... I think it very well could be Ven, because i'm a strong believer in the fact that Ven is asleep, Soraq is Ven's younger brother, and Ven has been erased from everyones memory exept Soraq and Terra's. They've forgotten him, but he isn't lost forever. Memories are never lost( ending of COM...duh?).
... i now i ain't quitting u little F*&%%#(&^#$(*&$*$ker. Your not open minded, and if u THINK about it, then u'd at least put some consideration into this theory. Remember.....THINK! oh, thats right...U CANT THINK, UR A ******!!!!! ok, maybe i am getting a little carried away with the language, but u threw the "First Punch" here buddy. Wide u get all offensive and stuff against the theory, huh? But seroiusly, u need to stop this. I'm not basing this theory on looks, exept for the FACT that Roxas and VEn look EXACTLY ALIKE! I'll make a poll on this, and most people WILL AGREE, you DUMBASS! But its more so about Twilight Town, The Orginizations true goal, and THE OTHERSIDE OF SORA"S HEART!!! It's all about VEN!!!! FO SHOW!!!!
... i'll stop this, cause u'r just a f*#king reatard. Your not open minded like most of us, so your just in denial of the facts. We'll see whos right in Decmber, when the game comes out. I may be wrong, and if i am, ill admit, but right know i support this theory until i hear convincing evidence that its wrong. FO SHOW!!!!
... u'r rediculous. Yes all ff/kh characters are similiar, but in some cases the simiilaities go way beyong the same creator repeating designs. And what're u talking about there, the fact that Roxas and Ven look like identical twins? Besides, listen to the theory. All u'r doing is trying to prove it wrong, but u'r just making yourself seem like a bloody ******. If you continuelly put a negative view on this THEORY (remember, its just a theory), then i'll have to pimpslap you in a debate.....FO SHOW!!!
... correct. thanks for pointing that out. Maybe the new Master is Sora's father? The King of some place... well im going to far. i think Ven is Sora's brother, and because Ven's clothes look like royalty, I could be presumable that the new King (aka, Ven's father) is the new MAster, or one of his generals...?
... Incredibles would be funny, but Midgard wouuld be awesome.
... This is true.
... ICSP is correct. Roxas is the Nobody of Sora, and looks like VEn because Sora's memories of VEn are awakening, therefore Ven's looks and pieces of his memory are tranfered to Roxas. Therefore VEN=Roxas.
... Maybe if the keychain is taken off, they're able to control them easier, like the tornado of them that MX used. Only SOra can control more than one with the keychain. and Roxas, because they have more than one memory. The others don't, so they remove the keychain, and use multiple as MAsters.
... are u kidding me kid. Ven IS Sora's older brother, and trust me i've heard this too and went "This is crap", but then i took another look at it, and saw that it could very well be true. Look at these pic's, and look at the pic's of Destiny Islands:http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=45666 Ven is talking to Aqua, telling her to "erase" him. Were else have we heard that term? COM!!!!!! Namine talks about erasing Sora's memory, and stuff. Ven could've very well been erased by Aqua, that would explain the connection between Namine and Aqua. Ven is still asleep, and the only one who still has a spec of memory of him is Sora and Xemnas/Terra/Ansem. Sora is the Key that connects them all...because he's Ven's younger brother. Roxas is an example of the memories starting to awaken of Ven, because Roxas looks exactly like Ven. Tell me one flaw......FO SHOW!!!
... cool pics. This means Ven and Terra are probably Sora and Riku's older brothers, watching their younger brothers on the "playground beach."
... Don't make fun of Nomura, any of you!!!!! FO SHOW!!!!!!
... yo FO SHOW
... Ven is Sora's older brother, and a girl like Namine, or Namine herself made Sora forget because Ven is the Light sleeping in the dark. I've said this in other posts. In COM, VExen shows Sora Twilight Town, and says that its the memory from the other side of his heart. Thus it gave birth to Roxas. Roxas looks like VEn because of the hidden memory in Sora's heart that has been lost, but not forgotten.
... lucky for me, i've got a PS3, but anyways. Great for you. For me, it was my friend Rich Hoffman, he first got me into Fantasy series like Fire Emblem, and Final Fantasy. Then, almost 2 years ago, when i moved to LAke Geneva....i started to play the kh series. KH2 is my favorite game in the whole world, followed up by Tales of Symphonia, Fire Emblem Blazing Sword, and Final FAntasy 1
... FO SHOW!!!!!! Sorry for takin' your phrase, won't do it again. Anyways, sorry ICSP, u've got a right to goof of. And i still think im right, because i was taking about the connection between MX and KH, not just MX. MX knows what KH is, and has unllocked it before. THat is my point.
... I hope it's somebody new, but think along realistic lines, and the way things are going in the story line, the master that sent them is most likely Ansem the Wise, or King Mickey. Like I said, I HOPE it isn't, but these seem like likely candidates.
yo ^__^ first of all, allow me to congradulate you on your first post, and welcome to kh-vids forums. Secondly, on the topic. The new member is most likely related to Aqua, Namine, or Kairi, since she's female and those 3 are the only main females we know of. why it isn't Org. XIV? Probably because she was thought about, but then either betrayed them before officially becoming a member, or died. That question no one really knows, because no ones played the game. Its one of those questions only theories can satisfy, but even they aren't full proof, even though they might sound intersting or good. khsuperfan
... It would be nice if it were different, but i think it'll be the same for 2 of the 3 characters. Maybe one won't have an end boss... But i think it'll go like this (or at least i hope ^__^) TERRA:MASTER XHENAHORT, or DS VEN: DS, or Sora AQUA: DS, or Heartless Xhenahort. yep.........?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
... there are 2 for sure successors, Sora and Riku. This was talked about in Chain of Memories Reverse Rebirth for Riku's tale (I just beet it for the 11th time). It talks of how Riku is the Chosen of Darkness, and Sora is the Chosen Light. Zexion said it i think, when he was trying to convince Riku he must always battle the Light, because he's dark. So yes, there are successors, FO SHOW!!!!!!