1. Final fantasy 7 2. Metal gear solid 3 3. Gta San andreas 4. Silent hill 2 5. Tekken 5 haha almost everyone has KH on first place here XD weird... this is a KH fan site! :P
WTF is that?!?!?!?!?!?!
Spoiler... again XD BTW i was yelling PWND in the movie theater when Peter and Harry fought for the second time and he blowed hes head whit that flying thing XD
Spoiler! just saw this movie yesterday.. Great Movie!!! Made me laugh many times! but didnt like that harry dies in the end, i thought that spider-man & Goblin would make a great team :D
LOL Peter looks EMO when he gets evil XD
aww when someone makes a AMV contest, he/she should at least make a winner! NOOB Contest!
Here is all of the episodes that is out, with perfect quality! will Add Epi 12 when it comes out! Episode 1-2: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/6dd94a2d-3c00-47e1-999c-991900ed7478.htm Episode 3: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/e66e60a3-a960-4554-bc3b-991f01031765.htm Episode 4: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/eb8b7955-9cb1-4e24-8126-992000bf5976.htm Episode 5: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/ef2319a8-cd33-45af-a3a7-992000bfc7be.htm Episode 6-7: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/037fee5e-97be-4a6a-9bdc-99200109b97f.htm Episode 8-9: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/8e46266d-8d6f-461e-8fb4-99200109042f.htm Episode 10: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/dd83a1f9-4df2-42b8-a61d-9920013b9eee.htm Episode 11: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/d9e6d69d-b80e-409b-91be-9920013f7c61.htm
Whos the winner? the contest was done like 4 days ago :S
luckily i dont read mangas... only watch anime ^^ pluzz i dont like Avril`s songs...
Episode 28: http://pulverize.vidiac.com/video/a5ab0039-010c-45f2-a596-991b00ad01b7.htm we have changed video channel.. you can upload up to 500 MB per video there, great uh?
its gonna come the first half year of 2007... in other words soon XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDC6bmEYvBg <--- slideshow!
yes it is.. but i dont think that trailer is real.. but its official that the movie is going to come!
episode 27: http://pulverize.smartvideochannel....DF9819304BE546D6AB8C48436F4172EB&v=mostviewed
4024 - i like pizza :D
i will link out episode 27 on The Pulverize Sita soon :D
Squall rullz.. because hes the only Main char that have brown hair!!
dont like the naruto games... they should have used more time on them!
so u like NGE? Respect!
FMA is a cool series.. but i think Neon Genesis Evangelion is better!
Not cool dude! to spoil that out!