"GIVE ME A BEER RIGHT NOOOOW!" Exclaimed Marluxia while descending hes hand
"WELL YOUNG LADY I JUST HAVE TO SAY ONE THING!" Exclaimed Marluxia while putting a menacing look "Can I have one?" Asked Marluxia while putting a smile
Marluxia exits the house and walks around the neightborhood. Marluxia encounters hes daughter with a can of beer... "Well, Well, what have we here?" Asked Marluxia while looking at Jessie
"Are you *giggles* alright?" Asked Marluxia while trying not to laught Marluxia laughts and sits down... "Le dinnar is le served! Like my french?" Exclaimed and Asked Marluxia whi;e giggling
Marluxia leaves the photo and gets to the kitchen. About 45 minutes later... "Jessie! Come to dinner! Exclaimed Marluxia while serving the food
Marluxia sees hes wifes portrait and grabs it and sits into a nearby chair and begins to get sad...
"And aren't you?" Asked Marluxia while getting out of the car "After all, you ARE MY daughter!" Exclaimed Marluxia while entering the house
"Hmm... I got it!" Exclaimed Marluxia while parking into hes garage "Lets have YOU for DINNER! Mwuhahaha!" Exclaimed Marluxia while parking
"Oh... my bad!" Exclaimed Marluxia while driving "So whats for dinner tonight?" Asked Marluxia while driving
"Well im sorry!" Exclaimed Marluxia while laughting "As a teacher I have to have a serious face ALL DAY!" Exclaimed Marluxia while laughting "And I needed a laught!" Exclaimed Marluxia while laughting "Oh and you go to hell!" Exclaimed Marluxia "Do you think that I din't noticed you saying that?" Asked Marluxia while driving
"Sure!" Exclaimed Maruxia while approacing to the car "Im*giggles*for embarasing there!" Exclaimed Marluxia while opening hes mouth to laught...
"Oh...right," Said Marluxia while picking up hes keys "Oh and Jessie!" Exclaimed Marluxia while leaving "I really wet myself pf laughter when I saw you drunk!" Exclaimed Marluxia while laughting...
"Yes you are UN-grounded!" Exclaimed Marluxia while standing up "And whats this drunk thing?" Asked Marluxia
"What do you mean grounded?" Asked Marluxia while wondering "I din't said you were grounded!" Exclaimed Marluxia while sitting down to her Marluxia whispers in her ear... "And whats this drunk bussines your talking about?" Asked Marluxia while wondering
It depends on what kind of player are you. If you are a very expirience KH player, then you shouln't have any problem. But, if you aren't, then bow down to CURE!
As Marluxia heads toward the exit he remembers the old times he had in the org... "My past was just a fragment for me to improve," Said Marluxia while exiting the school Marluxia sees Jessie talking with her friends... "Hello Jessie!" Exclaimed Marluxia while approaching to her "Are you going home with me or are you just walking to it with your friends?" Asked Marluxia
*yawn* "What a dream," Said Marluxia while standing up Marluxia goes to Nothing's Frozen Meeting and sits in hes throne...
Marluxia stretches and yawns in the hall as he goes to the office to signature hes worked day.
Expelling DISNEY from KH series would TOTALLY ruin the atmosphere that the series have! I mean, whats a whole adventure full with DISNEY characters and in some sequel you find some random invented worlds! Now thats ruining a perfect series! KH series is an action-packed, RPG and Adventure games! If DISNEY is removed then, I kiss bye bye to my KH!
Pete: All of hes battle were fun! :) Xemnas: He rminded me of Star Wars! xD Hydra: That was an action-packed battle! Sephirtoh: Of all combo-using battles, I say, that this boss is a combo filler! Well, those are my MOST favorite battles... for now! xD