Um...Ok! Heres the faq! Xigbar knows that Master Xehanort was defeated! But that DOESN'T mean that Master Xehanort tuened into Xehanort. We also have the Terra theory!
Nomura stated that he had some plans that Zexion's Lexicon would absorb the opponent's attack and counter it back right to him. As said in an interview. Surely that would be the best for him...
Larxene: Shocker Vexen: Frozer Marluxia: Reaper Zexion: Reflector Lexaeus: Eartthtrumbler Well... I always thought that these members should have had commanded heartless that would fit their elements, appereance or attitude. But, since they are superior nobodies... oh well!
They all had happy memories! They all enjoyed the time of researching and experementing! They also enjoy to torture people! Those are their kinds of happy memories! Different souls, different memories!
What are you talking about? They never tried to kill eachother! They were friends! Mainly Xehanort, Ienzo and Even were close! Also Ienzo, Aeleus and Even and Braig and Dilan!
Sorry but the first six organization members were all the apprentices of Ansem. They were all friends and very closed but, their Nobodies never gained a heart! This faq destroys part of this theory. 'Nuff said!
"Jessie, why areyou still here?" Asked Marluxia while approaching to her "It was about what you said to me, isn't it?" Asked Marluxia while putting hes hand in hes belly "Hahaha! Don't worry! It was just a moment's dispair!" Exclaimed Marluxia while laughting
Kingdom Hearts BBS's events ocurr before the events of Kingdom Hearts. Ten years, to be precie. Meaning that Sora, Riku and Kairi had about 4,5 or 6 years.
Marluxia looks at the tree. He notices that the tree has a letter in it. *Marluxia grabs the letter* Marluxia reads the letter that had written, "Dear Marluxia, I appriciate that you spar a little with your scythe to check if its ok. Many of my creations have goned hijack, but thats another story, ho, ho, ho! Have a merry christmas! Sinceiry, Santa Claus Marluxia opens hes eyes from exitement and begins to jimp like a mad fool!
I understand that Aqua's keyblade is different, but, LISTEN! Im saying that the link between the hearts of Kairi and Aqua,that link turned into a kryblade!
Marluxia grabbed a bell and began to ring it. Th bell's ring was intence! It could leave someone hearless! "Ok everyone! Cake time!" Exclaimed Marluxia while ringing the bell
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! The bell had sounded... "Ok class!" Exclaimed Marluxia while grabing a chalk "Today's theme is flower's growing cycle!" Exclaimed Marluxia while drawing in the board "From the seed, comes out the baby flower!" Exclaimed Marluxia while pointing the seed to the baby flower "From the baby flower comes out the young flower," Said Marluxia while poinying the baby flower to the young flower "And finally, from the young flower comes out the adult flower!" Exclaimed Marluxia while pointing at both Marluxia looked at the clock and he only had five minutes left... "Ok class! Tommorrow will be the first flower quiz! So remember to study!" Exclaimed Marluxia while sitting downThe bell rang and the students left the room.
"And sorry for calling you a nerd!" Exclaimed Marluxia while going back to the castle In there, he got to hes room, The Assasin's Garden, where he felt asleep... "Zzz"
What will the new heroes use for transporting from world to world? I remember seing in a Ansem Report (the ones that Xehanort written) that he found an elastic material behind the door that apperead in the castle. He also said that a king that visited the world (Mickey) had a ship maded out from it. So, will the gummi sship be a transportation or something else?
"Ok! Um, Vexen, im, um sorry!" Exclaimed Marluxia while approaching Vexen "Im sorry for throwing the snowball at you!" Exclaimed Marluxia while raising hes hands "So, apologie accepted?" Asked Marluxia while biting hes lips
Marluxia opens the door and finds both Jessie and her friend talking. Marluxia approaches her and hugs her. He then whispers in her ear... "Im so sorry Jessie, I was experimenting my first emotion," Said Marluxia while giving her a box "This is what I gave your mother before she died, you can have it," Said Marluxia while giving her a note He leaves and gets back to hes classroom The note said, "Me and Mr. Vexen maded this for your mom, its a frozen rose, she loved it. I hope you take care of her, sincerely, your father...
Axel would have maded a great addition in Sora's party. Heres a scene for him: When Axel finishes hes special attack, he begins to die... Sora: No, Axel! Axel: Ths is what happens when you concentrate all into an attack Sora: Don't go! Axel: I have finished my duties here! I must go! Axel: Oh, and tell Kairi im sorry! A light surrounds Axel and he begins to be covered in it Sora: Please! Don't go! *Begins to cry* Sora's tear reached Axel's chest and the light began to change Axel's clothes. He has a shirt with red and white stripes, a long blue jean and he had black shoes and he also has an earing in both ears... Axel: Wh-what? Sora: My tear, it just cure ya! Axel: Woah! Sora: Let's finish this! Axel: Mhm! Axel joins Sora, Donald and Goofy to fight of Xemnas...
"Im ok, just...GET OUT!" Exclaimed Marluxia while slamming the door with all hes strengh
kk! We will start very soon, I just need about two more and weill finish!
"Well excuse me!" Exclaimed Marluxia while picking up a snowball "Atleast I don't use her make-up kit!" Exclaimed Marluxia while throwing Vexen a snowball