damn BUSH! whats next? Bann FF 7 for having Tifa with her large breasts? Banning KH for having alot of violence in it? god demn! Sry for swearing but this just pissing me off!
i said no... even thought im not from America (so its really ur problem, not mine :D) BTW i think thats just a joke XD if its not.. its just typical America! they always dont like things thats not American! A third of the word hates America... im one of them!
WOW... a own thread for desperate girls that think game chars is hot... my advise to u all is: GO OUTSIDE AND STOP GAMING!!!! hmm ye! lol.. XD EDIT: BTW look at this, -edited for advertising-
My entry: Download: http://files.filefront.com/Anger+Fear+Sorrow/;6813591;;/fileinfo.html Watch: http://pulverizevideos.vidiac.com/search/anger/0/74d3e1ee-b2db-4b9d-803e-993600ecfd93.htm
Norbit - 9/10 damn funny XD hahaha
Stealth - 2/10 OMFG!
Indle Hands - 10/10 so satanic & funny! luv the intro! its just sooo... ME :D
i won? yey :D this is my 4th contest won by that amv :D wanna thank u all for this :D
my favor is squall.. but im not havnt any crush on any of them! they are COMPUTER ANIMATION! its just disturbing! BTW its Leonhart.. not Leanhart....
aww sry ;P
i knew! i have read the full FF7 story 3-4 times now! 8-10 pages of story :/
Hellsing 8/10 finished it by one day! i got addicted!XD
ohh.. im deply sry! but is it alright if i say: Click on my banner! ?
dude.. not hard question! the baby thing ofc :/
The Title says it self! Bleach - 10/10 all the way! OMG Great animee! Movie - Ocans 13 - 9.5/10 cool movie :D
Thanks Ryko, Glad you liked it :D
We in PP are opening for new people to try-out and maybe get a spot as an AMV editor here. We have already a homepage and a video streaming channel. We need members who are dedicated, motivated and original. If you want to join, simply place as many AMVs you want to on our streaming site, but remember, the AMV must've been made by you, ripoff AMVs are deleted on sight so please visit out homepage (Click on my banner) PS: We will grant our members a free version of the basic adobe programs we use. used to work with other editing programs and feel no need for a new editing program then this is totally optional PM us the AMV! - The Pulverize Productions Crew
ohh ye sry.. i forgot there is only kids here :/ sry :P BTW i like to offend religious ppls, so thats kinda the point!