I see. True =^.^= lol, you should try, unless someone finds your money! Thank you =D The music video is kind of creepy... Okay I'll check it out...
si estoy en MSN
okay! Be right there...!!
Yep that was a dead give away... The other was How are you? I got to go, I'll talk to you later. Peace Demon Angel!
Okay I'll log in quick, b/c I have visitors... Okay I'm on my way!
Hey is it okay if I help later? I have to go I have visitors ^.^ I'll explain later, promise xD
lol, it'll probably be better. French seems fun... Je mapelle Xion! Comment la'vouz?
Si, pero no lo uso... I haven't heard a lot of that problem just a little... Berenice told me something on accident so I haven't seen Aylin the...
lol, it's okay. I won't speak spanish anymore haha xD
lol, okay ^.^" Um what exactly do you not get about sending e-mails?
Oh, eso es malo oh bueno?
It's only if you want to... And I know things too. Hint: Is it about her family?