What do these do and how do I do them? Thank you.
Why thank you Silent. I just wish I could give a present to someone :( If anyone thinks of something I can do for them let me know.
Wait so to use this, I just have it activated when I replace Donald or Goofy with someone who dual weilds such as Dual Weild Roxas?
Wait...So was what Final Riku was saying Dual Weild Roxas ally can only have 1 keyblade true?
Sorry to ask this again but I think it was ignored before. Can someone give me a code to have Dual Weild Roxas replace Donald? Thank you.
OMG why does this keep happening -.- Sorry for the double posting issue. Hope to stop it soon.
Becuase when we usually give codes, they are in the RAW format and we convert them to the system we need. If you ever need a code converted to a system, let me know.
Hi just wanted to give you a warm welcome to KH-Vids.net!
Sorry for double post =/ Lag on comp=not realizing double post. Anyone have a code for dual weild roxas ally?
Oh ok that makes sense because when I did do R2, he would get out of the feild and spam meteors and come back in to spam his fire thingy.
I did try but I couldn't see any difference in the gameplay. Sσσиŋч вσЧ said that it was going to do something with the animation. Also, does anyone have a code for Dual Weild Roxas as an ally becase the one I have just gives him the look of Dual Weild with one keyblade which is Rumbling Rose.
Do you know what the R2 is used for?
Holy CENCORED!!!!!!!! My first challenge for a verry long time. Thank you!!! But what does the R2 do?
OK I will anyway. This is really simple. Say you want Sora with Final Form's moveset. You take Sora's code (01CB9736 000000??) and change the question marks with Final Form's ID (05). Your Final Result is the RAW code 01CB9736 00000005. You can get all the codes and ID digits from the first page's download section at the bottom. Just download the NeoMovesetModNTSC thingy.
Ok this could be a problem. I typed in the whole code and then it says "This cheat already exists in the user database". I guess you will have to...
What form do I go into?
Sure i'll have first dibs. What is it?
Ya I have it here you go. *WARNING* It barely ever hits Way to the Dawn(use kingdom Key) YYB5-B678-AK4PG RXH0-F7PP-HUKA8
Oh if you need help witht eh neo moveset, I can help you. The Coder180 taught me and I can teach you ^_^