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  1. Rami_keyblade
    Do you know Flash actionscript or how to sprite? let me know
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jan 13, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  2. Rami_keyblade

    Ok im re-uploading it because ive heard there are problems playing it on the internet, so im uploading the .swf file, to play either:
    open it with a internet browser, ie, firefox, and activate active x if it asks you
    open it with a flash player that you have

    To Play:

    Move with arrow keys attack with Z, X for your secondary move
    Space to pause when your in Free Roam BackSpace to unpause
    Space to jump when in battle

    You can save and reload the game

    The game ends when you fight Leon after your first visit to Olympus Coliseum

    if there are any questions ask :D
    enjoy the unfinished Kingdom Hearts 1 Flash Game By Rami
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. Rami_keyblade
    the game can now be found on newgrounds, but its still unfinished
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Dec 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. Rami_keyblade
    thanks man!!!!
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. Rami_keyblade
    the problem that I have run into is : the enemy ai is too easy. The ai engine that i have is a variable calculates the distance of ansem and the enemy and based on the distance the enemy reacts, the problem is I was looking for a more deeper ai. So if any ActionScript coders are out there I would really appreciate the help


    if no ones willing to help im going to officially put this project to rest. Its dead if no one can help i cant make a game on my own
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. Rami_keyblade
    fan game link

    its on my other thread search i hope that link is still up
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 24, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  7. Rami_keyblade
    ok the project is back on track
    now that schools over i can focus on it :D
    sorry for the lack of updates

    heres some news
    I got up to writing better ai for enemies
    its harder and flows better :D
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. Rami_keyblade
    Demo Released

    demo released : KH Darkness Within
    This is in development stage tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. Rami_keyblade
    thanks for the help :)
    is there anyway you can make sprite for Xehanort ( his original form)
    and can u make sprite for the palace guards from aladin?

    thanks a lot

    oh and have u tried the previous game and the ansem test XD
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  10. Rami_keyblade
    wat was ur idea please share the more ideas we get the better
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  11. Rami_keyblade

    i need sprites for a substitute, that will act like heartless. These guys will constantly battle with ansem

    I was thinking that these guys would be characters from the specific world
    exmple ansem is in Wonderland he fights the cards

    ansem is in agrabah
    he fights palace gaurds
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. Rami_keyblade
    thanks ya im going to do that tommarow
    how are the extra sprites commming along
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. Rami_keyblade
    why was this moved its the third page now your kinda late
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. Rami_keyblade
    ok, i got to code the ansem movements and a basic attack(dont worry i wont be keeping that attack its just an example).
    You use
    W-to move the command menu up
    S- to move the command menu down
    D - acts like X in kingdom hearts it executes the command from the menu

    SPACE - to jump(there arent any barriers so ansem can go wild)
    Arrow pads - to move around

    I attached it if u want to download it,or play it online:D
    here it is:
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  15. Rami_keyblade
    if you have flash installed you can play it outside of a browser, but if you dont have flash installed you can play it on FireFox, Internet Explorer and almost every browser out there. If you have trouble in the game look at the above posts :D

    This project was abandoned, im now starting the Ansem game
    SO tell me wat you think :D
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. Rami_keyblade
    Games dead, i can post how far I've gotten but I am moving on...
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  17. Rami_keyblade
    Heres the link for the previous game open it with flash player or you browser

    yes i provided the link tell me what you think
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  18. Rami_keyblade
    fan game under constructiion

    im going to post my previous one and i just want to let you know that I started the game,
    all ive done is code ansem sprites :D

    im now focusing on the AI code in my previous game i had to settle with the basic ai so now i want to do better!
    If anyone knows ActionScript at a med or high level can i have any suggestions

    the game that i previously made was originall for the psp(necause the psp can play flash games), but sony made the browser really slow, so now its for PC/MAC/any thing that plays flash games!!!

    Here are the controls for the previous game:
    SPACE - to continue when in conversations
    Z - to attack
    the rest is explaind in the game
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  19. Rami_keyblade
    I while ago i made a kingodm hearts 1 flash game and I only made it up to the Colliseum 2nd visit, and i gave up on it. Now I came up with a new idea. This game is a prequel to KH1. You play as Ansem, and u go around messing up worlds and the bosses are te Disney heros in the worlds. And it leads up to the final fight with sora. After merging with Riku u can transform from the Drive menu. Some of u may think that Flash isnt the best choice but u can do alot with ActionScript.

    I will post my previous game if u want but i need any ideas.

    And if any ActionScript experts out there,(I think im at a medium level) can give any ideas for Ai. I came up with: creating a var that is a counter and determines the movements of the Boss, and another var that calculated the distance to control the moves the boss does. So any help or feed back is greatly appreciated thank you
    Thread by: Rami_keyblade, Jun 1, 2008, 72 replies, in forum: Discussion
  20. Rami_keyblade

    ok thnaks for the suggestion
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Gaming