Sephy
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 18, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  12. Ol'Sephy
  13. Ol'Sephy
  14. Ol'Sephy
    Hey! Urine!
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Ol'Sephy
    I like this guy. =D
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Ol'Sephy
    Well, that's exactly why I was thinking of having the other members do it -- so you didn't have to. Isn't there anyone else who could take a look at our code and tell us how we can make it better? If so, then they could be like a "supervisor" on the project -- someone who has to have all the ideas passed by them before they even get considered for use.

    Also, the whole idea of having a small group of members do this is to NOT have 40 badly-coded entries sent in for "review." I speak for myself only, but if there was a list of XML tags for vB 3.7.3, then I'd be able to learn it in no time flat. I already know HTML/CSS really well. I also know that XML is basically HTML that is modified for use in a specific site/project. So instead of <html> to start the page, you could use something like <forum> or <template>, which are not used in HTML -- they're created by the person using the code. (Correct me if I got any of that wrong.)

    I could make a mock-up of a sample theme, if you'd like, so as to give you an idea of what I want to do. If anything, though, all I'd ask is that you make sure that the .xml file is compatible and "worthy," in a way, for use on here.

    Whew! Didn't think that would be so long! I guess I had more to say than I thought...

    . . .

    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 13, 2009 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Ol'Sephy

    Oooh... I'm glad that you're JK...

    Haha! I didn't fill that in, I don't think... Or, maybe I did... I really don't care. Actually, I think I remember something about 500 posts. I think I wanted to change my name/user title...

    Yeah... I don't think a mechanical frog is quite random enough. C'mon, B! You're better than that!

    I saw a singing map of the world while I was falling down the elevator shaft. It was only a moment, but I think I passed it on the 15th floor. It was being chased by a paper shredder with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle jammed in it... Are those yours?
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 13, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Ol'Sephy
    That quote = WIN.

    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 12, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Ol'Sephy
    I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Ol'Sephy, (aka, "Captain Obvious")...

    . . .

    Uhhhhhhhhh... Nevermind.

    ANYway, I'm doing good. I'm working on converting traditional D&D to a Final Fantasy D&D...

    Yeah, I've got too much time to kill...

    Not cool. Rule 34 is funny when it's not something DISGUSTING, but that's how Rule 34 works, doesn't it? I like Rule 63 better.

    Oh, and we can't forget Rule 9001...

    IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God, that's an over-used joke...

    . . .


    I died a little inside when Toonami got slashed. I didn't have a childhood when I was supposed to, anyway, so I can't say that my childhood was killed by it. It hadn't even been born yet.

    But, thanks to you saying that Cookie Monster doesn't eat cookies anymore...

    My childhood just died. IT WAS ONLY 3 1/2 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *sobs at the bottom of the elevator shaft*
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Ol'Sephy
    This is my RP for Golden Sun, Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy VII. I have always wanted to know what would happen if these three worlds came into contact with each other, so... Meh. xD

    This is going to be a VERY complicated RP. You will have an inventory in your first post that you will need to update every so often, as well as a list of your known spells and your equipment. I will be assigning these things to you when you join and adding them to your inventory yourself. It will be up to you to update your first post to reflect this.

    I am also going to be a sort of Dungeon Master. If you haven't played Dungeons and Dragons, then I'll explain what this means. I will be creating obstacles and "bosses," so to speak for you as a player to overcome. You have a lot of freedom as to where you can go. As this game will span three worlds, (Weyard, Ivalice, and Gaia), there will be plenty of places for you to go. You have the choice. However, depending on where you go, you will encounter monsters, enemies, and bosses that will try to... Well, kill you. So, be aware. The system that I will use is simple: I will see what you do for your attack, and roll a certain set of dice to figure out damage and the like. It's like D&D over the internet. The dice that I will roll for you will be determined by what weapon you have. Your defense is taken into account when I have a monster, boss, etc. attack you OR when another player attacks you. You don't need to worry about that. I promise that I will play fair. I give you my word. I will also be playing a character. If you haven't guessed from my avatar, it will be Zack Fair. I will post a list of available characters below.

    Here are the rules for general RPing, as I want them to be followed in this RP:

    1.) No using other people's characters without their express permission. This rule does not apply to such things as "small talk," or dialogue that doesn't affect that character's story. It may, say, inspire the owner of the character to do something, but it shouldn't FORCE them to do it. You can use characters if they are not being used, but only if I have put them in your general vicinity. PM me if you have a request for using a character a couple times and I'll see what I can do. But, if you DO use an unassigned character, please keep it short. I want to keep those open for people who want to join in!

    2.) DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT counteract anything that I, the scenario creator, post as a challenge for the other characters. If I say that you are cursed and can't use magic of any kind, then there it is. YOU CAN NOT USE MAGICKS/PSYNERGY/MATERIA. If, at some point before that, you have a curative for this, (an Angaran Elixir or a party member who can cast Esuna or Vox), then, by all means, use it. But don't make your character have something that you didn't have before. This rule also applies to other characters. If THEY seal up your magic, (there will be conflicts, I promise), you can't do anything about that until you can use a curative for it or I say that it wore off.

    And, of course, the traditional rules of RPing apply.

    In this RP there will be some interesting, unorthodox rules, as well:

    1.) You have the ability to have three members in your party. They each have a set list of spells and items that they can use. For example, say that my party is Vaan, Aerith, and Jenna. Vaan has two Quickenings, Aerith has her Level 4 Limit Break, and Jenna has 6 Earth Djinn and 3 Wind Djinn. Jenna can summon Judgement for massive Earth-based damage, Aerith can cure the party's ailments and fully heal HP/MP/PP, and Vaan can use massive Mist attacks for Fire or Wind/Thunder damage. That is how it works. The abilities for each specific game's characters are explained below.

    2.) You can join up with another party for a stronger group. It will be up to the two owners to work out who handles what in this new, super party. At this point, keep in mind that joining another person's party slackens the first rule listed in the "Normal Rules" list. When you join another party, this is giving your partner the "express permission" mentioned above. Remember that. But this doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want to the other party. It just means that you have a little control over them. A LITTLE BIT. Don't go off and kill them. Just small things, like equipment changes and using them to bolster your party's abilities. Example: Aerith is in your party. Your partner's party has a KO'd character. So, your partner uses Aerith's healing abilities to revive the KO'd character.

    That about does it for the rules.

    Here's how the RP works.

    Here's the list of playable characters.


    The three following "rules" are true unless otherwise stated...

    1.) Each FF7 character has only their Level 1 Limit Break, (if applicable), and no materia.

    2.) Each FF12 character starts out with NO Quickenings or Espers. You will obtain those through certain bosses that you might encounter throughout the worlds.

    3.) Each GS character has no Djinn or Summons at the beginning. As with Espers and Quickenings, you will obtain these throughout the worlds.



    Zack Fair -- Character taken by: Ol'Sephy

    Cloud Strife -- Character currently available.

    Aerith Gainsborough -- Character currently available.

    Tifa Lockheart -- Character currently available.

    Yuffie Kisaragi -- Character taken by: Ol'Sephy

    Barret Wallace -- Character currently available.

    Vincent Valentine -- Character currently available.

    Red XIII/Nanaki -- Character currently available.

    Cid Highwind -- Character currently available.

    Rufus Shin-Ra -- Character currently available.

    Reno -- Character currently available.

    Rude -- Character currently available.

    Tseng -- Character currently available.

    Elena -- Character currently available.

    Unknown Ex-Turk/Cissnei -- Character taken by: Ol'Sephy

    Reeve Tsuesti/Cait Sith -- Character currently available.


    Sephiroth -- Character UNAVAILABLE.

    Kedaj -- Character UNAVAILABLE.

    Loz -- Character UNAVAILABLE.

    Yazoo -- Character UNAVAILABLE.



    Vaan -- Character currently available.

    Penelo -- Character currently available.

    Ashe -- Character currently available.

    Basch -- Character currently available.

    Balthier -- Character currently available.

    Fran -- Character currently available.

    Larsa -- Character currently available.

    Vossler -- Character currenly available.

    Reddas -- Character currently available.

    Reks -- Character currently available.

    Gabranth -- Character currently available.


    Vayne -- Character UNAVAILABLE.

    Judge Ghis -- Character UNAVAILABLE.

    Judge Bergan -- Character UNAVAILABLE.

    Docter Cid -- Character UNAVAILABLE.



    Isaac -- Character currently available.

    Garet -- Character currently available.

    Ivan -- Character currently available.

    Mia -- Character currently available.

    Felix -- Character currently available.

    Jenna -- Character currently available.

    Sheba -- Character currently available.

    Piers -- Character currently available.


    Saturos -- Character UNAVAILABLE.

    Menardi -- Character UNAVAILABLE.47

    Karst -- Character UNAVAILABLE.

    Agatio -- Character UNAVAILABLE.


    Adrian: A young boy from Rabanastre, which is in the world of Ivalice. He has pitch black hair and amazingly bright blue eyes. His parents died in the war between Nabradia and the Archadian Empire when Nabudis was destroyed by the magicite Shard from the Sun Cryst. His hatred for fighting is only a passing thought to his hatred for the Old Archadian Empire. When Lord Larsa took over after his brother's death, Adrian saw that this was going to be the start of something good. His weapon of choice is his sharp tongue. He prefers to sit back and heal his companions with his amazingly potent magicks.

    Character Abilities include the following...

    Every White, Green, and Time Magick spell available for sale at Yugri's Magicks in Rabanastre -- Yugri is his sister-in-law.

    Currently in hiding and UNAVAILABLE.

    Ador: A young man from Midgar, he bears a striking resemblance to Cloud. He carries a small cylinder with him that, when he taps into his power, turns into a large cannon that he controls using a smaller, hand-held version and an eye-patch that serves as a targeting system.

    Character Abilities include the following...

    A Level 1 Limit Break called All's End that rips open the universe to suck targets into the Void.

    Six magic spells as granted by materia that is set into his cannon: Cura, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Esuna, and Protect.​

    Character currently indecisive and UNAVAILABLE.

    Rodax: Ador's twin brother, he bears a striking resemblance to Kedaj. He doesn't use physical weapons, but rather would use his strong magic to conquer foes. The downside is his unusually low MP, which doesn't allow for very much magic-casting...

    Character Abilities include the following...

    Level 1 and Level 2 Limit Breaks called Big Bang and Shatter. Big Bang creates a chemical imbalance in the target that causes a large, non-physical explosion from inside, tearing apart the target's and surrounding enemies' minds. Shatter strikes such a crushing blow to a critical part of the body that 90% of the body's bones crack, incapacitating and paralyzing the foe. The pain could be so great as to cause instant death/KO.

    10 magic spells as granted by materia that is embedded into his arm: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Reflectga, Scourge, Flare, Shellga, Protectga, Darkga, and Arise.​

    Character currently indecisive and UNAVAILABLE.

    More characters coming soon!!!

    Well, here is the story...

    There were two other instances like this one. In the world of Ivalice, it was nearly identical to this one, only it was the heroes from that world who lent their ear to the Wise One. In the world of Weyard, however, the message was quite different.

    In Weyard, the Wise One appeared to the eight heroes who had fought to save their world from destruction by degradation. This group had lit the four Elemental Lighthouses and broken the seal on Alchemy, put into place many eons ago. But, as the Wise One explained to them when he appeared before them in Aleph Crater, the remnants of the great mountain where the secret of Alchemy had slept for centuries, there was a great many who had met their demise by falling off the edge of Weyard...

    Except, they didn't die.

    They were know to many diviners and prophets as the "Forgotten of Gaia Falls." They had become spirits who had somehow found their way back to the world and ripped holes in the universe to make pathways to other worlds. The Wise One saw the damage that this could do to the peoples of these worlds. So, he stepped forward, (so to speak), and called upon the greatest warriors he could find in the three worlds that had been connected so far. The Forgotten needed to be stopped. And so, the story began...


    Here is my starting equipment, items and skills.

    (NOTE: This is how yours should look. I will be sending you what you should be putting in your first post. COPY AND PASTE IT INTO YOUR FIRST POST. Anything that is modified other than spelling errors that I put in is unacceptable. Keep that in mind.)

    Zack Fair
    EXP: 0
    Next Lvl. at: 500 EXP
    HP: 1500/1500
    MP: 80/80
    Accuracy: 2d20, 1d6
    Attack: 2d20
    Defense: 23 + 5
    Evade: 5d10 + 10
    Weapon(s): Buster Sword, (+1/2 damage to Critical Hits), (2 materia slots)
    Armor: Shoulder guards, (+5 to Defense and Evade); simple combat boots, (+5 to Evade)
    Accessory: Four Slots, (Allows for four extra materia to be equipped)
    Materia: (NONE)
    Items: (NONE)
    Other Skills: Chain Slash, (Attacks six consecutive times with weapon in hand, raising Attack value by 5 for each successful hit -- Rest time: 3 posts)

    Yuffie Kisaragi
    EXP: 0
    Next Lvl. at: 500 EXP
    HP: 1000/1000
    MP: 250/250
    Accuracy: 3d20 +10
    Attack: 1d20, 1d12 + 8
    Defense: 18
    Evade: 4d10
    Weapon(s):Rising Sun, (+10 to Accuracy, 4 materia slots)
    Armor: Arm guard, (+8 to Attack, 2 materia slots)
    Accessory: (NONE)
    Materia: 3, granting 4 spells -- Steal, (Allows user to steal items at a given rate using Accuracy); Time, (Grants Slow and Haste spells); Throw, (Allows user to throw swords, lances, axes, and shuriken as ranged damage, raising Accuracy value by 10 when used)
    Items: 5 -- 3 Hi-Potions, (Restores 400 HP); 2 Hi-Ethers, (Restores 200 MP/PP)
    Other Skills: Level 1 Limit Break: Greased Lightning, (Slashes hard for an instant Critical Hit. Only available at 25% HP or 0 MP)

    EXP: 0
    Next Lvl. at: 500 EXP
    HP: 2000/2000
    MP: 200/200
    Accuracy: 3d20, 1d10 + 13
    Attack: 1d20, 1d10, 1d6 + 4
    Defense: 10 + 20
    Evade: 4d20
    Weapon(s): Chakram, (+13 to Accuracy and +4 to Attack, 5 materia slots)
    Armor: Bullet-Proof Vest, (+20 to Defense, 2 materia slots)
    Accessory: Precious Watch, (Allows for 6 extra materia to be equipped)
    Materia: 2, granting 2 spells -- Throw, (Allows user to throw swords, lances, axes, and shuriken as ranged damage, raising Accuracy value by 10 when used)
    Cura, (Restores 350 HP to all allies)
    Items: 9 -- 1 Elixir, (Fully restores HP/MP/PP); 3 X-Potions, (Restores 1000 HP); 5 Hi-Potions, (Restores 400 HP)
    Other Skills: Lucky Stars, (Decreases foes' Attack values by 10 for 2 RP posts)


    Zack stood there and listened to the Wise One spell out his plan to them. He was happy to be alive, yeah, but he could tell that Cloud was going to need some time to get used to the fact that he was back, even if it was just for a little while. But Cloud didn't know that this was a limited time thing. He just hoped that it didn't crush him like it was going to crush Aerith...

    As the Wise One left them to decide who will go with whom, Zack turned back to Cissnei. She smiled for the first time since seeing him again.

    "I want to go with you, Zack." She said simply.


    "Hey there, a minute!"

    Zack turned. It was... Her?! What the heck? That treasure hunting girl?

    "You remember me?" She said presently.

    "How could I forget? The Great Ninja Yuffie -- Hero of Wutai!"

    "That's right! I didn't realize that this Zack guy that I'd heard of from Cloud was YOU! Wow, shocker, right?"

    "I guess..."

    "Well, I gotta keep an eye on you. I don't want you goin' and messin' with Wutai again!"

    "Whoa whoa whoa!" Zack put his hands up in protest. "I'm not working for Shin-Ra anymore! THEY the ones who put me up to that!"

    "Yeah, yeah..."

    They both laughed.

    "Cissnei, I bet you never met Yuffie, huh?" Zack said, turning to her.

    "I've heard a lot about her, though!"

    "Huh?" Yuffie looked shocked for a moment, then laughed her "confident laugh." "Oh, uh, of course you have! I'm the Great --"

    "We heard you the first hundred times." Cissnei said, laughing.

    "Oh, haha..."

    "Hey, everyone!" Tifa called. "Aerith would like to say something!"

    They all gathered around Aerith and she spoke.

    "I just wanted you all to know that we should keep our groups small as we try to look for the pathways to the other worlds. Two or three people should be good. Right Zack?"

    "Yeah, that's about right." Zack pondered it for a moment. "'Cause we don't want to be crowded too much while we're searching. Who knows what we'll find once we get there! So, I'm thinking me, Yuffie, and Cissnei, any objections?"

    Nobody had a problem with it. So, as the rest of the group tried to divide up into groups of two or three, Zack and his two companions left, looking to try and find a way to Weyard........


    And it would keep going until somebody won. Remember that I multiply the final Attack Roll value by 10. So, if your character rolls a 70, it will actually be 700 HP worth of damage! Yays!

    There. That should be enough to get you started! And try to leave your attack RPing open. What I mean is this: if you use an attack, then don't make the target have a specific reaction. I'll do that. xD

    Happy RPing!!!

    - Ol'Sephy
    Thread by: Ol'Sephy, Nov 9, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home