o_O Uh, Ven never died buddy. Watch the vid again, his eye moves...
^__^ good one XD
hold up, how'd ya know she ain't Namine? is there something i missed here? Because i have a theory that she is the orginizations 14th member! Namine is a witch, and is evil for all we know, because her power is evil. She can screw up peoples memories, especially Sora's and though intertwined with him. She worked with Orginization 13 for about ever, and now started working with evil Ansem the Wise!!! The only god thing she's done is try to awaken Sora, and helped Kairi find Riku in kh2. PLus, does no one remember the cutscene of the Riku vs. SaIX?! jUST BEFORE rIKU SHOW'D UP(WHOOPS.....CAPSLOCK) Saix said to NAmine:"oh, there you are Namine" uh.....it's been almost 2 years since she's been working with Orginization 13.....he wouldn't just say "oh there you are", he'd say oh, namine, where'v u been? thats why she's with the org., and she's evli because she's helping the orginization through out the whole series. And another thing. She probably wanted to reawaken Sora for hiim to get goin' on kingdom Hearts because Roxas betrayed them. I think that DiZ was really helping the orginization by awaqkening Sora.
ok, ur all not goin' for this theory abviously. just thought i'd throw it out there..... But there still could be a connection, cause really all i hear is stubborness from all u guys. First-theres some connection between Axel and Riku, do to the fact that Axel was best friends with Roxas, and if Roxas and Sora are intertwined, then so are Axel and Riku. There hair looks similiar... Axel's pic:http://ui27.gamespot.com/1754/axel17resized_2.jpg Riku's pic:http://umthumbs.gametrailers.com/mo...148-98606-RikuvsRoxas9-1178231009_thumb11.jpg does no one else hear see the resembelance?(sorry for the ok pics, couldn't find really good ones...)
wow WOW!!! This is a great debate u guysXD no but seroiusly...i'm goin' with ICSP on this one. FInal Fantasy is definetly connected to Kingdom Hearts, and he gave all the proof needed to prove his point.....(sorry Erkz...) But i'd have to say the winner of the debate goes to ICSP! (Erkz just got pwned:guns:) I should make a poll on this debate, i hope u guys keep goin'.....XD Anyways, What was the word Torr for fire? cool..... but no player has a name like it.....darn:nono: Anyways, The warriors of darkness theory is truly brilliant. I havn't played all the FF games, but i hope to own all someday (I've played1, 2, 3, 4, and12, and Crono Trigger, and it's just like the main plot line from kh. but i do hope that Square changes it up a little in the end. i think this series will bring an end to the warriors of light, and the warriors of darkness plot for Square games.....honestly....) so yeah, i'm gonna make a poll on this to see who is the Master Debator!!!!!!!!!!! hereu go, i made a poll. hope u win ICSP!!!!XD http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=43975
I think that the place where final mix+ secret ending takes place is in fact Sunsett hill. Just a theory, and nothing to prove it with exept that i just felt 3 things the first time i saw the video. That the old guy was in fact Ansem the Wise, That the person they see in the first part is some one different from Master Xhenahort, more like someone from Orginization XIII, and that when u see the Mountain of rock created by MX, its really Sunset Hill(u'll understand it better if u watch the part with mickey) just a thought.....comment please...
ok cool, but can u comment on what i said before? Can anyone think of a name for the dark soldier pertaining to fire in Latin? im positive that kh and early ff are intertwined.
name Namine: Witch of memories, or Witch of Chains, or mAYBE Memory witch. somethin like that
ok wow this a good theory, and pretty long debate as well. anyways, i think Xhenhort the apprentice is the same person as Terra, but he probably has MX's spirit in him. I would like to know who MX really is! I thought it was Ansem the Wise the first time i saw the clip, and haven't been proven wrong yet. But i also love Final Fantasy, especially the first ones, and knowing that Terra, Ven, and Aqua are earth, wind, and water in latin....that takes me back to the 4 crystals. and when kairi's grandma is telling the story to her about the dark and light, it takes me back to ff once again with the continuel end boss.....a spirit of Chaos...... now i think someone needs to find out the word for fire or flames in latin, or maybe destruction, so we can figure out who'll be the other warrior of light (if u know were im goin with this). Terra=earth Ven=wind Aqua=water destruction in latin is exitium, eversio, or perditio. fire has none in latin ( i just checked), and none for flames. odd. anyone else think of a good word for fire? heres the link for a language changer thing, if u can think of somethin...http://www.freedict.com/onldict/onldict.php REPLY and tell me what u think of this kh intertwined with ff theory
I think that Axel is connected to Riku some how. Now I know some else has probably already said that, but i have an odd theory on it. u know how Roxas and Namine where the result of Sora becoming a Heartless, and the connection between him and Kairi, well what if there were a connection like that between Sora and Riku? Maybe thats how Axel is connected to Riku. Saix would be the other, because he's so worried about Sora, and is chasing Axel around half the time. just a theory, please comment.
Ven He's gotta be Sora's brother, or Roxas is Ven. It wouldn't make sense for Roxas to look exactly like VEn anyways?! I think Ven's soul was released when Sora was asleep. maybe theres some curse or something that makes one aslep, while the other is awake?! But there is a too close relation between Roxas and Ven for them not to be the same person. thats what i believe...somewhat
keyblades I think Ven is using the Way to Dawn. Thats why its so dark, u'r all expecting oathkeeper or the kingdom key. anyways, i just want to point out how awesome the graphics are gonna be on this thing. there just like kh2, if not better. and why would terra be talking to Malificent? There's a definent connection with Riku there people, and that means terra is working with the darkness.
I think Ven and Roxas are the same person, what'd u think?
hold up first of all, it was right after the battle because Kingdom Hearts is still in the sky. secondly, i think its Sunset Hill, because during the beginning of the battle, the sun is setting, and when u c King M, he's looking at the mountain thing created by Master X., and it looks like Sunset Hill for sure.
Characters Zack from FF7, Basch and Fran from FF12, Vincent, Kadaj's gang (of course!), and i hope they bring back KAin and Cecil for sure. But what i really want to see is them bring back the 4 warrriors of light, like Luneth or something. But i think its headed in that direction already o_O(Sora being wind, Riku land, and Kairi water. All they need is fire and you've got the warriors of light. I think that might be the master sceem. just another fight over the crystals of power.)
is it one person, or can you switch it up? any ways, whadda you think
I've got different options for this one, with great ideas for the new boss, and an interesting theory about Riku. I don't think its Riku, and i have evidence. first off, observe the vid closely, and you'll find that riku talks of Sora to Roxas, and Roxas knows what he's talking about. How does Riku know about Roxas knowing who Sora is? How does Roxas know about Sora? Why does Riku talk later about losing to Roxas, and then becoming stronger to fight him again? Because Roxas and Riku fought before the deep dive battle. Roxas doesn't remember losing to Riku to confuse Sora later on. DiZ probably did this on purpose to help Sora remember his goal of finding Riku and Kairi. And because Orginization XIII was in the way of that goal, it was perfect for DiZ. But Roxas talks to Sora about defeating Riku, but he never did in the deep dive clip. So, Riku fights Roxas before deep dive, and he's not the final boss at the end of 358/2 days. My theory is that the last person u fight in 358/2 days is either Ven, the orginization member(newbie), or Sora. Ven: because Roxas had to fight an iner battle against Ven who may have been helping him all along, and must beet him to prove that he is stronger than his original to keep existing. Nebie member: because u never c the new member in kh2, and that must mean that Roxas defeated her, and he ran from the Orginization in fear that they may try to kill him. Sora: like the Ven thing, an inner battle to prove he is greater than those before him. So maybe the battle between Sora and Roxas in kh2 was really a flashback of what had already happened. This would make sense, because the Roxas in that part obviously knew more than the Roxas of Twilight Town did, and knew about the "other", Sora.
my thought if she is any specific element it'll be magic in general, or an ability of cure and shielding. Why? cause she's connected to aqua of course!!! And if water is already taken, then she is also a character of wisdom(according to others theories, she is wisdom, terra is valor, and ven is justice or royalty). so, she is the element of maqgic itself i guess. she'll e interesting as a character in the game... I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!(there goes the caps lock....)o_O
oh yeah Where do u find him in kh2?
hm xD Interseting. THere is a significance to the Darkside and Big Nobody though, your proof doesn't bend my theory. And as for Riku, then he's a Heartless thats tied witha Heartless. Ansem the Heartless was a Heartless of Terra, but is now the Heaertless of Riku, do to some sort of heart or soul swap i think. Ansem i think reverted the cycle maybe. and another thing, i think ansem's fing KH for real. ill post my thoery on this later....im in the middle of class...