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  1. khsuperfan
    Kingdom Hearts THeories: BBS

    My theories, The old man who totally destroys the 3 Apprentices is Ansem the Wise. THe Heartless he creates has a connection to Riku. Aqua has no connection to Kairi, but maybe to Riku (otice the shield thing she shoots out at Terra, a lot like Riku's shield. Ven is Soras original, Sora's the Heartless of Ven, and Terra is the original of Ansem (Ansem the Wise stole Ansem(Terra's Heartless) name to hide his identity as Mastr Xhenahort. Ansem got it back later when he found it in Mastr X's research.)
    Kairi is somehow connected to Ansem the Wise.
    Read the Ansem Reports to get some more answers.
    Email me if you have anything to say to this...
    Post by: khsuperfan, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. khsuperfan

    I think the Master is Ansem the Wise.
    They whodn't say if he was or wasn't a new character or not.
    The Heartless soldier thing along side him has a connection to Riku (that would make sense, Ansem the Wise, and Riku{the apprentice}).
    Terra is the real person of Ansem and Xemnas (notice that without the X, rearange the letters to get Ansem. That means "Ansem the Wise" stole Terra's Heartless'es name to hide his true identity. So, when Ansem{the Heartless} was searching for something in his experiments started by Master Xhenahort, he found his Heartless name {he didn't steal it}).
    Ven is the real Sora/Roxas. Notice, when someone becomes a Heartless, they get a different name (Terra/Ansem) (Ven/Sora). Then when they become a Nobody, they just put a Z or X in and rearange the letters=(Sora/Roxas)+(Ansem/Xemnas)
    With Kairi, it's somewhat different.
    Aqua is a different person then Kairi, and Namine. Namine isn't Kairi's Nobody though. There is no similiar Name change between the 3 of them like there are in the others.
    Axel isn't Riku's Nobody, but may have odd ties to him.
    These are my opinions. If you have any more info for me, email me at:
    Post by: khsuperfan, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates