Maybe that old man is the real xeahnort, he has the same dress that his heartless wears.
It looks like Xehanort because when he changes his eyes colors they become yellow like Xenhaort and Ansem.
After Roxas cutscene in TWTNW you must continue to use any form until final comes (be careful, you must have at least 5 drive bars because final form requires 5 bars tu activate)
Don't worry, sephirot is a jerk in front of Xemnas.
Sorry to destroy your dreams but he isn't at level 1, he causes too damage. Neither with all abilites you can do so many damage at level 1.
Is it strange to finish KH:FM without knowing any words of japanese? I mean i continue to put on casual abilites and I never lose.
That's Right!
Too much time to count it!
You must have all 4 forms to max level your drive
KH1 because Sora is just a n00b and he is too slower to use items and magics
Nomura has no idea about how many people outside japan want to buy it.
Are you kiddin!!!???This is crazy!
He can't be, Riku never turned into a heartless
I think Roxas would win, he has a more aggressive fighting style and since he is a nobody he can teleport wherever he wants
Like i was saying...:D
You're lucky, i don't even have final mix + :(
Nobodies are stronger (just think about samurais and berserker)
I think Roxas is the best. He accepted to give his half-power to sora to be complete and his samurai nobodies are really stronger than other nobodies. (It's strange but he is the only one nobody who can feel sad or hate)
Please come to europe!!!
Cool!! Roxas is better than I expected :D