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  1. DJSeph2007
    i dont care :/
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. DJSeph2007
    None they both look gay!

    and why does ppl post these threads? the only simple explanation is: UR ALL KH OBSESSIVE!!!!!!!! why does ppl make comments like this "Ohh Roxas is sooo cool" its soo point less! and the worst thing is that someone acouly cares...

    Fan boys pisses me off!

    sry i have to be honest!
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. DJSeph2007
    ur crazy!... crazy and obsessive of KH! ur brain is playing tricks on u because u play to much, stop playing and go outside! its good for u!
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. DJSeph2007
    KH 2 is ok... Wii sux.... KH2 + Wii = suxok gameplay!

    and no its not awesome! its just a nolifer who never goes outside that used alot of time to ruined his Wii to try to look cool!
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. DJSeph2007
    killed last boss 2 times now!

    1 on easy with the Jap version
    1 on normal with the American version

    i want to try hard on euro version soon, if i wanna waste money on it ofc!

    and why does ppl do the game +10 times? its not that good! the hero is gay as hell to lol.. but ok, guess most of the ppl on kh-vids are obsessive of KH..... guys, its just a game it should not have so much impersion on u! seriously!
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. DJSeph2007
    well why do u want to pay 49 dollar for 10-15 min of new scenes and a game u have already played on game-boy? i just don't see why? u can download it with eng sub here, and u still wanna pay 49 dollar....

    well this is stupidity on its highest level! do u know what i think this is?

    to be honest: i think this is some obsessive sad emo kid bull****!

    sry but i have to be honest about this, it annoys me!

    but ok let SE milk ur as s for money, i don't care.. it annoys me but i don't care!
    Thread by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. DJSeph2007
    none! go out and have fun!

    i was addicted to WoW once... and that was not fun!
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  8. DJSeph2007
    this is stupidity on its highest level!
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DJSeph2007
    simple and clean (intro)!

    i hate every other song in KH lol XD
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. DJSeph2007
    NGE is my favor anime ever! but i don't really care... its just a anime series i don't dream to be in it! or to any of the chars!

    but i dont understand the ending of end of evangelion, can somebody pliz tell me?
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. DJSeph2007
    well i don't really like KH so... must be tie between FF7 & FF8.. but i picked FF7, since it released on my birthday ^^
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  12. DJSeph2007
    Holy Satan!

    why don't u guys get a life, get a REAL girlfriend, stop playing games or watching anime FOR GOOD!!!

    its clear that u guys are to obsessive to play/watch this so burn all of ur Game/anime stuff and get a life!

    sry but i must be honest!

    - DJSeph
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  13. DJSeph2007
    Obsessive FF7 fan said: I really want more FF7 games... SE said: LETS MILK THE MONEY FROM THEM WITH CRAP FF GAMES!

    guys! all of the FF7 spin offs have sucked ***! the only one that look a little good is crisis core.. but im not sure, because i haven't played it!

    Let me explane it!

    advent children: nice effects, sucky plot and story!
    Before crisis: its a mobile game! that says it all!
    Dirge of Cerberus: to low sence and a bad story, the only thing that was good about it was the cut scenes!

    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  14. DJSeph2007
    ahh.. another fan girl meeting place -.-

    video games is games not a lifestyle! u don't mastrebate to anime/game chars, its just dumb to say witch char is the most sexy! grow up, go to party's, get a REAL boy friend!!!!

    the only way to describe a hardcore fan girl is: Obsessive sad emo kid who needs to go out more!

    sry but i have to be honest!

    - DJSeph
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  15. DJSeph2007
    i have no idea who any of u are!

    btw its kinda childish to make threads like this, whats the point?
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. DJSeph2007
    lol are all ppl on kh-vids "KH obsessive emo kids" ? XD seriously try to think about it for a second! its like 5-9 min with new scenes and a game that already lunched on gameboy (that u probably have played) in better quality! and u wanna pay 49 dollar more for 5-9 min with new scenes.. lol ppl really are stupid now days!
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. DJSeph2007
    i dont really care! the game is not that great! its not like it an entierly new game! just some new scenes! SE is just milking u for money! why dont they finish their games when they make them?
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. DJSeph2007
    aww another spin off? u gotta be kidding? SE is milking FF Fans for money!
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 18, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  19. DJSeph2007
    halo sux anyway so who cares?
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  20. DJSeph2007
    VIII Part 2 is now added ^^

    hope ull like it :P
    Post by: DJSeph2007, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Gaming