thanks! im working on Ep4 ya I need to improve the re-play value make stuff to extend the gameplay i don't know if i should go for that type or side scrolling
it might take longer then previous episodes because gameplay has hanged a bit. That and i got 358 days ;) im working on it daily.
Adobe Flash CS4 is used for animation and programing that's why i like using it i don't need any other program u got it?
ya my grammar is pretty bad. I dont get enough time to look over all the text in the game though :) i like that idea! right on thats what im gonna do thanks!
sure your using windows right?
if you dont want to play it in the browser you can download Adobe SWF player from tell me how it goes
i was thinking of releasing "mission mode" games that let you play as another character and just play 1 level all these good ideas are really helping!
good idea, im going to add that!
i haven't decided yet on how to deal with riku's dark mode, i might model it after how Re:COM handled it, if you land a certain amount of hits you can use his dark mode, im still not sure though...
thanks! A little update guys i can now have more then 1-2 enemies on screen I can essentially now have any number of enemies on screen. The battle system will remain intact. Z for attack, and x for finisher, and im now starting to plan the system for Dark Riku, if you guys want leave any suggestions here for Dark Riku game play thanks!
sure here it is, just remember this was a while back, may not be up to my current standards. thanks! im hoping for a major improvement. Im also constantly improving the enemy AI, because I want the eventual battle with Sora to be epic
no it ends when you fight the parasite cage hmm, try playing it agian ill look into the problem --------------------UPDATE------------------------------ Behind the scenes video of the 4th episode and the whole game :)
kinda just a way to keep people looking or secret stuff in the game
Im thinking of add some platforming elements, like when riku visit any world instead of just walking and fighting. Also im gonna add some "Achievements" :D
ill need sprites for heartless ill upload the files
do you need the 2d leon sprites or the 3d ones?
ok thanks!
sure! you've got the models and the viewer right?
nice thanks ill use those for sure :)
yeah, in battle mode riku will be like cloud's 3d sprites im taking a small brake to play 358/2 days but im working on the sprites before I begin EP4