Ug I need someone to do me a huuuuuuuuuuuge favor. Can someone use the neomoveset thingy to make me a Roxas with final moveset for action replay max. Whoever can and it works (I heard of something on other forums called rep. Don't know if it is here but...) I will give rep to. Just tell me how to do that and it is all yours ^_^
Hmm ok that was fine. Maybe it is the code. Can you possibly test these and tell me if it works? Thank you so much. Sora has Finals moveset (R2) BXKR-TF84-5QCR4 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT QXEN-GB79-ED36W Roxas has Finals Moveset (R2) 32K9-FW1V-8GDD3 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT MAP2-K4QH-P7BW3
Hmm how can I check that?
OK I cant get any of my codes to work so I am just gonna ask if anyone has them. If possible, can I have the floating keyblades,Sora with final form moveset, and Roxas with final form moveset codes. I would like these for action replay max and be jokered to R2 if possible. Thank you to all who help me ^_^
Thank you soooooooo much for all you have done and I think I get it now. For a codebreaker code that I want AR with I just use max convert. If I want the code jokered, I make the codebreaker code have the joker than convert it to an AR code. Thank you for teaching me oh wise master of coding =D.
Ooo thank you so much but how do I activate the code? If possible can you joker these two codes with R2 jokers and possibly test them? Sora with final form moveset DDN7-FKHN-6ZEPG QXEN-GB79-ED36W Roxas with final form moveset 24DA-1T47-26FZW MAP2-K4QH-P7BW3 Once again thank you soooo much.
Hmmm nope when I tried entering again it said this code already exists in the user database. I don't really care though. Also, for the neo moveset, am I supposed to put roxas' number in the final forms code where the ??'s are? Or Final form's code where Roxas' ??'s are? Thank you so much for all the help you have been giving me. I hope I am not too much trouble.
I like it here =D
No problem
Well...right now I am trying to figure out how to do the NeoMovesetMod thingy so I can have Roxas with Final Form's moveset.
Thank you!
Sure I could use a friend =D
Woops like I said I am new
Yes I am ^_^
Ok I tried entering and it said "the code already exists" so now I have to go through all my codes trying to find it. Can anyone test this just to make sure it is the Roxas with Final Form movesets. Also thank you for the neo moveset thingy ^_^ Ug well I am a failure I couldn't even figure out how to do the Neo Moveset thingy -.- I got the code from Maxconvert,put it in,ran the game but the code didn't activate I guess. I don't know if i was supposed to click a special button or maybe I input the wrong code for the question marks. If anyone could just like tell me what to do it will be greatly appreciated ^_^
Thank you soooooo much! ^_^
My first time posting on a forum like this hope I am doing this correct ^_^ I was wondering if anyone knew how to convert a code from codebreaker to Action Replay MAX. I tried omniconverter and was like "wtf? How I use this?" So, can anyone convert this code... Roxas with Final Form moveset 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400