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  1. Twilight's Rose
    "WATCH YOUR LANGUAHE YOUNG LADY!" Yelled Marluxia while approaching to Jessie
    "Who are you calling a pink hair freak?"
    Asked Marluxia while stoping for a moment
    He approaches Jessie's ear and whispers...
    "If I ever catch you again talking garbage of me your gonna be treated as garbage!" Exclaimed Marluxia while leaving...
    Marluxia stops at hes classroom and sits in hes desk...
    "What have I raised?" Asked Marluxia while crying
    "Maybe the faq that I don't have a heart may made her think im emotionless, but no!"
    Exclaimed Marluxia while crying...
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight's Rose
    Yes but if he nevered study the hearts Xehanort would have nevered do what he has doned until now!
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Twilight's Rose
    "Grr!" Exclaimed Marluxia while picking up a snowball
    "Atleast I don't have nerd issues!" Excalimed Marluxia while throwing the snowball
    Marluxia throws the snowball very hard as he could and it hitted Vexen's face! Vexen got dizzy and he began to see frozen books flying around him!
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight's Rose
    OOC: I have no prob with it! You can be my daughter! lol

    As Mr. Marluxia walks the hall he finds some students, from the group he sees hes daughter...
    "Hello Jessie!" Exclaimed Marluxia while aproaching to the group
    "Remember to study for the gardening quiz tomorrow!" Excalimed Marluxia while leaving the hall

    Marluxia takes a rest in a nearby bench...
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight's Rose
    Another good point. But still, the keyblade existed many years ago, before than the KH events. The Haertless were beggining to appear after the BBS events. Because in BBS there isn't any Heartless nor Nobody. Xehanort is responsible for the multiplication of Heartless and Nobodies. While Ansem, maded them appear!
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Twilight's Rose
    Another good point. But that person could be someone more wise. He would know the events that would surround the beings if its study its gotten deeper...
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Twilight's Rose
    Good point there, but, still I don't see the point for Ansem to study the hearts, its just plain wron to get into someone's heart without any knowing of the chaos it may bring!
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Twilight's Rose
    ooc: Yes! Thank you!
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight's Rose
    "Hahaha! Poor Roxas!" Exclaimed Marluxia while throwing snowballs at Vexen
    "It seems that Vex is getting tired!" Exclaimed Marluxia while laughting at Roxas
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight's Rose
    Exactly! Ansem's desire to have more wisdon of the heart cause a dramatic and drastical event that ruined hes identity, killed many people, ruined hes world and cause monsters to appear. Its very clear that all is happening because of him!
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Twilight's Rose
    Do you think that everything that has been happening is Ansem's fault? I mean, if he never had studied the hearts, Xehanort and the other apprentices would have never wanted to do experiments and separte their hearts from their bodies and turn themselves into Nobodys and Heartless. And the organization would have never existed!mSo what do you think? Is this all Ansem's fault?
    Thread by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007, 45 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Twilight's Rose
    "Agh! Why you stinking frosty head!" Excalimed Marluxia while creating a whirwind of roses
    The roses with the snow united to form snow roses. They looked like snowballs.
    "Bring it on Frosty the Snow Freak!" Exclaimed Marluxia while throwing snowballs
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight's Rose
    Well, Nomura DID stated that Ven and Roxas had a some sort of a connection. What connection his may be is unknow... for now!
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Twilight's Rose
    "You frozen brain!" Exclaimed Marluxia while approaching to Vexen
    "You're suppose to battle with me against Axel and Roxas!" Excalimed Marluxia while picking up a snowball

    Marluxia throws the snowball VERY hard and it hits Vexen's face. Vexen's had turned red because of the hard snowball that hit hitted him.
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight's Rose
    "Hello Vexen!" Exclaimed Marluxia while throwing snowballs
    "Wanna join us?" Asked Marluxia while throwing snowballs
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight's Rose
    Marluxia telesported back to find Axel and Roxas playing...
    "Hahaha!" Laughted Marluxia while picking up a snowball
    Marluxia throws the snowball at Roxas... He laughted at the face Roxas put when he was hit...
    "Hahahaha!" Laughted Marluxia while picking up another snowball
    He throw the other snowball to Axel. Axel's face turned red and melted the snowball! He was mad!
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight's Rose
    "Im bored," Said Marluxia while standing up
    "Lets get practicing with my new scythe!" Exclaimed Marluxia while summoning hes scythe
    Marluxia began hiting the walls, yables and chairs to practice with hes scythe. He also began shooting sharp rose petals to practice aim. He then began sticking the scythe in the ground to practice special attacks. He was exhausted. And so he went to take a resst...
    "Woo! Im exhausted!" Exclaimed Marluxia while sitting in a chair
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Twilight's Rose
    Hello? Can I be Marly? Also, fitting job you gave him!

    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Twilight's Rose
    Accpted! Awn! Don't cry! Here, have a destiny cookie! *Gives cookie*
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Twilight's Rose
    "Hahaha!" Laughted Marluxia while riding the rose petals
    "Now Ax! Meet your doom!" Excalimed Marluxia while summoning rose petals

    The rose petals took form of a giant Creeper Plant! It began to jump and causing earthquakes! Axel couln't stand all this! The heartless summoned three giant vines and began to attcack Axel...
    Post by: Twilight's Rose, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home