... I said i hate stubborn peeps, meaning i'm not stubborn as well. a DUH?!?!?!. ok, maybe i don't hate'm, just dislike them. Very hard to deal with, ya know?!
... ok, i don't believe in Hell. Thats my opinion. I really do think EArth is hell, thats why he hasn't killed us all in some sun exploding end to the world. Because we suffer enough as it is. What is the most important thing about life?...the thing that all you really have in the end? It the experiences. Nothing else really matters. Whether you're an Athiest, a Christian, a Budhist, its all the same. All of them can agree on that one thing. thats my opinion(i'm really getting tired of saying that).
... thanks. like a good and interested person i am, i'll go and read all these^__^
just naming some of my friends....i'm still kinda new.KINDA new, not a newb. anyways, i don't lkike stubborn peeps.
ok, all of u have pushed me to the limit. I'm gonna calm down, and lets have an intelligent discussion...shall we? I'm gonna ask an easy, yet difficult question. Why do you not believe in a god or gods? Answer this please any of you. Lets please stop the fighting, ok. I don't want any of us getting kicked off the site for mindlessly riping each other apart. You obviously out number me, so, like i said, lets have a NICE talk about the concept of God. And remember, i only get on this sight when at school, so type up something good i can look forward to tommorrow,lol^__^
Of course it ain't the kids fault, its also really bad parenting. First, no, i ain't 40, i'm 15. Second, little kids shouldn't have vid. games due to the fact that 85%-90% grow up to be dumb (I guess u'r in the 10-15% that came out ok). Thats my opinion.
.... wow, do you think your hot stuff or what Xendra? I'm not trying to convert, just making a suggestion....once again MY OPINION!!!. You don't have to listen to me, i'm just stating my opinion on the matter. And who're u to judge my speling and exclamation point usage, you're just as terrible as me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(how about them apples, eh? ^__^) I'm sick and tired of a lot of u accusing me of stuff i'm not doing, and i'm getting in big trouble because of some of u winers. PLEASE STOP ACTING LIKE MY SISTERS AND READ MY POST THE WAY I WANT THEM READ! seriously! (the following statement is not ment for those of u who are cool, and like to say the phrase FO SHOW!!!).
... sorry, gotta learn to control myself a little on these subjects. I don't really mean ignorant, I just mean.....well a little stubborn, and i think that people think that not believing in god, not saying the pledge of alliegnce, and not reading are "cool", or "reble-ish", but they aren't. Thats just y opinion, it doesn't have to count for crap to any of you....but my opinion is my opinion.
... ok, u've caught me in a good mood. lets try this again, i'll calm down if u stop try to rip apart the theory without evidence.....ok?deal? Or do u want to continue fighting? I wont stop, I'm Russian, I don't give up. Especially when I'm focussed and most of the time right. So seriously, satop saying stuff like "God I hate this", and I'll stop the whole "GO F*&%$#K Yourself" thing...k? P.S.-I as mad before because in the intelligent section a bunch of Athiests were pissing me off. Sorry for all the flaming peeps.
.... very good......o_O
... dude....u r ganster nope, u said it first. It doesn't repeat it self, the law of the term. Because most of u r dumb ignorant nerds. The ones who aren't are my friends, like ICSP, Dredia, and now *Hippie Jesus*(that name rocks) Do u want to start a fight? I pwn, and u can't handle the truth. yeah, you really know who i am don't you? Please, just shut the f&$k up.....o_O u r totally baller my friend. u'r goin' on my buddy list, i appreciate u sticking up for me. *Hippie Jesus* isn't a newb. He's ten times more baller than u, ya nerd!!! Question, how do u down grade someones green/red meter thing. I've got a big list....o_O and u know it. U'r goin' on my bud list to my friend^__^
wow wow.....you all lack human qualities.....o_O. Why do u think people such as I seek the truth? Because I amsuppossed to, I am a true Rebel, and a true Seeker of the truth. You all follow the system of logic and mathamatics, while i can use it all against u. If non of u believe in God, why r u hear? u'r clock is running out, why are u on the internet telling people that there is no god, no judgement, no after life? Why aren't u out there, living life up, being a criminal or something? U see, all athiests are just ignorant, especially teenagers who think its cool, and they're rebels.....but you're mearly being ignorant, stupid, and labling rebel as both those things. I will not allow you to do this. I'm not looking for a religious battle, I'm looking for someone who knows as much as i do, and to have an INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION. I thought this was the intelligent disscussion area? I guess most of u r Athiest.....so i'll stop. But if i see i more thing about "O, this kids a stupid religious newb", I will hunt u down, and gut you like a fish!!!!
Oh well, They closed my last one. I'm not looking for a fight, just a challenge. This is for people who know enough about there religion, and are willing to defend it. Is that ok? I hope it is. Please, anybody know...if your a evolutionist, christian, buddist, hindu, jew, muslim, or a believer in ancient religions like me. Please, anybody, are u willing to step up to me?
... Can't prove he was asleep, it just a theory. and Kaihedgie...just shut up. Your a gay 17 year kid who wears his pajamas, and drinks warm milk like the momma's boy u r. u'll grow up to live in your parent's house all u'r life, and be a virgin till death. I hate that whenever u see anything about Ven that i say u diss it, so guess what: GO F@%&$#K YOURSELF!!!! Anyways, back to the whole topic (sorry, i had to get that out of my system people), I can't prove it....its just a theory. and i'm sorry if anybody takes offense to what i said to Kaihedgie....i pretty much hate that kid. I even said i was sorry, and he still does what he does. Its so f*$king annoying.
I must say first, this is an awesome topic. I have much too say, so i just about "Quoted" everybody. Just to let u know now, i HATEAthiests with a passion. I'm a true rebel, dissregarding my sig. Thats just for fun, caused i'm good at b-ball. But know, I will tell you all what the ast 2 years of research, reading religious books, and what not has told me. By the way, i've read just about 90% of the Bible....no joke. They died out due to the idiotic Spaniards whom didn't value the division of power at all.Destroying an entire culture is a terrible thing. You're right, we shouldn't let things like this just pass by with out looking at them. A lot of the previous things about the end of the world are ridiculous, and people trying to sell books...to reach their ultimant goal. I'll get back to that later. Some cultures see themselves as perfect....like the Brits? No, i'm only joking. But like i said before, you can't ignore something like that...the end of the world. The sun ISN"T GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!! Its goin' through a phase...a cycle if u will. Just like the Earth and the stock market do. You're right on. WE DO NEED TO KNOW!!! those who don't are lazy!! Evolution is crap. God created everything...because this is our Punishment. This is all merely to bring us closer to our Father, not further away. I don't wanna sound like a Christian, but that consept is true. IT ALL ABOUT REPENTANCE AND PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!! Evolution is crap. The worlds aren't that old. Not billions, more like 12,000-10,000 ish Sun will burn out, its like a self heating machine of storms that burns on an indestructable amount of plasma, an element unknown to us commoners. Its the element of the stars. The sun'll never burn out u twit! God does win my friend.....he does. LOL, Mormons........ r u a mormon?o_O u r pretty much correct. good job. Strong believer...good, i like to see the burn passion of belief. The world might not die, but something big will happen. Thats for sure.....? I don't know....what r the CHANCES?!?!? dinosaurs were killed by aliens. They were Gods guardins of the precious metals, such as gold and platinum. But the aliens got around them, and wiped them out. Really, u people need to think outside the box. I fu believe everything they feed, then u'r just a zombie to the system. BE A REBEL!!!!! 12. Look up the number, and you'll get your answers. 12.....12......12.........12.......?what else is 12.......? this is what i tell the global warming people, or the ice age people. If it does happen, we'll be fine. true. we need to take it more seriously though....the Illuminati are in control. The 666 thing is bogus. 6-6-06 isn't 666. Theres a zero in it, A DUH!?!?!?!?!? U hit this one on the head. good work, u'r totally right. I'm glad someone else said it before i did. again, another perfect post. good work people. i don't believe in global warming with a BURNING PASSION.BURNING!!! Not Barrack, the president after him. JEB BUSH. Once again, good job Evilman. Thats kinda what i meant by Big Thing Coming earlier. Anyways, that was fun. This might be the biggest post i've ever made. Once again, anti-evolution/global warming theories. Pro Mayan and Aztecs, but it won't be the end of the world, and God wins.
I'd like the first 4 people who believe in different religions to battle me in an ultimant debate of religions. You win defend your religion, as i will defend mine, and test yours. Remember, the first 4 to say their religion can be the only ones in this debate. Also, remember they must be different religions. I'll be the judge of who wins...and i'll make a voting poll on who U think should've won. So, lets get 4 people eh?
... the whole emo thing is very funny. i have emo/goth friends, so i say there cool people, who wish to live in the dark past. usually have emotional problems and stuff....but yeah.....thats my 2 cents
my vote I say Budhism. I believe that Christianity is either on track, or a SAtanic cultish religion...i haven't figured that out yet. Budhism has its flaws, but it definetly makes more "sense". THats my 2 cents
.... My opinion is that our generation is crumbling. There are 2 many brats and people in debt, its terrible. And all these kids have videogames at tbe age of 4. i got my first vid. game when i was like 10, or 11!!!!!! Our generation is becoming the dumbest generation ever. welcome back depresion numero dos!!!!!
... We are being Punished here on Earth. WE are fallen angels, and will continue to live on Punishment until we repent. I tell you all this: GOOGLE ZOROASTRIANSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or ZOROASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you'll get your answers there....plus, go read some religios books. They help when talking about this whole thing about religion.