i think heartless is better... because i dont think that kh2 was that good!
i hate eurovision.. its just so stupid, and none of the songs is good!
hes emo! .....
who said no way? lol
when are the trailers coming out?
im crying because no one likes FF9... thats my favor after FF7 & 8 such a great story! almost cryed after Zidane almost died :(
OMFG Sephiroth :D:D:D im gonna be him and my friend is gonna be Zidane Tribal For sure, Its gonna be Sephiroth VS Zidane all the way XD
FF7 Then FF8 :P luvs gunblade :D
i think the materias is much cooler than the Potion!
is there a trailer of this game yet? if so pliz link it here!
OMFG i luv super smash :D
What is Final Fantasy Dissidia??? a new FFIX game or?
im not that much of a fan! i wouldn't even subscribe to a FF (witch is my favor game) magazine because im not into gaming right now!
well im also kinda depreset right now... but thats because i got a sickness that i may have to do a Brain operation! dont sit in the dark dude... go out and go to friend (that will make u feel alot better) Siting in the dark makes u look emo! :P (no offence :P) so lets put on our happyfaces! like goofy says XD
just remember that there is People that is far of worse that u! all have depressing feelings some times!
Nice One (thumbs up) :D
i have only tryed DW so and i have completed it with all the chars in DW 3 :D so i pick that!
im fine in Norway! :D
i thought that was one of the most gayest dances since........ Justin Timberlake!!!
what was the point of that game?!?!?!