oh, wat type of files are they?
wat type of files are they? if its a gif you can import it into flash
really? that would be really helpful thanks!
thanks, im almost done! to Riku's Afterlife you can combine the drawing and photoshoping, draw it then enhance it, color, add effects with photoshop
im almost done episode 3! im putting a secret boss in this episode!
Thanks! i would appreciate it. Im trying to get more time working on the game but i have to also focus on school
there is a program called "khdump", heres what i found http://forums.ffproject.net/showthread.php?t=1793
i believe there here http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=51718&page=6 Im working hard on Ep3 so expect it released by the end of this week.
thanks! Ep1 & 2 are out make sure to play both, Im hopping to release Ep3 tomorrow.
you can play it in your browser, open it in firefox or explorer or the browser of your choice thanks and remember to play bot Ep1 & Ep2 Ep.3 is coming out very soon.
how do you add reputation points?
ya im trying to make it as long as possible, without crossing the 10 mb line.
sorry about the slow update, i was finishing up a project for my comp sci class, its crazy that i got homework already, expect a release tomorrow and if not then sunday.
I guess i'll finish Episode 3 then Ill post how to rip and sprite the 3d models so that if anyone wishes to help they can :)
at the moment the enemies are in still in 2d. It takes a long time to get these 3d sprites and edit them. I only have Dark Riku, Cloud, Xemnas , and kh2 Sora in 3D sprite format. NeoCloudStrife is the only other person who I know can rip these 3d sprites (im sure there are more ppl). So If anyone could rip the following characters I will include you in credits, heres who I need at the moment. 1)Normal Riku (non Dark Mode) 2) Sora 3) Kiari 4) Donald and goofy 5) Maleficent 6) Ansem 7)some heartless But then again the COM sprites are not bad looking what do you guys think? A) Stop making Episode 3 and get the 3D sprites? B) Stick with COM sprites and continue Episode 3? thanks :)
the new sprites are only for Riku's his battle mode, and will unfortunately only be available for his dark mode.
update: I put the development of Episode 3 on hold so that I can bring you guys this... To make playing as Dark Riku truly epic i looked into some graphics enhances for my game check it out: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4f6ozs now ill return into making Episode 3 long, and awesome!
i know i need to make it more balanced
thanks, im working hard on getting Episode 3 out before school starts thanks! thanks, im making the boss fights more complex so that it isn't repetitive
you can open the game in a flash player, if you don't have the player open the games in your internet browser Play episode 1&2 and tell me what you think thanks! yeah i did, make sure you check out episode 1 & 2 then tell me what you think the more constructive criticism the better the next episode will be :) thanks,