Strong guy eh?
What a mess!What's going on here!?
Absolutley false...:(
Wait! If they can wield sora's keyblade, how can he fights them?
The easiest is Demyx and I think there isn't a hard battle in the game
Yeah, you just press X and you can always interrupt any attack(the only problem is that you lose all drive bars).
Strong guy eh? but how do you fight him?
The bosses are too easy and I wanted to use more two keyblades wielder Roxas
Sweet!!! But it's very short.
I don't care if sephirot will be stronger i'll beat him the same way of KH2 and I'll find this place.
About one year ago my friend showed me KH and 6 month later I received it for my birthday.
One word: "WATER!"
I must die by my choice to see the king because the bosses are too easy (how can you call demyx hard? just use donald's limits and you win) If you don't level up drive forms you can't beat sephirot (you need all of them at level 5 or 7)
I hope that they will import in Europe too, I had enough to see Japanese who has everything first (just think about KH2 release date Jp Dec. 2005 EU Sep.2006!)
I'm running out of patience, I want it too :(
You need an energy crystal to use only half materials so 13 orc+ become 7 and you need like 7 serenity christals too
It will be easier in 3d because you can dodge attacks much better than CoM for gameboy (just my opinion)
I would travel with my own friends helping him only for some boss (with Ultima Weapon of course!)
I'll never stop to hope (i live in Italy)
Oh yeah! I can't wait too much, I will destroy org.XIII!