Hehe I'm doing pretty well compared to the usual, thanks ^-^ How are you doing? O.o"
Lol yeah, pretty much xP
Well I'm learning french ^^" Besides that it's just school xP
I guess. Hmm well life will improve for you, just be patient. Oh and that is very sad, I'm sorry :| Wow your teachers are lame -__-"No offense)...
Hey ^-^ What's up?
Cheer up, being a freshman doesn't mean you won't be noticed ^^ Just don't give up ;D
Hmm well I watched a few minutes of the first episode and I got a bit bored... Life is a bit of a pain but at the moment it's getting less painful...
Lol, oh well xD
Woop woop *high fives* We shouldn't be proud of laziness lol xD
??? Yeah, ditto. Suddenly our conversation got so short..
A rainbow colored pony? X3 Meaning?
How about singing cupcakes? :3 Okie dokie. I wouldn't know but I'm asking just in case ^^"
Haha yep and I'm proud of my laziness xD
Lol no problem n_~
That I wouldn't know but that's awesome! Where do you do that, at school? If so, you're soo lucky ^-^
Lol dude I haven't finished because they're like too many! I'm soo lazy when it comes to drawing but sports are a totally different topic xD
Nooo singing crayons are much much better n_n Um by zommeh you mean zombie right? xD Oh and feed him anyone but me ^-^"
Heyy MewSakura ^-^
Haha it's okay ^-^ But they do make sounds. Once when my friend was painting they sang me lullabies (: Jk hehe xD That would actually be a crazy...
Lol well I don't need glasses to see haha xD That sounds amazing D: I must use them before I die (: Hey are you in High School? Oh and it's okay...