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  1. Rami_keyblade
    It was made on a mac :)
    As long as you have flash player installed it should work
    try these:
    run it in your browser
    or download the flash player from

    once you got it working play Ep 2&3

    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Dec 13, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  2. Rami_keyblade
    Im Back!!!

    Im back! wondering where i went?
    I'll fill you in, College application are due by January, and I'm looking into Game Programming and Im also looking into Animation. I needed to build a portfolio for my application, needed to paint, draw, and im still in the process of doing it. But the bulk of it is done. So I can now resume my work of EP:4

    I'll inform you guys some more when i got more updates

    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Dec 12, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  3. Rami_keyblade
    ya the kingdom hearts 1 models
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Nov 19, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  4. Rami_keyblade
    hey, sorry about the lack of updates i just finished writing the improved Platforming, Fighting, and overall game engines

    i need to ask for something though, remember the 3D models
    can someone give me the name of the files for Donald, goofy, and sora, riku, maleficint

    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Nov 19, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  5. Rami_keyblade
  6. Rami_keyblade
  7. Rami_keyblade
  8. Rami_keyblade
  9. Rami_keyblade
  10. Rami_keyblade
    nice! you've have been a great help!

    ill upload it to youtube!

    Here it is on youtube!
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Nov 4, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  11. Rami_keyblade
    its the same format as the games, try and open it with the interent
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Nov 4, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  12. Rami_keyblade
    small update
    Its a little Promo for the games and the new menu of Episode 4.

    Shout out to Riku's Afterlife for the pictures!
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Nov 4, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  13. Rami_keyblade
    slow downs

    Hey guys I'm sorry to say that i haven't been able to get working on Episode 4 as much as I want to. I was hit with the flu last week and missed a whole week of school. Now I've got to catch up, but hopefully I can start to get back on track with Episode 4.

    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Nov 3, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  14. Rami_keyblade
    nice! thats exactly what i meant thanks ill give credit
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  15. Rami_keyblade
    dont stress it, if you can thats cool but its fine for now
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  16. Rami_keyblade
    cool could is it possible to get those in a side view?
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  17. Rami_keyblade
    if you want go ahead and pm thos gif i could throw them in as secret bosses
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  18. Rami_keyblade
    Boss battles AI has been re-written so that its more challenging, and so that the Boss will actually react based off of what you do

    Sorry for the longer wait!

    I could if I go that far into riku's story but the problem is that Organization was all taken care of in COM i want to make it so that u guys play something you haven't in the real games
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  19. Rami_keyblade
    ill check the codes out!
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  20. Rami_keyblade
    hack? like the kh 1 & 2 codes and stuff
    sorry no but there pretty cool i havent checked out the code vault in a while though

    the engine that the game runs on now supports projectiles!
    Dark Riku will be able to cast spells!
    Post by: Rami_keyblade, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Discussion