Good so the code did work. Now I haven't tried it, what does it do exactly?
Wait so asking for help since I don't know how to do something about this forum is "off topic"?
Well here it is Might not work haven't tested Axel's Chakrams Equip Kingdom Key(for Ar-Max) XQ2V-Z04X-KK5XT EKKC-D9C4-K1VUQ Also, does anyone know how I can make my siggy bigger?
Hmm...this code sounds interesting. I wanna try it. Is that code in RAW format? Also, how do I use it and what does it do?
Does anyone know how to re-locate battles? I only want to know this because I saw a video of a person doing 1000 Heartless battle at Castle Oblivion. Thank you.
Ok hmm...If you can tell me how to port codes from one game to another I might be able to get you your Dual Weilding Wisdom Form code.
Wait...where is it?
If you look in description of the vid, it has the codes. Just ask someone to port them and make them NTSC. Dual Wield Wisdom Raw KH2FM 21cd5230 46544c55 21cd5234 00004c5f 21cd5248 58455f57 21cd524c 5f303130 21cd5250 46544c55 21cd5252 0000525f Must use this with above code or Wisdom wont dual wield Second Keyblade is OathkeeperRaw 1032EE5C 00000068
Ok thank you though for telling me that ^_^
Ok just tried the code. You do end up batteling Roxas after the cutscene with Sepheroth but instead of the Roxas batteling you, it just follows you. Also, you can't lock on to him to attack him. Oh ya, does anyone have a code for Normal KH2 NTSC that I can play as Roxas with Ven texture?
Oh ok and thank you so much for figuring out how to do the Final Xemnas battle in the Throne Room in Land of Dragons.
I love my new code for Oathkeeper being replaced by Way to the Dawn but there is one problem. When I use it on Dual Weild Sora, it is like the keyblade doesn't exist. It works fine when I use it on Dual Weild Roxas. If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.
Oh ok thank you and is there any way to shorten any codes?
Is there any way to shorten codes? If anyone could tell me how to do that thank you so much. Also, can someone shorten this code and tell me how it works? Warrior Sora V8RM-GHBN-1J6PV X9MQ-B51P-T5EDY VFU5-M3KK-6N1HB K2Y0-MQ5X-5VF55 8UW7-Q5X7-9831P XWEV-NPH7-3UR65 N8XT-JMBQ-T3JWQ 0EHH-2F9M-6MW8X NJNH-HC0Z-ZV2MT 55M1-93QF-W33VA D2NN-72T3-PH5TT 0BNN-DZ1Q-4U3TK
Thank you soooo much ^_^
Wait...can you explain that. Sorry I am a little slow when it comes to stuff like this =/
Does anyone know a code that I can have Dual Weild Roxas have Way to the Dawn keyblade as his left hand weapon? I tried the one on the first page but when I got the game started, the second keyblade was just Kingdom Key. If you could help me that would be so kind. Just give me the RAW and I will convert it.
Ok thank you so much but the DW Sora code on the front page doesn't work so I am just going to make my own =D Well...try to atleast =P
Ummm ok but what is this "DW Roxas Sub Status" and where do I get it so I can make a code to make Sora DW?
Hmmm when I convert a code, is there any way to make it shorter? If anyone can tell me how it will be greatly appreciated. Also, can someone tell me if I converted this correctly because when I start the gae and load my save file, the game freezes. Dual Weild Roxas has Way to the Dawn 0657-9RG0-MG2VJ JJTA-FWC2-NQ7G3