yeah i mondo bored right now anybody wanna talk on aim my sn is KairiSoraKHLight i will acept from anyone as long as you dont harras me then i will hunt you down but uh yeah hope some1 wants to talk 2 me
1. 2. these are the first i have made and im still learning and experimenting tell me whatcha think ok
admit it people the spam zone just isennt what it was a few weeks ago when whe had all thoes big games going like the sentance game and when tallian and crono where flaming people and then when tallian, crono, the others, and i all got busted in the character joke thread...ahh good times but things are slow does anybody else miss the good old days?
this video is all about sora and kairi and it does have a little roxas and namine i luvs this song and i hoe you like my video!
what if orginization 13 wasent realy dead what if they where still out there with a new way to get there hearts back but not all of tem where bad what if there where some who ha left the orginization (i think Axel Larxene Vexen Demyx and Zexion left and are workin with you against the but the rest are still bad and still want you out of the picture....what if.....
just coppy the following into your url browser , hit go and see what happens i dare you javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0); no this isent some weird stalker website you wont die if you do this! (sry thats just the kinda think i would think but hey im weird!!!) this is from tallian i stole it from somwher -EDIT- aparently i cant get that to work so try it from here
where did your user name cone from some ar pretty streightforward mine KairiSora(my favourite pairing) and kKeyoflight uh well key is from keyblade and light is from "kingdom hearts is light' ya kinda lame i think and makes 4 a realy long name but mah preferd nickname Kaira is a combo of Kairi and Sora kai+ra
the bogey man checks his closet for chuck norris at night!! chuck norris dosent get wet the watter gets chuck norris i know you have heard more spill them here share them with the world!!
we are al mad at somebody some time like my little sister and tallian for forgeting my name and uh the that last one use this therad to let ur anger out!!
well im turnin 16 in a few days and thats the age that newyorkers can start driving so im gettin my premit soooooooo uh anybody have anything to say ??
yeah well i thought it was gettin kinda boring without fellow dictators tallian and crono here so this is a tread all about being random ....OH LOOK A CHICKEN*runs after it *
My birthday is october 18th and i share my birthday with alot of people i was born on my moms best friends husbands birthday few years later there son was born on oct 18 last year my cousin was born on oct 18 and today i found out my bio teacher has the same b day i say we make it a natonal holiday!! who else shares and who do they share with??
what if in the next game you could go to final fantasy worlds instead of just disney and original worlds does anybodyelse think that would totaly rock i mean think about it ppl it woild be awsome!!!1
what if instead of just being able to play as the main character you could swich to the other party members like say you where sora you could also play as donald or gofy each would have there own advantages and disadvantages but if one died you could just swich to the other what do you people think
the rules are simple one person starts a sentance and the person below finishes it then starts another one jerry was about to bite into an apple ..... ...... when it began to talk to him so here it is nick was walking to school when ........
what would you do if you where in the car w/ ur mom and some friends and u hadent told ur mom u liked soebody and ur friend kept hinting at them and then when you got home and started surfing the forum she came to you and said "why dident you tell me !" i died!! thats it im dead tell me your story now im not talking regular little things im talking the MAYJOR deadly kind that makes you wanna die
What if you could make yourself a character in the kingdom hearts series it has to bee an all new character you cant be Kairi or Sora ect. WHo would you be and what is your story Character : Myself a keyblade holder one day im realy upset so i run outside and stand on a rock staring into the water below a tear falls from my eye and in the rippling watter my reflection changes to show sora kairi and riku behind me i stumble back trip fall being into darkness i land in destiny islands where i am found by kairi i explain all about what she and the others mean in our world and then we go back to the main island where i am to stay under the alias of kairis lost cousin after that i learn i have akeyblade and we must travvel the worlds to defeat the org.13 consisting now of only Xemnas Xigbar Xaldin Lexaus luxordand Saix with the help of the Sages of nothing (org deserters lead by Axel) also consisting of larexne Xexion Vexen and demyx (oh and roxas and namine can walk free if sora and kairi so chose) to find rikus nobody and my crush (who they took from me *sob*) king micky has already departed with donald and goofy so we travel meet up with old friends make new firends at the end we join up with micky and crew find rikus nobody and my crush (romantic reunion included) and help the sages get ther hearts back (YAY) .....not realy shure what to do bout the rest of org 13 yet but ill get back on that THATS ma story whats urs !
what is KHVR i keep hearing about it but i dont know what it is can somebody help me !!
What do you think about a kingdom hearts game for the nintendo wii imagine using the motion sensitive controller as the keyblade i think that would be totaly awsome!!!
this is the first video in a series im already hard at work on the second i want to thank all the people at KH-Vids. net couldent have done it without you guys i am alrady alot happer with the next one this was my very first video so ya gotta cut me some slack here CHECK IT OUT PPLZ! and tell me what ya think!!XD!! Edit: The sequel has arrived!! and while ur at it feel free to watch my AMV