... man is the most dangerous animal (not in an evolutionist way!). P.S.- Repliku types a lot! ^__^
... lol, bravo! plain and simple truth! ^__^
... LOL (to da max!).
... And that more so happens due to the fact that some generations are dumber than others. With one dumb generation, an entire empire of righteousness could in fact collapse. This is true! ^__^
Well, I know it can be said about a lot of things, but numbers have always existed. Radio is only like 200 years old, if that! Words are powerful, but anyone can SAY something. I guess you could say that about letters. but not words. Letters is another theory in and of itself. They're related to numbers in many ways ^__^
... wtf? a f*(^%)king duck? LOL
... 9/10, i'd say
Whats your favorite movie? Some of mine would be: V for VEndeta Braveheart Signs Spirited Away Princess Moinonoke and Transformers i guess?
... crazzzzzzzzzzzy +no sleeing lion....nope, don't see it.
I say *Hippie Jesus*
... huh? don;t care....i'm winning!^__^.+, I know there is another one, just saying i''ll make another one!^__^
yo! Anyone got ANYTHING to say about the Persian/Babylonians? Just wondering if any of you even know who they r.....lol?!?!?!?!
... I'd ask 'em for 3 wishes, and then get some powers or something?!?!?!?!?!!Lol
... lol, sorry......i guess? numbers are like god when u think about it. THEY dictate life, everything revolves around numbers when u think about it. Quote:They are just an idea. A concept of configuration. But good and evil are just ideas too yet we continue to implicate every day in society that they are real, physical concepts. Yes, i'm a strong believer in good and evil. Quote: Numbers are not a religion. They are something to experiment with to explain phenomena, both in science and through the mathematical subjects. Yes, this is their meaning...i'm not doubting that. Quote: But God isn't tangible, is he? Where is he? Why do you believe in something that is no different, abstractly speaking, than God? Because, someone created something, whether he be good or bad, so i do believe in a god. That leads me into my search for the truth of god, i am a Diohenes, Spanish name for a seeker of truth or god. I am a very strong believer, but for some reason....i don't like using the word faith to express my belief? odd isn't it? Anyways, back to what u were saying... Quote: Again, realize we use numbers, math, measurement, chemistry, experimentation, realization, and several other forms of intangible concepts to explain phenomena and occurrence. wait....that last bit, about realization, and other forms of intagible concepts to explain phenomena and occurence? That sounds like god, just a bit don't you think? Quote: Also, I'm not trying to flame you. I'm being very calm here, if you take the time to see it. I'm not using caps, big fonts/letters, and exclamation marks to express myself. Therefore without explain the way you say things, you can sometimes give the wrong vibe off. thats why i use those things, so people better understand my position(although that doesn't allways work.....lol). Quote: I'm being logical, with evidence. And I have yet to see you use either of those two things thus far. Yes, your being fairly calm, but like i said before, some of the other posts could be taken offensively. Quote: I also want to, again, call you out. Stop referring to members as "higher ups." It's separatist and I find it ridiculous. lol....sorry, again. i just say that....because.....i don't know, just making it clear to who i'm talking to. What else am i supposed to call them? So, anyways, sorry about the weird way of Quoting. I don't know how to seperate the Quotes like some people. My whole point is that numbers are a prt of everything, even religion, thus what is their significance in life? They are immortal, untouchable, have always exsisted, and are eternal. You cannot touch numbers, bend them, break them, they are almighty. Therefore, they are a hidden religion...hidden, meaning unouticable(did i spell that right?), to find you must go out of your way. HIDDEN
... wow, you really don't like me do you. Not in that way, like you really have an issue here. Why do non of the "higher ups" see this kid and tell him:" stop being provakative, and starting fights, cause i see that and other posts as if you want a flame debate or something."...cause thats what u'r asking for. Math is a "hidden" relgion, you can't touch numbers. They will continue forever, they are gods. No one will ever be able to recreate math, and most religions are related to math in some way, so? Its a "hidden" religion...thats all i'm saying. plus, 12 isn't all zodiac, remember Jesus and Horus both ave 12 disciples......weres the zodiac relation? No doubt zodiac has big influence, its pretty awesome 2.
and thats what I despise..........
... skimmed over both quotes a bit, but your both right. History is written by the victors, and thats the problem with our historical records. Thats why peole need to look outside there little box of info, and find the truth. But, i'd have to say, bravo to both of you.
... 6-6-06 had no significance. theres a 0 there, duh! Plus, 12 is a huge number in religion. Look up some ancient Persia/Babylonia religions, Egyptian mythology, or any religion for that matter, and you'll see 12 come in some where as a big deal. 12 is a big deal, and my theory is that the earth is only 12,000 years old...so? 12 is big, thats my point, and look at the clock if you don't believe me. P.S.: another theory, math is a hidden religion!
Why are ancient religions gone? I ask this as a rehtorical question to see what u'll all say about it, but do any of you pay attention to that kinda stuff? just asking, so don't nobody freak out on me ( i'm primarily talking to athiest there, because u guys tend to do that on religious topics, so take a chill pill^__^).
... idk what yr talking about, but welcome. like it was previously stated, this is the best site on the web when it comes to kh dude!!!!!