i think there is an thread like this some where here... but anyway the first anime i watched was Pokemon i think... but the first anime i saw that i knew was anime was Neon Genesis Evangelion!
didnt really care about the seph doll when it got stolen XD i traded some of my warhammer figures for it XD warhamer sux XD BTW u mean sad not said right?
ye i liked that to.. the intro was a great turn on :D luvs the terminator main theme :D
i had my FF dolls in 3 years now.. and none of them have been falling apart :/... but my sephiroth doll was stolen tought XD well they fall apart if u play with them maybe but i never play with them, they re in a glass closet :D
haha every one is treating u as a god here AnsemContainer... LOL XDXDXD good for u.. but anyway, everyone that is wondring how u can get KH dolls & cosplays, go to http://www.ebay.com/... if ur lucky u get it cheap! BTW AnsemContainer, how old are u? and i beat ur intire collection with my "Final Fantasy 9 Tetra master card set"! XD (200 cards with board and everything :D)
u may wanna think that u may love KH to much.. i have some FF figures (that i got for 3 years ago) but damn dude u cross the line bigtime, how much did u pay for that? :/
Horror: House On Haunted Hill (u all should really see this movie!) Funny/childish: Ice Age Family: American pie Action: Die Hard movies (dunno whats the best one) & terminator 3 ye thats my favor movies! BTW those that chose FFAC... why? its not a well written story & its just fighting.. thats not a good movie, its just fun to watch!
Hell no :O
wonder if that guy that owns that room will ever get any girlfriend? XD no offence ansemcontainer
and i pull out my gun XD
I think South Park is the best program on TV! whats ure favor episode? mine is: "Traped in the closet" because they bully both Tom Cruise & hes religion! XD
10,007 damn i didnt get 10,000
when are we going to know who's the winner?
i always will remember Aeris as the girl in FF7 that was the best one on my party until she was killed by sephiroth :( "MUST KILL SEPHIROTH" all FF fans would say Aeris all KH Fans would say Aerith im not such big KH fan... and FF7 is the best game i have ever played.. so ill pick Aeris!
hmm okay when we are discussing som freeky things about 666 My Kusin died 2nd marsh 2004 he got 23 years old of drugs...! 2nd marsh: marsh is the 3th month, 2 times 3 is 6... 2004: 2+0+0+4 is 6 He got 23 years old: 2 times 3 again is 6 666!
whatever... why do u care if someone hates roxas, hes jeg a game char! nothing more!
its PSP :P
haha i just trained to lvl 99 and kick hes *** XD the most waste of time in the world but lol XD
hes gay for sure!
Ff7, Ff8, Ff9, Ff1-6, Ff10, Ff10-2, Ff11, FF7DOC, Ff12