well thats what happend when i use the 8 or all cards cheat for the jap verson it dosent start the game just a BSOD dont even c the beuna vista trademark or nothing so im assuming it isnt jokered
even a code MASTER cant help me T_T
can i get these codes converted for the japanese version and if they need jokers can you put that in to (since no one wants to explain what a joker is or how to use it) Have All Attack Cards (Press L2) E002FEFF 0043B91C 4060C524 00780001 08080808 00000000 Have All Magic Cards (Press L2) E002FEFF 0043B91C 4060C704 00500001 08080808 00000000 Have All Item Cards (Press L2) E003FEFF 0043B91C 4060C844 00110001 08080808 00000000 1060C888 00000808 Have All Enemy Cards (Press L2) E002FEFF 0043B91C 4060C984 000F0001 08080808 00000000 Have All Cards (Press L2) There were some cards missing. It's complete now. E004FEFF 0043B91C 4060c524 01260001 63636363 00000000 1060C9bc 00006363 0060C9be 00000063
u gotta put them in yourself sadly swapmagic hasn't updated its code list in a while but considering its just raw format code its easy enough to put in
how do i joker XD is thare a guide to jokering on these forums ?? Cards Have All Cards x8 406111A4 01260001 08080808 00000000 1061163C 00000808 0061163E 00000008 Joker (credit to Hiei-yyh) 0043FB9C i see these 2 but i have no idea how to put them into my swapmagic 3.8 coder and im not shure how to assigned them to a button aswell
hey anyone got a working have 8 of all cards code i tried the one on the first page and it dosent even let me start the game just a BSOD also i need a all map cards code to thnks in advance :] oh yeah this is for the jap version lol
nope just the one like i said ive only got the original final mix now anyway so lag drive for me :]
if ur using a burnt copy of final mix it should work 100% with swapmagic i only bought the real final mix cause with backups when u go into a drive form it takes about 5-7 seconds to drive (not rly sure y tho) and as for the slim it will work providing u read the instructions on the swapmagic site im using an old ps2 so if it works on an old ps2 a new slim ps2 is no problem ^^(ive done it on a slim to also :b)
im using that exact same swapmagic and as far as i can tell it uses codebreaker codes witch the majority of them are on the front page and i guarantee codebreaker if better than using ARMAX code format the M code for ur after is CB6+/Gs3+/Xp4+ 903088E0 0C0C21E0 also inf hp and mp Infinite HP 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 infinite mp in battle(Pyriels Code) 200C0100 8C830238 200C0104 8C810184 200C0108 0023100B 200C010C 08068678 200C0110 AC820180 201A1A10 08030040 but i suggest this one cause ive tested this one myself No MP Charge 201A1D78 10000006 trust me when i say u wont need armax format codes cause the cheat menu on my swapmagis is always codebreaker format and its also 3.8 + coder also i got these code from the front page so look thare if u need more also i haven't tested the inf hp code yet so idk if it works
sweetness thnks for that Rox but the mickey blade is making an odd sound when i walk every meter of so i walk i here the mickeys Perl attack sound and when i guard in limit form is sounds like reaction command also anyone got a working riku code ive tried 3 different ones and ill i here is the BGM of the world i was in last one last thing ( sorry if this seems uber noob or stupid) but no matter how hard i try i dont rly understand the concept of jokering i saw a vid of someone explaining it but i still rly dont understand the way to use it :/ sorry if im hassling you guys thnks in advance guys
already tried that i DLded all of it and i dont seem to understand how to use the WTTD or opposite KK they both just crash me :/
anyone got for me just a simple inf hp code im trying to do some hacked fights oh yeah and the wiled mickey and way to dawn keyblade codes ? thnks in advance :] oh yes i need them go go with this master code F02F5EF8 002F5EFB im using swapmagic 3.8 coder idk if that makes any diffrence tho ?
hey um anyone know a gud program or maker i can use to record my voice i would use my mobile if it wasent stolen -_- any suggestions im most confident on my Axel and Riku voices and i can do beavis from beaves and butt-head to lol but thats beside the point XD
any vioce desently hey i would love to try this i can deffnetly do any male voice in kh1 or 2 cause cause im a random person i do voices of other chars ALOTTTTT lol so yeah i can do most of those voices near perfect if not close and i am verry confident for a reason xD not shure how i can get u to hear my voice i have a skype and msn so yeah gamegod@hotmail and u can hear my voice acting user Kingdomblood ^^ get bak soon XD
gah hey i tried the riku v.3a code but cause riku has no wep he crashes bigtime i got a riku code from cloud252 and its its workin all gud the ground combos dont t stance u but i got a lame KKey and for some reason its floating around rikus head any way to just get him bak to WTTD riku without the FF moveset and still kip his non t stancing appeal ??? btw even if i walk rilu crashed : / help pwese =D
okes thnks riku wish i could help u wuth ur codes :/ oh 1 last thing how the heck do i joker riku in to data and terras fight cause atm im clueless XD
sum stuff hey me again i just would like the following codes in CB form go to the place whare xemnas talks to an old friend aka the amour of aqua room mod dummy weps for the riku code fixed also a code where riku dosent crash in data or terra battles also play as normal sora in limit forms costume thanks in advance peace ^^
yeah thats the right one
wth guys wth i tried the riku code 3 Riku Code: Version 3 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 21CE267C 003200A3 21CB8C4C 01000000 21CB8C94 00230001 21CB8C9C 0A000000 1032E020 00000029 11CD4B08 00000068 21CD5A48 58455F57 21CD5A4C 5F303130 21CD5A50 425F5852 21CD5A54 5F464C54 01CD5A58 0000004C and now i got sora with a keyblade stuck to his freaking head :/ and i had this on to Enable Code (Riku) 01CE0B6C 00000136 1032f228 0000012D and when the enable code as gofy ALLWAYS turned into the dor from hercules world of the coliseum so um yeah wth ?? and if its ok i need all the fake wepon codes so i can equip them to the *new Riku* code as a weapon thanks in advance cant seem to find the old post btw by FAKE i mean th dummy weapons lol sry im new th this XD
umm hey anyone got the riku code for swapmagic 3.8 or just in ARMAX format ill convert it myself also the code that stops it from giving me the BSOD thnks in advance