I'm pretty good. Learning French, interesting but a bit boring.
lol sweet =D wow hahaha, I'm so frightened (; Awesome! I'll try my best. Btw, I'm almost the same as you, really radd xD lol I see xP Not sure if...
Apple picking? Sounds interestingly strange... in a radd way (; Learning French! xD Comment allez-vous? hehe :3
The first thought I got was that I was banned or something lol. Love the avatar ^_~ Hmm let's talk about Halloween! What will you be? Sure I'll...
Hiya ^.^ I know right? What's new? xP
Hiya, thanks for the request ^.^
Yep, how about you?
lol xD Wow never mind it all haha ^.^ Yep yep. Guess so to you, not me though :P lol I see (x That sucks... I'm sorry about that.
lol, my late nights and really late wake up calls are dead now xD I have to get ready for school ^.^" Well I'd normally wake up at 4 Pm not...
*gasps* You did not just pour... *Smashes pie and pours smoothie* Ha ^.^
Uh no. Just thought it'd be nice to know you. But if you want delete me.
I'm good ^.^ Still waiting before going to school xD What's new with you Axel?
Hello NamineKairiXion ^.^ I don't but I have a Myspace...
Okay, Axel ^.^
She did? I miss her too )= Btw, which ex hacked her page? That's good...so you know her?
Fun fun. Btw I'm Alice but I prefer to be called Xion...
Thanks a bunch ^.^ Also what do you want me to call you? Axel? ATFW? Or Axel The Flame Weilder?
You're new huh? I'm Alice but I go by Xion ^.^
I was thinking of that haha ^_~ Thanks ^.^
BTW, I made a Canaan...her name is Evanescence. It finally works ^.^